
Transported to Marvel world

Disclaimer: This is my first time doing fanfiction. I hope that readers would enjoy my take and don't be shy to voice your suggestions on how I could improve my novel. Thank you!!!

HowToFallInLove · Fantasi
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24 Chs

Novice Gift Pack

[Detected that the host survives an entire month in another world]

[Trial period completed, system binding in 3, 2, 1...Binding successful!]

The only thing that Harvey dreamt of every night in this new world happened. His tense shoulder was finally able to relax followed by the easing of his frown. Afterward, he started to ask the system regarding the details of his transmigration.

[The host is currently inside the Marvel Universe. Exact location: Hydra Research Facility, New York, Earth. Date: The year 2002]

When he first heard the people in charge of him mention the super soldier serum he already had a few guesses on where he could be in his mind. He felt a mix of excitement and fear. The excitement from being part of the Marvel world and fear of what he may encounter in this world where Gods, Demons, and other powerful races exist.


With a flash of light, three items appear in his mind: A stack of bills, a metal plate, and a few coins.

[Novice gift distributed! May the host continue to live a long life]

The first and third items were a familiar sight to him so the metal plate attracted all his attention. He summoned it in his hands and observed the figure etched on its hard surface.

'A man holding a hammer? Now, who does this remind me of?'

While lost in thought, Harvey failed to sense tiny arcs of electricity coming out of the metal plate. It circled through his fingers as if to confirm something before receding. It didn't stay dormant for long tho as after a few seconds the plate itself took the shape of an electric hammer and drilled through his heart.


Startled Harvey failed to stifle his voice. Luckily, a patient screaming is normal in the facility where inhuman trials and experiments took place. Otherwise, he didn't want any unwanted attention.

The strange phenomena caused his breathing to be rough as Harvey frantically searched for any sign of the hammer in his body. It took him a while to calm down and asked the only thing that could help him in his mind.

"System what was that?"

The system seems to be aware of his thoughts but instead of answering it showed him the items description.

Heroes Emblem (Thor) - Grants one power from the hero depicted on the emblem

Reading it, Harvey was shocked and terrified. He was not naive when it comes to powers and what they entail. Just by reading, he could tell that the Heroes emblem was a double-edged sword.

The reason for that is some powers in the Marvel world possess more to them than meets the eye. One example was the Human Torch. Many people are amazed by Johnny's power to control fire. He could be considered one of Marvel's flashiest characters when he wraps his whole body in flame. However, people tend to ignore one important factor and that is the Human Torch cannot only control flame but also has complete immunity to it.

The point is pyrokinesis and fire immunity is considered two separate powers while the hero's emblem only offers one power.

But it seems that Harvey went ahead of himself as in the next moment a prompt informed him of the power he acquired.

Disclaimer: This is my first time doing fanfiction. I hope that readers would enjoy my take and don't be shy to voice your suggestions on how I could improve my novel. Thank you!!!

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