
Transmigration with QQ Farm [{REPOSTED}]

All she was doing was playing QQ Farm, how did she end up waking up somewhere foreign? A straw house in the country side? No food at home? Dad was severely injured? Mom was weak? A bunch of siblings? Eh? QQ Farm transmigrated with her? She could farm? She could raise farm animals? What? All the chicken, ducks, and rabbits she raised in the dimension are spiritual animals? Not only could QQ dimension level up, it could also collect all vicious animals in the world and turn her into the strongest summoner! Merchants pounding on their door? Gentlemen visiting? Special guests showing up? The appearing of mysterious sect? Her folks’ family arriving? All the troubles brought about by the spiritual animals! Well, cross that bridge when we come to it. Fake it till you make it. Let’s see how Cheng Xiao Xiao utilize the dimension and have her fun in the foreign land! Match maker at the door? Get out, couldn’t you see I got farms to plow?

MOS9895 · perkotaan
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243 Chs

Grandma's origins, plague strikes

Not only Tian Jiang was arrested, but Tian Feng, who was preparing to poison the water tank, was also caught by the old man.

The two brothers were arrested, and the reaction of the two was not the same. Tian Jiang looked resentful, as if others had done something he did to him. Tian Feng was full of fear, his eyes flashing, and he did not dare to look at everyone.

Luo Yuqin, who got the news, couldn't believe it. The eyes were looking at the two of their brothers, and then they looked at the poison they were holding. The look of her eyes was utterly indifferent, and she moved her lips. It seemed that she could not say anything.

In addition to his anger, Cheng Biyuan is hard to hide his intentions. If other people are under such poisonous hands, his heart will be better, but the two people in front of him, and they have some relatives, they dare to do such things. The anger of the fullness turned into a strong murderous.

"City Lord, hey, how to deal with them?" Zhou Jinjiang broke the silence in the study.

Cheng Hao's disgusted eyes swept over the Tianjia brothers and landed on his father, waiting for him to make a decision.

Luo Yuqin gently pulled the cloak of a person next to him, and his eyes showed a trace of sadness and silently looking at him.

Sighing with a sigh of relief, Cheng Biyuan scorned his wife, he can understand her mood, but this matter can not be resolved, my heart is figuring out how to deal with it.

"Home, madam, his subordinates say something ugly, these two people are scourges, keep or ask us for trouble, look at the eyes of this kid, it is no different from the mad dog." The old man should open.

His words are not wrong. At this moment, Tian Jiang is really no different from a mad dog. The eyes full of hatred seem to be the family of the ancestors who killed his ancestors. If he did not seal his acupuncture points, he might have been pulling. Throat curse,

I really don't know why he hates Cheng family.

"Hey, what do you mean?" Cheng Biyuan looked at him slightly and he gave the decision to his daughter.

"Hey, let the old man go play!"

I don't have a good impression on them, especially if they do this kind of thing. If they are really made by them, even if the Cheng family can find nothing, I am afraid that the guests and the rest of the family will not escape this luck. They are worthy of a thousand.

"Yes, Missy!" Should the old man carry one, ready to leave!

"The elder should be -"

Luo Yuqin yelled at his back, and when the pace was stagnation, he should look back at the elders. "Madam, what do you want?"

"Leave, leave them a life!" Hesitated, Luo Yuqin still made a request.

"Oh--" The old man saw that Cheng Hao did not refute and nodded: "Good!"

"Yeah, hey, I--" Luo Yuqin looked helpless and explained: "I don't want them to die in the hands of our own people, yeah-"

"I understand what you mean, don't think too much!" Cheng Biyuan gently patted her shoulder and comforted.

Cheng Hao did not say anything, but also knew the mother's embarrassment. If the two old men of Luo's family had to know the situation, they did not know what would happen.

Comprehension is understood, but Cheng Hao will not let the tiger return to the mountain, especially the two people are so vicious, keeping them is equivalent to placing a time bomb on their side, which may be life-saving at any time.

Soon after returning to his own building, the old man should appear, and he said, "Missy, their repairs are abolished, the veins of their hands and feet are also cut off, and Dan Tian is also abolished unless they are safe and ordinary. People, otherwise, they won't have a long life!"

"Alright!" Cheng Hao nodded, and gave the old man two bottles of jade bee pulp, and sent him away.

If you get the treasure, the old man will happily say goodbye!

The two brothers who abandoned the mountain were a bit resigned.

Nowadays, they are not only repaired as abolished, they want to stand up and walk, they are all broken, their hands and feet are broken, and they only have despair in their eyes.

In this deep mountain, let alone they can't move now, even if they can climb up and walk, they can become the beasts of the beasts.

I don't know how long ago, their brothers have been numb, but in the distance they have passed two figures and are coming in their direction.

"Hey, there are two people here!"

"Ma Ma, don't worry about it, it is not far from Qing'an County, we are leaving soon!"

"Don't worry, these two kids are interesting and completely disabled. Maybe we can play it!"

"Play? Ma elders, we don't have this time!"

"In any case, we need to leave. What are you afraid of? I used to get a refining method. These two boys are just right for the hope of refining."

"Two, are you sure? We haven't recovered from the injury yet, don't look tired!"

"Don't say it, help me get one!"

"You, okay!"

After the conversation ended, the people lying on the ground disappeared!

