

  Belle POV

  I don't know how I will react to what I heard, I know that Gian hasn't moved on with his ex yet but it still hurts when you hear it from him that he still loves her. No matter what I will do I can replace her.

  I noticed that Maxine saw me at the same time as Gian looked at where I was and he called me. I quickly ran away from that unit. I don't want to look miserable in front of them both.

  Before I could get on the elevator Gian had already crossed my arm.

  "Let me go, Gian." I exclaimed.

  "No I won't! Let's talk please babe, let me explain."

  "What I heard is already clear to me, you don't have to explain because I understand." I said weakly.

  "You're wrong in what you're thinking, that's not what I mean."

  I looked at him with tears streaming down my face. "I know that you still love her even if you don't tell me that." I said.

  I saw him shake. "Babe it's not like that. You're the one I love."