
Transmigration with QQ Farm [{REPOSTED}]

All she was doing was playing QQ Farm, how did she end up waking up somewhere foreign? A straw house in the country side? No food at home? Dad was severely injured? Mom was weak? A bunch of siblings? Eh? QQ Farm transmigrated with her? She could farm? She could raise farm animals? What? All the chicken, ducks, and rabbits she raised in the dimension are spiritual animals? Not only could QQ dimension level up, it could also collect all vicious animals in the world and turn her into the strongest summoner! Merchants pounding on their door? Gentlemen visiting? Special guests showing up? The appearing of mysterious sect? Her folks’ family arriving? All the troubles brought about by the spiritual animals! Well, cross that bridge when we come to it. Fake it till you make it. Let’s see how Cheng Xiao Xiao utilize the dimension and have her fun in the foreign land! Match maker at the door? Get out, couldn’t you see I got farms to plow?

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243 Chs

respective plans

"Definitely will come, they will not give up!" Cheng Biyuan responded indifferently.

"This -" Cheng's grief, helplessly said: "How is this good, hey, when will our family be stable!"

"Mother, don't worry, this is nothing at all. No matter who they come from, we don't have to be afraid of them. Those who belong to us can't take it!" Cheng Hao said comfortably.

Cheng Biyuan nodded and said: "Yu Qin, you are not seeing this kind of thing for the first time. Do you think you can avoid it? No matter where we are, we are facing this kind of thing, even so, Directly facing it, let's say that our family is not incapable of self-protection."

He is very clear about the fighting power of his daughter now, not to mention the magical fan of today, that is, the elves of her space are not the masters of the space, let alone the baby daughter space still has a group of beasts, all of which can come out to fight. The beast, he knows, he is not afraid of anyone.

Even if people from the Shendiao Academy come, I believe that there are also daughters who can deal with them.

Cheng is silent. Although she is worried, she knows that this kind of worry is useless. No matter where she is, if she wants to stand on her feet, then she is better than others. As long as she is stronger than others, there is nothing to worry about.

Father's mood, Cheng Hao can understand, her hand turned over, a root must be full of snow ginseng appeared in her palm, smiled and handed it to her father: "Hey, this is for you, I believe you will soon rush The middle of the martial arts, or the latter is possible!"

"This, the wild ginseng has been planted?" Cheng Biyuan's eyes widened, looking at the fragrant snow ginseng in front of him, for him this surprise is a bit big.

Although my daughter has already mentioned it, but I really saw this thousand years of snow ginseng, my heart is still a little shock!

Cheng Hao looked at the stunned parents, she smiled and said: "Hey, let's move!"

"Good!" Cheng Biyuan did not refuse, and there is no need to refuse. He took the snow ginseng and turned back to his house. He didn't want to stay for a moment.

The mother went back to the house to wait for the father, Cheng Hao went into the space, and saw Yutan sitting on the crystal tree at a glance, a leisurely look.

Without paying attention to it, Cheng Hao went to the field, and did not care. She looked at the tea tree transplanted in today, and a faint tea fragrance came to the surface. These tea trees grew more green and delicate, never compare The outside of the mountain is poor.

"Small Lord, you can rest assured, I can see this tea tree, you can pick it once in ten days, and how many teas the little master needs at the time!"

Xiao Yuteng flashed and appeared beside her.

Cheng Hao nodded. She could see that the growth of the tea tree could indeed be picked once in ten days, so she was very satisfied.

"Right, has the space been upgraded?" Cheng Hao still doesn't know.

"Upgraded, now is twenty-five, the space on the tea tree has risen to the second level!"

"Secondary, not bad!" Some accidents, Cheng Hao knows that it is not easy to upgrade the space now, but I did not expect the tea tree to raise the space for two!

Yuteng smiled and said: "Yes, it may be that the value of this tea tree is not bad!"

"Can upgrade!" Cheng Hao did not entangle this matter, she asked: "Right, how about the two people in the bamboo forest? Be careful not to let them die!"

"You can rest assured that the little masters, they are all practitioners, as long as the snakes do not bite them, so they are imprisoned for ten days and a half, no effect, then, when I go to the water at night, they will also absorb Some, so just don't eat or drink, they don't have much to do."

"That's good, I want to see how the people behind them plan!" Cheng Hao smiled.

"Small Lord, it's just them. The kids who are today will not give up. I see the little master, you still try to cultivate, otherwise you can't play a big role in the fly!"

Yuteng smiled and said. When he mentioned the flies, Cheng Hao's face could not help but reveal a faint smile. She did not think that the fly swatter could be used as a weapon, and the person would directly shoot the fly, and even better, if the person was locked by the fly, how could he escape? Shoot the search fate.

Of course, this is also a limited bureau. As long as you meet the master of the late martial arts, or the master of Wuling, Cheng Hao wants to shoot people, it is not as convenient and neat as today.

Everything needs strength to support!

Cheng Hao did not say anything more. She sat down under the crystal fruit tree and began to run her mind. Soon she was surrounded by the aura of space.

Xiao Yuteng sat on the crystal tree and swayed his calf. The crystal clear scorpion patrolled its space, and everything was so natural and harmonious.


Since the evening, the whole Ningfu has been squirming, because the younger brother of Ningjia was seriously injured.

When Ningfu calmed down, it was at night, the family was gloomy and the guests of the two Shendiao Academy were left out on the side, without him, because the other two were fine, and only Ning Yizong had something to do.

When they had to know that things had passed, the angered Ning family was silent, and no one offered to take revenge immediately.

Don't say that they don't take charge now, that is, they are arrogant. They also know that Ningfu is not an opponent of Cheng family.

Ning Laozi seems to be a few years old. It was originally a good thing to do. He just made it like this. It seems that all this is still made by his grandchildren. He wants to beat people and can't find objects.

Gao Yang saw his own servant appearance, and his heart was not very good. No matter how this thing was brought out by him, now not only the young master is injured (although he is looking for himself), but he does not want to see his own master frowning. You must not open: "Master, it is better to give up temporarily!"

"Give up?" Ning's father smiled and said: "Although it's self-defeating, but things are not something we can control, the two of us will not give up, they will send the news back to the Shendiao Academy!"

"This -" Gao Yang knew this fact and had to close his mouth.

"Oh, it's the old man's missteps, and you shouldn't let the sects come together, or else we're a little bit related to Cheng's family, now-"

Ning Laozi's face was unwilling, and continued: "When the people of the Shendiao Academy came, I'm afraid I haven't had much to do with our Ning family. We're really going to let the fat meat of the hand be handed!"

"Master, if the young master did not come back, we might be able to buy the spirit birds of Cheng Jia, now it is --"

"Now we have broken our own path and ruined everything!" Ning's father took his words and looked helplessly: "One step went wrong, there is no chance to recover!"

Their master servants talked here, and the two brothers and brothers in the guesthouse each wrote their own pens. They wrote letters about the things that happened in Chengjia, except for the tutors of their colleges, and they did not forget to send messages to their families!

Night, quiet!

Zhu's treasurer who had been sleeping hard had been waiting for a day and a night. The person who wanted to wait still did not appear. He bit his teeth and pouted a strange call.

This is their secret number. Soon, a black man appeared in his room, and the black man who was told to disappear again.

"I hope to find clues in Chengjia!" Zhu said in his own hands.