
The Order of the Obsidian [3] - Dreiz

It was dark outside, the stars providing a gentle, comforting light, while the moon shone brightly, as if watching over the night sky.

Amidst this darkness, one figure blended in perfectly. Clad in a long dark robe and a gray featureless mask, his presence was known only by the faintest whisper of movement.

Yet to the naked eye, he was invisible.

The campus was quiet, with only a few students in sight—some rushing towards the mall, where a handful of stores remained open late, and others simply taking leisurely walks, oblivious to Quill's presence among them.

As he reached the entrance of the library, he encountered a few others dressed identically.

They acknowledged him with a simple nod, which he returned in kind.

'So no one can see me unless they're wearing the same mask?' Quill mused.

He knew he hadn't deactivated his invisibility, yet the masked students had reacted to him and even greeted him, suggesting they too were invisible, discernible only to those wearing the same mask.

This mask was more efficient and impressive than Quill had initially thought.

However, this was confusing. In the novel, from Emrys' perspective, it was never mentioned that Emrys was unable to see them.

'The invisibility part wasn't included... Or did they turn visible when fighting him? If so, that would have been awful writing...'

Entering the library, he joined five others, all similarly attired. The only way to distinguish them was by their varying heights.

Suddenly, a sixth figure emerged from behind a closed shelf, which swung open like a secret door, and gestured for the group to follow through the hidden passage.

They obeyed, and the bookshelf closed behind them, giving Quill a final glimpse of the library.

Everything happening now was new to him.

Emrys had never been considered for the Order, obviously, so he had never entered through official channels.

It was a risk, no question, but a calculated one.

Quill hoped it wouldn't harbor any immediate danger. He knew he couldn't fend off hundred students, especially with a Defender Ranked among them.

The reason for their proficiency was clear: someone had to maintain organization over the years, ensuring swift operations and uncomplicated meetings.

In conclusion, the head of this cell of the Order was a professor at Sentinel.

The secret passage revealed a wooden floor, devoid of the technology Quill had grown accustomed to.

Instead, it was a beautifully ornamented floor, intricately carved with elegant designs and lit by torches that flickered along the walls, casting dancing shadows.

The group followed their sixth guide in silence, communicating only through the subtle movements of their black-cloaked figures.

Reaching the end of the passage, they encountered a stone wall bearing the emblem of the Order. It was circular, with its surface textured to resemble the natural fissures of obsidian, and at its heart, a crystalline motif.

With a loud grumble, the stone wall began to lift, revealing the chamber beyond.

The guide gestured for them to enter, and they complied. Once they had passed through, the guide remained in place, watching as the stone wall descended back into position.

'My word...!'

As Quill took in his surroundings, he found himself in a grand cave, a vast space filled with dozens of seats arranged in a circular manner, reminiscent of an ancient parliament.

The seats were intricately carved from dark wood, each one adorned with symbols of the Order.

The color scheme was a striking blend of deep purple and midnight black, giving the hall an almost otherworldly aura.

Two small waterfalls with sky-blue water cascaded gently on either side of the cave, their serene sound adding to the fantastical atmosphere.

The water glistened as it fell into crystal-clear pools, creating a soothing ambiance that contrasted with the room's imposing grandeur.

The air was cool and carried a faint, pleasant scent of earth and fresh water, enhancing the cave's mystical feel.

Quill stood there, mouth agape beneath his mask, momentarily lost in the surreal beauty of the place.

His trance was broken by a gentle tap on his shoulder. Another masked figure signaled for him to take a seat.

Quill nodded, complying immediately. Most of the seats were already occupied by others in identical disguises.

The hall was eerily silent, the only sounds being the flickering of torches and the gentle fall of water.

Suddenly, all the lights extinguished, plunging them into darkness.

'Why is everyone so calm? This is supposed to be a first experience for most of them,' Quill thought, his unease hidden behind his mask.

Abruptly, an intense purple light illuminated a stage in the center of the hall, reflecting off the gray masks of the assembled figures.

From the shadows, a person emerged, wearing the same attire as everyone else. The only distinguishing feature was the three lines marked on his mask.

Quill knew enough about the Order of the Obsidian to understand the significance.

The lines on their masks denoted rank.

While most, including Quill, had featureless masks indicating they were rankless, the individual on stage, with his three lines, was clearly a Order Leader.

Given his role in the Sentinel Academy cell, this person held considerable importance within the Order.

He stood silently, waiting for the last students to take their seats.

