
Trapped in the hands of a devil

"Why did you poison my drink?" He asked, his dark red eyes glaring down at her. Her eyes widened, her face paling at the accusation. "I... I didn't..." She stammered, shaking her head in denial. "it's not poison!" It couldn't have been. "Very well then." He grinned, his unusually long canines coming into view. "Drink up." There, she knew she'd gotten herself into trouble. . . . It was supposed to be an easy task but when the devilish Devon Dwayne accused her of spiking his drink, Leticia Andros found herself thrust into a completely different world at the mercy of a man she barely knew. And he had no intention of letting her go. He planned on tearing her apart, bit by bit but the more he tried, the harder he failed, making him realise she's a lot more than she looked. Perhaps she could be used to his advantage. But the longer Leticia stayed there, the more dangers lurked around her yet she must confront her emotions and fight her growing affection towards Devon. Will Leticia break free from his clutches and find a way to take control of her own destiny? Or will she give in to the threats that looms over her? . . " Call me a devil or whatever you wish to. But then know this. Once you're in, there is no way out. You are trapped in the hands of this devil. YOU ARE MINE". ***Didn't intend on making this book a slow burn but then here we are. But trust me when I say you're gonna enjoy every minute of it.***

Bleeding_Ink · Fantasi
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83 Chs

You're betraying your own father

Leticia quickly moved away, her cheeks flushing. "No way," she said, trying to sound firm despite her trembling voice.

Devon smirked, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Why not? We've already done it before anyway," he teased, his voice low and husky.

Leticia covered her face, her embarrassment evident. "Don't remind me," she mumbled, her voice barely audible.

A frown descended on Devon's handsome face, his expression turning serious. "Why? Didn't you like it?" he asked, his voice probing.

Leticia shook her head, unwilling to answer that. Devon called out, "Leticia! Leticia!" but she still didn't answer.

He shifted closer, his eyes burning into hers, and pried her hands off her face. "Tell me," he whispered, his breath hot against her skin. "You liked it, didn't you? You don't have to be shy."

She blushed, her face burning with embarrassment. "You're... I'm not going to answer that," she stammered, trying to pull away.

Devon smirked deviously, his eyes glinting with mischief. "I understand," he said, his voice dripping with confidence. "But trust me when I say this: one day, you're going to admit that you like me doing things to you. And you won't skip a beat."

She jerked her hands out of his hold, her eyes flashing with indignation. "Never going to happen," she snapped.

Devon poked her cheek, his touch sending shivers down her spine. "You must be hungry," he said

She nodded slightly, "Yes. And I have a billion questions too."

Devon stood up, his movements fluid and graceful as always. "Alright. Come on," he said, offering her his hand.


Manuel's anger and guilt were palpable as he read the letter filled with desperate pleas from his dear Leticia. He had left her in Devon's hands, thinking he was doing the right thing, but now he realized his mistake.

Manuel's mind raced with thoughts of rescuing Leticia. "I want revenge for Mika but it's wrong to use Leticia. I must fix things." With a determined gaze, Manuel vowed to make things right. He would fight to free Leticia from Devon's clutches, no matter the cost. Her writing echoed in his mind, "I love you so much, Manuel. I wish to be with you, just come... Save me..."

He's actually never thought of Leticia in such way but if that was what she felt, he would gladly accept her. Only a fool would reject her!

"Mya's arrogance will be her downfall," he thought, his jaw clenched in anger. "She underestimates Devon's power, and now Leticia's paying the price." He felt their plan was in fact, twisted.

He'd never guessed why Mya told him to send Leticia to Devon's den just because she wanted to avenge her sister's death. It had nothing to do with Leticia!

Manuel felt there was more to it than it met the eyes but he decided to focus on seeing Leticia first.


A wicked laughter echoed through the shadows, the identity of the person hidden behind a veil. "Did you send the letter, exactly as I instructed?"

The accomplice nodded, a sly grin spreading across their face. "Of course, I included all the information you requested. And, as an added bonus, I've managed to breach the barrier. Now, it's just a matter of Manuel attempting to rescue Leticia and ultimately meeting his demise."

The veiled figure's skepticism lingered, their voice laced with doubt. "How can I trust you won't betray me, just as you're betraying your own father?"

The accomplice's eyes blazed with a fierce determination. "He ruined my life, and this is my revenge. I'll see him suffer, no matter what. My loyalty is to our shared goal, not to him."

The veiled figure nodded, seemingly satisfied with the response. "Remember, if you dare to betray me, you'll meet a swift and painful end."

"You have my word."


Declan waited patiently, his eyes fixed on the door as it swung open. Alisha's radiant smile greeted him, her ocean blue eyes sparkling with warmth. "You're here," she beamed.

"Of course, Princess," Declan replied, his smile mirroring hers as he handed her the bouquet he'd held. She grinned, accepting it with a tiny, "Thanks."

"How has your day been?" he asked as he stepped inside. Her house was elegant and befitting a princess. The design was just as delicate and beautiful as she herself.

