

Quineera was a beautiful and successful young woman. At the age of 25 she managed to become CEO of Carl's Company, one of the leading companies in her country. Success did not calm her down. For the past four years she had been searching for information about a man named Gevariel Ethan Xander. A chef who caused her parents and sister to die. Quineera wanted to avenge her broken heart by making the man feel the pain of loss. But she could do nothing when love appeared unexpectedly. Quineera discovered many new facts about Gevariel and she fell in love with him. What will Quineera choose? Love or revenge?

Avaya0627 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
25 Chs


After eating her food, Quineera felt her stomach full. "This is the first time I've eaten a steak this tender. The seasoning is so pervasive that I want to try it again," Quineera said. Even though her heart wanted to curse Geva, her tongue couldn't lie.

"So glad to hear that. Recently Geva also created a new recipe, purple sweet potato noodles. Maybe another day you can try it," Luke said to Quin and his words made Geva, who had not spoken, step on Luke's feet. "Why was my foot stepped on?" Luke protested. Mouth did not answer but Geva's eyes glared at him.

"Looks like Geva doesn't like your idea," Quineera answered and then she saw Gevariel. "Thank you Geva for the cooking. It's already eight o'clock. I'm afraid the two of them are worrying just because I'm late coming home." Quin asked permission because a message came to her cell phone.

"Let me take you home. I have to take responsibility." Luke immediately stood up.

"It doesn't matter. I've asked Max to pick me up." Quin's answer broke Luke's hopes. In addition to wanting to make Quin as a work partner, he was also captivated by Quin's simple charm. At first Luke thought that Quin would act arrogant considering Quin was a career woman who served as CEO of Carl's Company.

Max was already in front of Luke's house. He looked back at the address Quineera had shared. Totally convinced, he finally contacted Quin. Quin, who was still chatting with Luke, immediately answered the call on her cell phone. "Yes, Max. I will go out." Quin replied.

"Give my regards to Geva, okay?" Quinn said before leaving. After finishing the dinner, Geva chose to enter the bedroom instead of spending time with a woman he had just met. If it weren't for Luke's insistence, he wouldn't have joined the dinner. Especially when he had to cook.

"I will say it to Geva. Pardon my friend's attitude. He's a little shy." Luke did his best not to reveal Geva's true weakness.

"It's OK." Quin replied as she raised her hands and shoulders.

"You are a very understanding woman," Luke praised. Their footsteps went hand in hand to the front. Max had purposely waited outside the gate because they wouldn't be in the house long.

Seeing Quin came out, Max immediately opened the car door. "Be careful, Quinn. I hope we can still meet." Luke waved at Quin.

"Sure." Quinn gave a smile. "We must meet soon. You are his friend. I will approach you a lot so that I can be close to him.`` Quinn said in her heart.

Max had driven the car. "How was the dinner?" Max asked. Even though his daily life looked firm and serious, Max was still a man who already considered Quin as his own little sister. Outside of work he would turn a little warm on Quin.

"Do you know who I met just now?" Quin reversed the question.

"Of course I know. You met Mr. Luke. Mr. Luke is the son of Uncle Deon's best friend." Max answered according to what he knew.

"I met Gevariel Ethan Xander." When the name was mentioned, Max was immediately shocked that he braked suddenly.

"Why did you meet him without me? Does he know your identity? What if he hurts you?" Max showered Quin with lots of questions.

It was implied in his eyes that he was worried about Quineera. From the beginning he had advised Quin to forget the revenge plan but Quin's heart wound was too deep to make the pain become Hate and end in revenge.

"I accidentally. Turns out he was Luke's friend. He even came to my welcoming party. Don't you see it? Do you know his face?"

Max remembered the series of parties held by Uncle Deon. He didn't see Geva's face at all. So far only Max and Katty knew Gevariel's real face. And that too they got from trusted spies they paid to keep an eye on Geva.

"How about the planned meeting you had with Gevariel and his assistant?" Quinn asked.

After learning that Gevariel and his best friend would open a new restaurant, Max offers that his boss would become a main investor and supplier of raw materials. If there was a question why, of course Max had already given a logical answer that wouldn't arouse suspicion.


It was still early in the morning when Luke was banging on the door of Geva's apartment. Geva, who was still very sleepy, grumbled. His habit of sleeping late at night made him always wake up late. In addition to anxiety disorder, Gevariel often had trouble sleeping.

"What? It's still early to make a fuss!" Geva snapped when he opened the door. The characteristic face of waking up with disheveled hair didn't decrease his charming face this morning.

"I have come with good news. At least greet me with a happy face. Hurry up, brush your teeth and wash your face!" Luke told his destination then gave a command.

"I am still sleepy. I only slept at three o'clock." Instead of washing his face, Geva climbed onto the sofa and hugged the sofa cushions preparing to continue his sleeping.

"Don't sleep anymore! Today we will meet a main investor. After some companies rejected our proposals, this person actually came to offer if his boss wanted to be an investor and would be a supplier as well." Finally Luke shared the important information.

Gevariel's fame as a celebrity chef did not make it easy for him to get investors. Moreover, some entrepreneurs have received warnings from Gevariel's parents not to cooperate with them. How surprised Luke was because uninvited investors came in person. Since Luke already knew Max and Katty's faces, Katty contacted Luke via cell phone. She said that her boss wanted to meet Luke and Gevariel.

"Are you serious? How come?" Gevariel's drowsiness suddenly disappeared. The sofa cushion had been thrown in any direction.

"So… don't sleep anymore! You take a shower first. Let me make breakfast." To save time Luke offered to make breakfast. He was very familiar with Geva's habit, who did not want to eat out.

Gevariel took a towel and went into the bathroom. There was a sense of happiness because his dreams would come true. But the oddity still crept in his heart. "Who is this businessman? Why did he suddenly propose to cooperate? Alright! I'd better get Luke to ask."

Gevariel wore casual clothes. He didn't like to dress formally, so he only wore jeans, a black t-shirt wrapped in a jacket. He immediately pressed his ass on the chair to enjoy the sandwich Luke had prepared. "Ask them, why did they choose us? It's strange that they suddenly invite us to cooperate while some companies reject our proposals." Gevariel was still wondering.