

  Agatha POV

  It's been a week since Ethan and I got along, even though I know if he still hasn't forgiven me, it's okay to see if he's back to normal. I can often see his true smile.

  We are now eating lunch together at a restaurant, because he went to the office while I went to Marcus' company because I was taking care of something there.

  "Baby, when was your friend coming home again?" I asked him while we were eating, because he mentioned that they had a friend who was going to stay at the house first because she is on her vacation.

  "I'm not sure about the baby, but all I know is one of these days she will be here already.” he answered me.

  I nodded at his answer. When he told me about that, there was no problem because it’s their friends from college and they also couldn't go to Gian's house because his relatives were there. I also understand if their friend is not comfortable staying in a hotel.