
Transported to Marvel world

Disclaimer: This is my first time doing fanfiction. I hope that readers would enjoy my take and don't be shy to voice your suggestions on how I could improve my novel. Thank you!!!

HowToFallInLove · Fantasi
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24 Chs

Group function

Over at a freeway, Wade Wilson had Francis pinned on the wall using his Katana. He was dreaming of this moment ever since he survived the destruction of Francis's workshop. Just as he was about to teach his arch-nemesis a lesson, Colossus along with Negasonic Teenage Warhead appeared and stopped him.

Colossus convinces Wade that what he's doing was wrong and persuades him to join the X-Men. However, Wade didn't pay attention to anything the big man said. Instead, he criticizes the X-Men and starts arguing with Colossus.

Francis sees the opportunity and escapes while the two men are quarreling. Negasonic Teenage Warhead even warned Wade but the merch with the mouth was too busy to care. Realizing what happened Deadpool lunges at Colossus only to fail miserably.

Colossus then cuffs Wade and drags him across the road. They haven't gotten far when Negasonic Teenage Warhead notices a strange sound behind them. Turning around both of them notice Wade in the middle of cutting his hand. Blood splattered as both X-Men gags in disgust.

With one final kick Wade successfully sever his hand while simultaneously landing himself on top of a truck.

Just as Wade's reminiscing about the events that led to this day a mysterious man jumps on board. Wade being himself slashed at the man before he could land.

The sound of metal hitting metal then shoots in every direction as the mysterious man blocks his attack. Wade was pushed back causing him to stumble atop the scraps.

Making use of their distance Wade stares at his attacker. The man is wrapped in tactical gear except for the portion of his face not covered by a mask. If there is something different about this guy than the people he killed on the freeway it would be the Blue Star lying in his chest.

"Did Professor X send you to kill me? I knew it, the old man must have thought that I'm too much of a loose end to leave me hanging." Wade said while charging forward.

On the other side, Blue Star is managing his surprise. He just witnessed the man in front of him break 4 out of his 4 limbs and even cut his left hand. But now his strength is as good as not having an injury at all.

All sorts of trash fly into the air as a dirty battle ensues. Wade fought without a care for his safety thanks to his healing factor. He employed a variety of unorthodox and underhanded means aimed at eluding his opponent. Unfortunately for him, Blue Star is also aware of his power. This allowed him to not restrict himself and fight to his full potential.

Their fight lasted a few hours with Wade being incapacitated every 10 minutes. Soon, the truck they were in stopped at an abandoned building. Blue Star hopped with Wade on his back and met with the driver.

"Who is the new guy?" he asked.

Blue Star replied by introducing who Deadpool is without saying his real name. He then explained the connection of Deadpool with the killings and assured Daredevil that the former is a good guy. Daredevil believes in Blue Star and introduces himself. Afterward, the trio went to the back of the building.

There Blue Star took out a blueprint and laid it on the ground causing tremors. They watched with rapt attention as light bloomed from the ground. In the end, the thing revealed itself as a metallic entrance.

"Wow, just so you know that had a big impact on your image in my mind," Deadpool remarked.

"You just haven't seen the rest of it," said Daredevil.

"Well, I hate to break it to you but between the three of us you're the least qualified to say that" said Deadpool.

Blue Star beckons toward the two before anything could happen. Underground they were met with the sight of a clean and brand-new facility. A quick trip revealed that the basement possessed three floors. Each floor consisted of accommodations, a training room, and a warehouse respectively. The place is also complete with water, electricity, wifi, and other essentials.

[Detected that the host established a base. Group function activated]

A virtual interface appeared in front of Blue Star displaying information about his teammates. It includes their stats and a real-time heart monitor. The function could also tell him whether they are sleeping, unconscious, under mind control, etc.

Apart from that he also gained $100,000 and 100 Marvel Coins from an achievement. Afterward, he bid farewell to Daredevil and Deadpool. He had a science fair to attend.