
The Lamia

My asshole was still twitching, and I was about to start checking the notifications that I got when I heard a soft voice cough. I turned, and my eyes widened, and the woman smiled. She was a woman with long, thick black hair that draped down her back to her thighs. She stood six feet and towered over me with a smile that continued to grow.

"So long I have not been interested in something like this, but," the woman grinned, "But, BUT! A Male succubus?! No way will I leave something like this alone. You are too rare to let this opportunity pass; I am sure almost everyone here feels the same," The woman grinned, and her breasts moved up and down as she breathed heavily and her body started to transform. "Be a dear and not get scared at my shapeshift. I am not a human if you would expect so," the woman said, her body starting to shift. 

Her legs started to come together, and her scales grew and elongated. Her upper body grew, and her breasts grew to E cups. She smiled, and the clothing disappeared into her body. Her breasts and nipples turned into themselves, and she grinned.

A long snake tail and no clothing. Her long black hair draped down the back of her snake tail. The tail was over seven feet long behind her. "I am a lamia; you will probably have never been with my kind," She smiled, and her tongue came out nine inches on its own, and I shivered on the bed. Two fangs were long and sharp as she smiled at me now, moved forward by moving her tail, and appeared before me. "Succubus, you will be a fine treat to me. But I will be rough with you. You will take it, and I will enjoy your misery. I am not a nice woman; I rarely release my desire. You will be my outlet, and I will reward you if you do not back out, unique Succubus. I have something really nice for you, and if you enjoy it, I will give you the other thing I have in case you call it off, but I will be rough."

"o- Okay," I replied, my voice meek. 

The rewards on this quest would be fast-paced and unique, by definition. But the punishment was going to be harsh. I was probably risking my sanity, but at the same time, I felt an odd excitement. Again, I shivered, and I was both terrified and anticipating what was to come next.

"Good," She closed her eyes and shivered. It was like she was shedding something as she closed her eyes, and when she reopened those emerald green eyes, I noticed just a moment before. Then her eyes turned into Green Vertical slits. "You will be ssssshhhhhoooooowwwwwwggggggoooooddddddsssssshhhhhh" She hissed, and I had no idea what she just hissed.

Then she reached out and grabbed me and pulled me toward her. Then she pulled me up and wrapped her arms around me, and then suddenly we were moving together, and she was licking my ear. "SSSSHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhuuuuuuuuuuusssssssssshhhhhhh," She hissed in my ear. She started to hiss more and more, but I understood nothing.

Then she put me in something that bound my wrists to the wall, and my back was against the woman, smiling above me. She hissed, and then I felt something against my ass, but then I felt something odd. There were two things now against my ass, and I shivered as they were both thick, hot, and a little sticky.

Then I felt it pull back and slid across my back, and I looked down, and I saw two long thin cocks split at the base. Then I shivered as I saw them as they were both two inches thick and the first one pressed against my ass, and then I saw her hand move the second down to my asshole, and I shivered.

"I- am-" I started to stutter as she lined both up to my ass and shoved both inside my asshole. I squealed, shivered, and she pushed in, and the cocks shot something all around my rectum. She then pulled back a little then shoved the twin cocks deep into me. I felt her scales on my ass, and she pressed against my ass. She pulled back, and my mind was blacked as it was like my prostate was pinched between these cocks. 

I shivered, and my cock throbbed as I looked down and precum leaked out my urethra. I looked at the sharp-mouthed woman, saw her face come toward mine, and opened my mouth to say something. Then my mouth was invaded, and I moaned as I felt her start to move faster and faster. I moaned more and more and more. The Lamia began to fuck me in earnest, and my cock shivered, and my mind blanked. Not a single sperm cell shot out, and I orgasmed. I screamed, and she started to thrust and thrust, and she licked my mouth. Her tongue did things inside my mouth. 

Then she pulled back her mouth, and her tongue left my mouth, and she grinned, "YOU WILL NOT LIKE WHAT IS NNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEXXXXXXXTTTTTTTT!" She grinned, and I shivered, and she took my mouth.

I shivered, and my mouth felt like it was turning into a new pleasure zone. The pain erupted from below, and I squealed. But no sound came out of her mouth. I could not look down, and pain erupted from my cock again. My mind shivered and blanked, and I orgasmed again without being able to ejaculate.

What was happening to me?

She was hitting me, I quickly realized. My hands pulled against the restraints. My hand shivered, and I looked at her in the eyes, and I saw the delight in her eyes. She fucked me even harder as I looked at her with fear and desire. My mouth and ass were in delight, and my mind blanked, and I orgasmed again. My cock shivered, and my balls felt fuller and fuller, and pain erupted, and she slapped it and slapped it. 

My mind was blank. My cock was in pain and ecstasy, and I shivered from orgasm to orgasm as the Lamia took me for all I was worth. I orgasmed again and again and again. My mind shivered, my cock shivered, and everything shivered. My toes curled, and my body curled, and I tried to scream, but her tongue moved down my throat and took it deep. I shivered as I felt her tongue in my throat like a massive nine-inch cock.

"MMMMMM!" I tried to scream, but the Lamia did not care. The humanity in those eyes was nonexistent, and I cried.

I orgasmed more.

My mind blanked.

And she continued to thrust.

And thrust.

I orgasmed.

And Orgasmed more.

And more.

She was relentless.

Every orgasm came with no relief or satisfaction.

My cock was in pain, but the Lamia continued to slap my cock again and again. I tried to cum, I wanted to cum. I needed to cum.

But I didn't.

I orgasmed.

My prostate brought yet another orgasm.

But the Lamia did not stop. 

Then she moaned, and it was like an eruption in my mind. 

Hope blossomed that she was coming closer to her ejaculation. 

But that relief never came.

But I orgasmed.

More and more.

Then, after an unknown time. I shivered, and she moaned loudly. Her tongue teased mine, and she did not stop slapping my cock, bringing me into a painful orgasm. Then she took me by surprise. 

She erupted, and she finally relented on my mouth, and I screamed and squealed as I orgasmed and I shot cum all over. 

My mind blanked, and the orgasm shook me to the core, and my brain was blank. 

The Lamia pulled out and grinned.

"HEHEHE," she cackled, "You were great,' She complimented, "Don't worry, We will only go one more time.

"Wha- What?" I begged, and she grinned.

Suddenly, she was atop me again.

I tried to scream and scream as the Lamia muted me.


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(The Reason for the unclearness of this is that it is a new system, and it does not quite tell me if it is working or not..... Fun! PM me if it wasn't and you joined)