
Trash Awakening, F-Rank Copy Passive Talent

Raymond Koto works at his uncle's photocopy shop. Ray's job wasn't too difficult, but he often felt bored. To alleviate his boredom, he would read comics and fantasy novels from Japan, Korea, and China. Moreover, he also watched videos, whether for entertainment or education. One time, Ray was reading a thesis that he had printed for a customer. This was a normal routine for Ray as he often read the materials customers had ordered before they picked up the items. However, he stumbled upon a set of strange words that piqued his interest. As he muttered the words, he began to feel unusual sensations. Suddenly, he experienced a headache and found himself transported into the body of a high school student in another world. This new world was filled with monsters, superheroes, supervillains, and other strange and interesting things. Ray was no longer bored with his life, but he felt a mix of anticipation and anxiety. He didn't want to get lost in this fantasy world and end up achieving nothing. Therefore, he began to try new things and work to enjoy and maintain his small life.

Ampas_Tahu · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
110 Chs

Go Home

Chapter 13

Ray's anticipation turned into a pleasant surprise, and a dazzling smile unconsciously appeared on his face. He looked as if he had stumbled upon a treasure. Still finding it hard to believe, Ray held the crystal core once again and continued to mutter in his heart.

Eventually, Ray shouted excitedly, "It's a B-rank skill!" He never expected to find such a valuable passive talent in this place. Initially, Ray had thought that camping in the woods would be less dangerous and wouldn't bring any benefits. He only anticipated encountering aggressive beast herds.

Aligned with his previous thoughts, Ray believed that the talents possessed by the forest's beasts would be of little use. However, he unexpectedly discovered this high-level passive talent in this remote location. Reflecting on this, Ray contemplated resetting his mindset.

But before he could do that, the ordinary young man decided to test out the passive talent he had obtained from the horned rabbit. With some guesswork, Ray finally experienced the effects of the B-rank passive talent.

"Hahaha, this is fun!" Ray exclaimed as he double-jumped through the air. Jumping was the first thing that came to mind when thinking of a rabbit, so Ray tried it immediately after acquiring this passive talent. As expected, the talent worked like an aerial springboard, similar to what Ray had observed rabbits doing before. Ray had initially been skeptical, assuming it was an active talent, but he was lucky enough to hit the jackpot again.

After familiarizing himself with the passive talent from the rabbit core, Ray proceeded to test the talent stored in the wolf core. Gripping the bead-sized crystal with great excitement, he discovered that there was no active passive talent associated with it. Ray couldn't help but feel disappointed as he made his way back to the tent.

Ray went to bed early, allowing his body to recover from the previous day's injuries.

The next morning, Ray woke up and prepared breakfast using the leftovers from the previous night. He then engaged in some light cleaning before continuing with his sculpting activities from the previous night. Finally, the six small statues were completed.

After packing up, Ray returned to the open area from the previous night and started light exercises to loosen his joints. Despite the pain in every movement, he remained determined.

Once the light warm-up was finished, the ordinary young man began practicing his newly named B-rank aerial spring passive talent. After feeling satisfied with his practice, Ray stopped and took a short break.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the young man got up and started exploring the surrounding area with his head down, deep in thought.

Now Ray is collecting various items in the taiga forest, such as mushrooms, medicinal ingredients, nuts, and more. He also checks the traps he had set before. Despite not having any success since the first day, Ray remains optimistic.

Finally, Ray's persistence pays off when he discovers an ordinary-looking squirrel trapped in one of the traps. "Hehehehe, my survival show wasn't in vain!" Ray exclaims as he stores the squirrel with his other catches. He doesn't bother skinning or doing anything else with the squirrel's corpse since he believes it's time to head home.

Ray rides his bicycle back to town without anything noteworthy happening along the way. The guards who receive and confirm his return from outside the city give him strange looks. Finally, at two o'clock in the afternoon, Ray safely arrives in front of his gate.

Staring at his familiar home, Ray feels a mix of emotions in his heart. With anticipation, he walks towards the house. Upon opening the door, he sees two little figures playing with little enthusiasm. Disturbed by Ray's voice, the two children turn towards him.

Their eyes light up when they see Ray standing awkwardly in front of them. "Ahhh, brother, you're home! Yeyyyyyy, brother is home!" screams of joy are heard as the little girl runs around before jumping into Ray's arms. Ray, with knitted brows, catches the little girl, although his body is still sore from the previous injury.

Meanwhile, the little boy happily approaches Ray's body, although he's not as loud as the little girl in his arms. While Ray is puzzled by the little girl's enthusiasm, a soft cry can be heard. "UuuuuHicks, hicks." Ray's body is now wet with tears.

For some reason, the little one starts crying, but the little girl's next words break Ray's heart. "Luckily, brother came home, hiccup, hiccup. Haruza thought you would leave Haruza like father and mother... Sob, sob, Haruza promises not to be naughty again... uwaaaaaa..."

Hearing this, Ray slightly blames himself. "Ehhh, no way. Who would dare to leave such a cute sister? The proof is that your brother is back. Brother, I'll be gone for a while. I have work. Brother, you brought it for Haruza, right?" With that, Ray puts the little girl down and looks for something in his bag.

"Tada... here it is, the little statue that your brother made..." Ray then gives the little girl a statue of a horned rabbit and a little turtle. He then looks at Esubi before finally saying, "This brother made something for Esubi too." The little boy happily picks up the turtle and wolf sculptures that Ray had made earlier.

"Thank you, brother," Esubi said shyly. Ray smiled and nodded lightly before turning his attention back to his little sister.

"Oh yes, brother also brought honey. Haruza will love it!" Ray said, trying to cheer up the little ones.

While Ray was interacting with the children, Yuvra finally arrived to witness the commotion. "Oh, is Ray back home?" she asked.

"Yes, Mother," Ray replied with a tinge of guilt.

"Did the camping trip go smoothly? Were there any dangers?" Yuvra inquired, approaching closer.

Ray, feeling guilty to answer, recalled the near-death experience from the previous incident. "Um, I'm fine..."

Concerned, Yuvra noticed her son's strange behavior. "Are you telling the truth? Are you unharmed?" she asked with worry.

"Yes, Mother, just a few scrapes from grass and tree branches," Ray responded softly.

"Is that so? Well, come on, take off your clothes, and let me check. It's better to treat any wounds immediately to avoid infection."

Hearing this, Ray panicked. "N-no, Mother, it's okay, just a small wound!"

Observing her stubborn son, Yuvra became slightly confused. She approached Ray and extended her hand.

After a moment, a green light enveloped Ray's body with gentle intensity. Ray was stunned, realizing that this phenomenon was caused by his mother's healing technique. He felt more at ease.

Once the green light faded, Yuvra asked Ray again, "Are you sure you don't want me to check?"

"Yes, Mother, I'm fine," Ray reassured her.

"Alright then, you should go take a shower and rest," Yuvra suggested.

"Okay, Mom..." Ray handed the jar filled with honey to his mother and instructed the two children to taste it. He then ascended the stairs to take a shower.

While climbing the stairs, Ray felt grateful. He walked without difficulty thanks to his mother's healing technique, avoiding any awkwardness from his residual injuries.

In the evening, after dinner, Ray lay in bed with mixed emotions. After a life-and-death experience, he contemplated his past life and his new one. He searched for the reason why he had been transported to this world but found no answers.

Ray also reflected on his previous battle and acknowledged the many mistakes he had made. Fortunately, he had survived. He pondered various aspects such as talents, strength, the unique elements of this world, and ordinary matters.

Eventually, Ray went to bed a bit later than usual due to the multitude of thoughts weighing on his mind.

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