
Trapped In The Land Of Maths

A young girl living with only her mom, her father died in a car accident when she was only four years old. From that time she fell into despair and cared about nothing in her life than just being lazy...... She had a poker face and cared about nothing but what she really hated the most was maths.....best friends with a girl named Shashia Zu who always tries to cheer her up but fails many times She was time travelled back in time along with her best friend but got separated.... The purpose for the time travel was for her to take a liking to maths and be responsible.. :You have five days to reach the top of the algebric mountain using the express with your team or else... Or else what? You'll be stacked her forever with no way out, good luck MISSING BEST FRIEND, GATHER TROOPS. LIVE OR DIE....

Maybs_Glix · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

I survived


Will she pass or fail😱

"Correct" said the system, I was kidda relieved to she see that she was correct and she didn't have to fall in the abyss. I watched curiously as another platform popped out of nowhere but this time much closer to the another side of the abyss and she stepped on it.

"Oh I get it now so in order to cross to the another side you have to pass through this thing first 🤔; I said to myself as I stood up went closer to the edge of the abyss and also jumped but then came back up on a platform labeled No. 10. The system welcomed me as it did to others and threw some questions at me but surprisedly I was able to answer them and also watched as some failed and fell into the abyss heartlessly. It was now down to 3 people one their platforms, me the Russian accent girl and a cute boy, suddenly the system spoke;

"This is a speed drift, a question will be asked, the fastest to answer correctly advances whiles the other two fails authomatically. Do note only one person shall advance and if the answer is incorrect you all fail, alright here's your question.

"Express 2•438 in standard form.

"2•438×9, 2•438 × 10³; shouted the cute boy and the Russian girl.

"Incorrect.. correct....error system error, suddenly all the platform broke but I leaped onto the closet platform to the another side and jumped to the other side breathing heavily; I made it, I survived 😱 (sighs).

"Help!! Help!!!😫, I heard someone shout out as I looked over the abyss to the Russian girl holding on to a crack piece of rock barely hugging onto it. Please help me!!, help me I don't want to die😫!!, I stretched out my hand to hers but as I was about to grab her's the side of the cliff broke but I held onto her hand and pulled her up just as she was about to fall.

"(breaths heavily) 😨 thank you very much, you saved my life, I owe you one; she said as she was trembling.

"It's no big deal; I said as I smiled akwardly.

"I'm Violet Gushviki, you?

"huh?, I mean I'm Lily.. Lily Cruiz but you can just call me Lily.

"Okay, I really owe you one, how can I repay you?; she asked.

"Oh no, I don't really take back favo...wait you know what?

"What🤨? asked Violet.

I want to form an allegiance with you ☺️; I said with a smile on my face.

"Allegiance?🤨"she asked confused

"Yes as in, form a team with me, will you ☺️?


Yes please....

Okay but I'm not alone.

" What do you mean by that?"I asked

"I mean that I walk with five other people excluding myself and we're all looking for a way out of here!; she exclaimed.

"Really and do you already have a team🤔?" I asked.

"What team🤨?

" Emm, you said you're looking for a way out of here right?; I asked akwardly.

"Yes😀, she said hopefully.

" How about you and the rest of your friends join me to form a team, what do say😏; I asked.

"Really 😀?!, will that get us out of here? she asked with her eyes full of hope.

"Yes😀, I assure you 😅; I said akwardly.