"Dear Bloodgifted," his mechanical voice filled the cave, the sound bouncing off the cave walls once it was clear no more members would arrive. "It is today that we mark the start of your journey as chosen ones."

The cave remained silent, devoid of applause or praise.

"I am pleased to see that the truth has touched your hearts, compelling all of you to be here. For most of you, this marks the first day of truly seeing the world with your own eyes. Address me as Dreiz."

Dreiz bowed dramatically. Despite his theatrical gesture, the mass of students remained impassive, offering no reaction.

Their expressions were hidden behind their masks, making Quill wonder if these were robots or actual humans. He steeled himself, striving to appear as lifeless and unreactive as possible.

From his cloak, Dreiz produced a golden cup, ornamented with small green emerald stones. "We are brothers and sisters, no matter our ages, therefore I won't withhold any secrets from you."

'...Clearly, that's a lie,' Quill concluded. An Order that was entirely truthful with its members? The apocalypse seemed more likely.

"This cup is a high-quality artifact. Its liquid will empower you upon my command, but it can also diminish your strength at my command."

Quill listened intently, his skepticism growing.

"But don't worry, as its negative powers are not meant to be used. Our goal is purity, which requires strength. Unfortunately, the past has demonstrated that weak hearts tend to fall into impurity, undermining a peaceful world. Thus, it is essential to be proactive. Drink from this cup, my brothers and sisters, and trust in the Order, and you will never be alone."

Dreiz handed the cup to the first row, patiently waiting as it was passed from person to person.

Eventually, it reached Quill. He hesitated, staring at the ornate cup, the liquid inside shimmering under the torchlight.

The golden cup lay heavy in Quill's hand, its weight and the purple liquid inside feeling almost oppressive despite the number of students who had drunk from it before him.

'Why does everything always lead to me drinking something, dammit,' Quill thought with frustration.

Was he really going to drink it? No, of course not.

He would rather risk fleeing, slim chances and all, than be forced into submission once again.

He was stronger, more cunning now. More experienced.

But if his path were to end here, it would render his journey pointless.

So, he put his lips to the cup, mimicking a drinking gesture while keeping his mouth sealed tight.

He then pulled it away, rubbing his mouth with his other arm to simulate cleaning up, and passed the cup to the next person.

The cup eventually made its way back to Dreiz.

Snapping his fingers, Drei declared, "Feel the strength."

For the first time, there was actual movement from the previously lifeless students—some let out amused laughs, others astonished sighs.

Dreiz snapped again. "That's merely a fraction of the power you'll gain at my command. Your abilities will be amplified to twice their current strength. And yet..."

Dreiz paused, surveying the crowd. "The cup tells me three individuals didn't drink its content. Please, those three, stand up and come forward."

A tense silence fell over the cave, the flickering torchlight casting eerie shadows on the walls.

The soft sound of the waterfalls seemed to grow louder in the quiet, their gentle rhythm contrasting sharply with the growing tension. 

The masked students remained eerily still, their cloaks rustling slightly as they shifted uneasily.

'Dammit. Should I just stay seated? No, if he's offering the chance not to stand, it means he can identify us himself. Perhaps he already knows.' 

The mention of two others sharing his attitude was a surprising detail, leaving him uncertain whether it was good or bad.

Quill decided to stand up first, walking down the steps towards the platform, followed by a second person. The third, however, stayed seated.

Quill and the other person stood before Dreiz, feeling the weight of countless eyes on them, or at least it felt that way.

"Thank you both for your honesty and bravery. Now, let me ask, why did you reject the Order's mercy?"

Quill's mind raced, searching for a plausible answer. He knew they wouldn't kill him, but what would they do instead?

"I—" Quill began, his voice steady but his thoughts chaotic.

His own answer was cut short by the person next to him, who spoke with the same robotic tone, "It does not align with my pride to accept a strength that is neither mine nor enduring. I do not desire such a thing to reside within me, intermingling with my blood."

The person's voice was steady, showing no signs of fear or nervousness. Then again, it could easily be hidden behind the facade of gray and black.

"...I understand, child. And I respect your stance. Your wish may be granted. Please sit back."

The person bowed politely and returned to their seat, as if this was the most normal thing in the world.

'Using the same excuse surely won't work, will it?' Quill decided, anxiety creeping in.

"Child, what is your reasoning behind your behavior?" The robotic voice from Dreiz focused on Quill, cloaked in his dark robe.

