
Trauma to double trauma

Yes this story uses southpark characters but there barely like they are in the show. And I used random characters from other online places like slender man, but this is a fan fiction so I can do what I want

KittyBombC · Lainnya
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5 Chs

1. The focefull engagement

Life is a very touchy thing to think about, Most people think life is bueatiful and should live it happily to the fullest. While others like me think life is brutal and isn't a blessing at all.

Those people think everything is worthless including love. Of course I also don't particularly think of love especially after the only ones I did love left this world. Maybe I could try finding love again but-

"STAN, get your butt down here this instant!"

I could tell that was my dad calling me down so he can scold me on everything I do. I very slowly closed my dairy and put my favorite jacket on before heading down stairs. Once my dad noticed me at the bottom of the stairs he gave my a "Oh here he is look" before morioning his hands for me to come closer.

I was reluctant at first but knew if I didn't want to get beat up soon, I should get over there Imidiatly. I quickly walked over to his side and noticed a very tall man with short blond hair and a pitch black suit.

"We are very grateful for having you over sir" My dad said in a surprisingly normal tone. Usually he would yell at anyone on a daily basis for absolutely no reason. "Right back at you Mr Marsh, now onto business about the engagement" The man in the black suit said.

Hearing that made me question the scenario going on right now. Was dad planning to sell of my sister or mother to this weirdo for something amount of cash or was he gonna cheat on his straight sexuality for a gay money situation?

Before I could think of anything else my dad pushed me into he man making face fall right on his chest because of how tall he was. "As promised you can marry my son and you give me that 69 million dollars we were talkin about. The man in the suit held me tight against him before I could even think of realising myself. " Wow, I didn't think he was as cute as you said, he is a once in a life time treasure, you have yourself a deal!"

From the corner of my eye I could see my dad with a gigantic smirk on his face, I finally managed to releases my self from the man and gave my dad and him a bit of a death glare. "Wait just a minute, y-you can't just marry me of to some weirdo guy, for all you know he might scam you and take me for free!!!" I said in an angry tone.

"Shut it BRAT, I don't even care if you get kidnapped, the only reason your here still here is for the money I get from selling you online!!!" My dad hollered, I stepped back in fear but landed right back into the man's arms.

I tried to get out again but this time he covered my mouth with some type or towel and soon I started feeling really dizzy. I tried to fight it but instead I felt a sharp pain in my chest and it made me weaker. The last thing I headed was the man whisper in my ear, " You belong to me now and you better not act like this again", and then I blacked out.

By the time I had woken up I didn't see my parents, or my sister, and not the man. I tried standing but fell right back down, my arms and legs were tied together with some type of twisted metal. Then I felt a foot stomp on my stomach and I winced in pain, it was the man from earlier but this time he was in a lab coat with a black mask on. "So you finally woke up, took you long enough" he said as he dug his foot farther into my stomach making it more painful. I wanted to fight back but I couldn't in my current state, " How long were you standing there for, quite a waste of time to wait for me to wake up huh" I said in a suprisingly calm manner.

He frowned before putting a big smirk on his face, "Your quite the stubborn one aren't you, Stan", he said in satisfied tone. It annoyed me how he just said my name as if we were friends, I wanted to punch him in the face to badly but again I couldn't in my current state. Suddenly a fat purple chained collar appeared around my neck with the chain in the man's hand, he tugged it hard pulling me an inch away from his face. " Listen here kid, you are officially owned by me and there is nothing you can do about it, so the best you can do for me now is shut the hell up while I run some expiraments on you!!! " He said in an annoyingly angry voice, He sent chills down my spine but I made sure not to show it.

Then he smacked my ass as an intent to make me realize he was in charge, I held back any noise I could've made at that moment but my face showed how I really felt (anger, pleasure, and pain), I had felt pain like that many times but that one was particularly bad. When he saw my face he looked satisfied and then chain disappeared and my head hit the floor hard, he stood up and then picked me up on his arms and walked out of the room.

Soon we arrived in another room with tons of weird tools that I had never seen before, the only ones I recognised were the scale and the syringe. He walked over to a chair that looked like one of the chairs you sit in at the dentist but bigger and with metal restraints and that freaked me out. He walked over to the chair and plopped me into it and closed all of the restraints which made even more scared. He walked over to a table and grabbed a suitcase before giving me a creepy smile, and once again I was freaked out.