Alisha's giggle was music to his ears. "Casual, maybe a bit boring," she admitted, her shoulders rising in a shrug.

"Sad. I should keep you company more often, then." Declan's teasing tone was gentle.

Alisha's laughter bubbled up again, and she playfully rolled her eyes. "Nah, you must be too busy for a jobless princess like me."

Declan's expression turned serious, his eyes locking onto hers. "I'm never too busy for you, Alisha." Her heart skipped a beat at the sincerity in his voice.

Alisha's eyes softened, "Oh..."

Declan nodded, smiling faintly now, "Yeah. What should I cook? I promised to make us something."

Alisha smiled, "Your choice. The kitchen's fully stocked."

Declan nodded, "Got it. Let's go."


"How is it? Delicious, right?" Declan smiled as they ate. The dinning table was filled with different dishes and no doubt, they were all delicious.

Alisha replied with a sly, playful smile, "Not bad, but you could do better."

Declan rolled his light red eyes good-naturedly. "Of course, Princess."

They ate in silence for a moment before Declan suddenly asked, "Did your last blind date go well?" He immediately regretted the question, his eyes avoiding hers. He'd just wanted to strike a conversation and that was the only thing he could come up with.

Alisha paused, looking at him as if he had asked a foolish question. "Well, it was good. He was nice and very handsome too - pale and blond, totally my type."

Declan forced a smile, feeling a pang of something strange. "That's nice. Are you two meeting again?" He tried to sound nonchalant, but his irritation seeped through.

Alisha shrugged,"I don't know. I mean, I like him. Should I pursue a relationship with him?" Her voice was laced with playful innocence.

Declan's irritation got the better of him. "And who is he?" he asked gruffly.

Alisha smirked at his reaction, her eyes gleaming with amusement. "Prince Edward of Jennova."

Declan's jaw clenched, his eyes flashing with disdain. "That slow-witted coward?"

Alisha's smile morphed into a frown, her eyes flashing with disapproval. "That's not nice, Declan,"

Declan's glare intensified, his eyes blazing with frustration. "And you think dating other guys is nice?!" he shot back.

Alisha's eyebrow arched, her expression changing to a mix of annoyance and incredulity. "Who am I supposed to date then? You?" she asked, sarcasm obvious in her voice as she rolled her eyes.

"You make it sound like it's a disease. Can't you date me?" Declan scoffed, placing his spoon on the table.

Alisha's gaze turned icy, her eyes avoiding his as she picked at her food. Declan's annoyance grew, his eyes burning with frustration. "Are you going to ignore that?" he pressed, his voice low and urgent.

"Why should I answer to that? Why should I consider dating you?!" she shot back, her voice rising as she gave him a defiant glare.

Before she could continue, Declan's hands closed around her wrist, pulling her up with a force that left her breathless. "Why can't you?!" he growled, his eyes blazing like infernos.

Alisha's struggles to free herself were futile, her tears welling up as she glared at him. "Let me go, Declan," she pleaded, her voice trembling. She's never seen him so mad. She knew how dangerous it was to be in the same space with him alone yet she didn't care but now, her heart was racing. Something told her he wouldn't hurt her but still.

Declan's grip only tightened, his eyes burning with a fierce intensity that left Alisha gasping quietly, "Declan..." As she gazed into his eyes, she saw the realization dawn on him, and he immediately released his grip, stepping back. His burning eyes returned to their normal light red color, and he apologized, "I'm sorry..."

But Alisha was beyond consolation. She took steps away, her voice barely audible as she choked out the words, "Maybe we should just stop this friendship. I... I don't think I want to continue... I'm so sorry, Declan. I... I just can't." He'd almost hurt her. She thought she was overreacting but she couldn't take the chances.

Declan felt like he'd been struck by a rod, his chest heavy with emotion. "Why?" he managed to ask, his voice cracking.

Alisha's gaze dropped, hiding her tears as she whispered, "I just don't want to. Stay away from me. I... I can't be around you..."

Declan's jaws clenched in frustration, his mind racing. "Why are you doing this?! Tell me! Is it your father?!

The silence that followed was deafening, the tension between them palpable. "It's not always my father deciding for me! It's my decision! So accept it!" she yelled suddenly, her voice cracking with emotion.

Declan's eyes widened in disbelief, his face a mask of shock. Alisha's hand flew to her mouth, as if to contain the outburst. "Declan...I'm sor—" she began, but he cut her off with a raised hand.

"Don't apologize," he said, his voice firm but laced with hurt. "I respect your decision. I won't question you anymore."

Alisha's tears started to fall as she watched Declan prepare to leave. He donned his jacket, grabbed his phone and car keys, his movements swift and detached. His eyes, once warm and caring, were now cold and impenetrable, his face hard and angry.

He paused at the door, his gaze fixed on hers, as if waiting for her to recant her words. But Alisha remained silent, her heart heavy with pain. With a curt "Hmn," he turned and walked out of the house, leaving her alone.