Quill hesitated, the weight of the silence pressing on him. "Won't you answer, child?"

He could feel the weight of Dreiz's gaze, as if it pierced through the very soul, and a cold shiver ran down his spine. 

'Come on, think of something useful! Recall everything you know about this Order...!' Quill's mind raced.

"I won't participate in anything that isn't regulated and prescribed by the Order itself," Quill finally said, pausing to gather his thoughts.

"As the highest member in this cell, my decisions are absolute.

"However, your decisions are yours alone, not those of Einsz."

As Quill dropped the name, he noticed a subtle shift in Dreiz's posture, a detail that did not escape his keen perception.

"...Child, how do you know about that name?" Dreiz's tone was laced with tension.

"The Order's eyes are vigilant everywhere," Quill said, targeting the message more at Dreiz than just providing general information. "Especially against those who might risk overstepping."

If not for their gray masks, surely their eyes would have met by now.

"...I understand." Dreiz's voice softened, almost reverting to normal, then dropped to a whisper.

"I apologize if I might have angered Einsz. Regrettably, the effects will last for another week. After that, I won't influence any of them." There was genuine fluster in Dreiz's tone, as if he was explaining himself to Quill with fear.

"I hope that turns out to be true," Quill whispered back. "Otherwise, Einsz might become displeased."

With that, he turned and walked back to his seat, his heart pounding.

'My goodness...! It actually worked. It really freaking worked,' Quill thought, barely able to believe his luck.

Knowing the information from the novel, Quill was aware that there were four main executives in the Order.

Dreiz held the third echelon, with Eins being the highest, right under the Founder, essentially serving as his right hand.

Only a few interacted directly with Einsz, and even fewer knew his name.

By using this gamble, Quill had imposed the thought of him being one of Einsz' spies monitoring Dreiz.

He was uncertain if the cup ritual was standard procedure.

However, from the conversation between that other individual, who concluded the discussion with ease, and Dreiz, it was evident that this was an innovation of Dreiz's, not sanctioned by the Order.

If it were a mandatory obligation decided by the Order, he wouldn't have let the first individual get off this easily, if at all.

Quill had no idea why Dreiz had done it.

He surmised that Dreiz wanted to keep them dependent on him, within his control, since he had the power to both enhance and diminish their strength.

How much weaker? Quill presumed it would be as significant as the doubling of their strength.

The gamble succeeded. It even presented a new opportunity, as Dreiz now regarded Quill with a measure of wariness.

But despite all that, none of the others spoke out or complained about the three who didn't drink, escaping without punishment.

'Speaking of punishment... what about the third person? Is that guy really going to walk away unscathed?' Quill wondered.

"I apologize for the prolonged gathering, as today should have been a simple stepping stone for your futures," Dreiz began, addressing the crowd.

He gestured toward one of the seated individuals, directing all lights to focus on this person.

All masked faces turned toward the individual.

"The Order's eyes are vigilant, child. Do not be so arrogant as to believe that hiding is an option."

'...I suppose that's the third guy who didn't drink from the cup.'

"We don't need members who don't understand the importance of honesty and conceal themselves among their own brothers and sisters."

"W-Wait!" the person stood up, his voice stammering through the robotic filter.

Two cloaked individuals suddenly appeared behind him, grabbing him and pulling him down to the podium. All the while, he protested, "I- I can explain. Let me explain! I am of pure blood! How dare you!"

As they reached Dreiz, one of the cloaked figures struck the back of the person's knees, causing them to collapse.

A second blow from another figure forced the individual to kneel before Dreiz.

Dreiz's massive hand reached out, tearing off the mask to reveal a face twisted in fear, with tears streaming down.

"Do not fear, child. The Order is fair and loyal to their brothers and sisters, even in the face of cowardice or lies. Your memories will be erased; this is a just judgment."

Dreiz's hand touched the boy's bare face, feeling the warmth of his tears as a sudden light filled the area. The boy collapsed to the ground, his face slack and lifeless.

"The eyes of the Order are vigilant. We won't tolerate the weak-minded, but we won't wield our knives against the Pureblooded of this world. That is the depth of our loyalty!" Drei declared, raising a fist.

"We are the light in a world filled with impurities. We are the direction, the lanterns this world requires. We will lead humanity to the top, against all other filthy races, against the Reaper, and against those within humanity who dare to think they are equal to us."

His robotic voice echoed through the hall, culminating in a round of applause from the cloaked figures, their faces concealed behind gray masks.