
Transmitted and Became a General

Failed Business man Benjamin Faucher is transmitted into a new world resembling medieval Europe. he meets a young girl named Joan. Where without knowing anything follows her

Pancake_Attack · Sejarah
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3 Chs

Chapter 1:Benjamin Faucher

"What do you mean the company was bought" said a young man with beautiful blond and ivory green eyes

"Your saying everyone agreed to sell it to Microsoft" said the young man

"But i am the god damn owner of this business" said the young man, the man on the phone got louder and louder you could now here is voice.

"Yes, you own 50% but the other 50% agreed to sell the company to Microsoft" said the man on the phone, The young man hits a table next to him and closes the phone.

A/N: Its a flip Phone

"Why does this shit have to happen to me of all people" said the Young Man

"I worked day and night, i should fucking kill those guys and it was all my fault i should have never sold a share" said the young man

He soon fell asleep on his chair. Time went by and his scenery changed and so did his cloths it went from a suit to a tunic with chainmail on top and regular pants. He had a belt on his side with a swiss saber on his side. His body grew in strength with this.

After all of this he woke up from his slumber and he felt heavier and his muscles where sore. Soon all of this would be disrupted by a *Ding*

[System Initialized]

[Hello you have been assigned a basic system with a regular map, inventory and Like-ability meter]

[This short announcement has ended]

"What" Said Benjamin in complete shock

"Do i have to say map or something, MAP!" Said Benjamin


[Map function Activated]

[You are south of Orleans, year 1429]

"why did no map appear" said Benjamin

[Reminder: The host has been given knowledge on how to use the sword next to you]

Benjamin looks to his side to see nothing he put his hand behind him and felt it, it was a big sword. He grabs the hilt and pulls it out of the leather scabbard, Out comes a Swiss Saber it was 1 meter long(40 Inches) he thought it would be heavier but it was lighter then expected he.

He put it back on his back, he sets off he travels north for about an hour where he see a village, Fire is every where but close to the village he see 4 camps on the north side and 1 on the south side.

He decide to head to the south side camp to see what was going on. As he closed into it he saw men rushing out into the city. He got in front of the camp thats where he saw the french banner and that remind him something the 100 year war should be going on right now.

"Young man have you come to join the war" said a Tough looking middle aged man named Robert de Baudricourt

"Yes i heard we had a great general today named John of Ark" said Benjamin

"Well could i get your name Yes its Benjamin, Benjamin Faucher" said Benjamin