After spending two days in the county seat, Cheng Hao returned to the Central Plains with his two younger brothers. The parents and the younger sister stayed at the Earl's House. They needed to stay in the county seat for a while.

As Zhou Jinjiang stayed in the Earl's House and did not return, the old man who was the elder of law enforcement became the great steward of the Central Plains Holy Land. Cheng Hao gave him many things to deal with.

As for the things he can't make decisions, he is done by his grandmother, because she is not good at this kind of thing, and she doesn't want to pay attention to it.


Seeing the coming person, Cheng Hao looked very dignified and could not help but ask: "What happened?"

"Hey, I need to go back to the Heavenly Temple!" Mo Xuanzun walked down to her and sat down. He pulled out a smile and said, "Hey, it's not an important thing. Master sent a letter and said that I need to go back. Handle some things, you can rest assured, I will return soon."


At this moment, Cheng Hao realized that Mo Xuanzun had come for almost a year. During this time, he had never left, helping his family to establish the Central Plains Holy Land.

"When will I come back!" The bottom of my heart is somewhat reluctant, but there is no expression on her face.

"It will be very fast!"

Mo Xuanzun glanced in apologetic eyes, although he did not know that things need to be handled by himself, he felt that he would return soon.

Pulling up her hand, whispered: "Hey, next is the auction, you have to do more things, pay attention to rest."

"Reassured, I know!"

"Then I will go first!"

"it is good!"

Staring at him driving the crane to leave, Cheng Hao could not return to God for a long time, lost!

"Hey, can't he let him go?"

Suddenly a voice came from behind, turned and looked, "Grandma, you are here -"

"Hey, look at you like this, he is not coming back, how can you lose your soul!" Mrs. Cheng said with a smile.

"Hey, old lady, the little master is not willing to leave the aunt!" Xiaoyu Teng flashed out and took over the topic.

"I don't want to be normal!" Mrs. Cheng looked at Xiao Yuteng and stretched her eldest daughter's elbow. She walked into the small hall and sat down.

"Well, no matter who you are with, you can't be separated for a day. Xuan Zun just goes back to deal with things, you don't worry about anything."

"Grandma, I am not worried about him. There is nothing to worry about with his cultivation. Please rest assured that my grandmother, I am fine!" Cheng Hao shook his head and gave his grandmother a cup of spiritual tea to her.

"It's okay!"

Mrs. Cheng sighed. "Young people, when feelings are strong, it is normal to be difficult to give up. You can control your emotions!"

"Grandma, rest assured, this is nothing!" Cheng Yan Zhan Yan smiled, "Grandma, Yu Nipai's ancestors broke through, the predecessors also asked for space, grandma is not going back to space to practice for a while?"


I don't know how long it's used for her. Mrs. Cheng's wife squinted a little and shook her head gently: "Without cultivation, I can't cultivate!"

"Can't cultivate?" Cheng Hao revealed the color of doubt. "Grandma, why can't you cultivate? What is going on?"

"This matter--"

Mentioned here, Mrs. Cheng's wife struggled in the eyes, hesitated for a while, and had a complex expression on his face. He whispered: "For decades, I am about to forget."

"Grandma, you must have done it, right?"

"Not bad! It used to be!"

"Old lady, what about now?" Xiaoyu Teng took over the topic and curiously asked: "Old lady, I can't see your cultivation now, only to find that your body's breath is a bit weird, I really don't know how it is. It's going on!"

"You really don't know, because you haven't touched that layer yet!"

Mrs. Cheng's wife's look is as if she is reminiscent of something. "If you want to say that I am doing it, it's about Wu Zun, just—"

"Grandma, just what?" Cheng Hao asked.

"Just now I am not repaired, the curse can not be solved, it is equal to all repairs are lost." The old lady's expression is more bitter and helpless.

"Ghost charm?"

Hearing a new name, Cheng Hao was surprised and couldn't help but ask: "Grandma, what is a curse? What is this? How can I seal my grandmother's repair?"

"Stupid gimmicks, cursed charms have not appeared in this continent, of course you do not know, curse can be said to be a magic weapon, the so-called: Fu Shi knives, Dan ink cross, condensate line, spiritual defense, self-defense It hurts people."

"Grandma, tell me well, what is the teacher?"

"Old lady, I seem to have such a heritage, but I still can't find it now, old lady, let me listen to it first."

One person, one elf looked at her with a look of hope, and Mrs. Cheng had to explain what they called the teacher.

"The teacher is a special existence. It is the same as the identity of the beastmaster. This identity not only requires a certain strength to support itself, but also the spiritual requirements are extremely harsh, so relative In terms of it, it is a scarce identity."

"Because the clerk can condense the heaven and earth spirits into a peculiar rune pattern, it can be drawn on a special paper, or the rune map can be engraved on the object, and these runes are different because of their respective structures. It has different abilities."

"For example, an ordinary sword with a handle is engraved with a rune, which leads to a level of strength, both toughness and sharpness. Similarly, if you are in confrontation with others, the other party can trigger the paper. Attacking the other party is equivalent to adding a helper."

"The so-called clerk, in the final analysis, is just another way of exerting spiritual power. The only difference is this way, and it needs to be driven by spiritual power."

"A powerful clerk can also use mental power as a means of attack: you can use mental power to manipulate objects and cause a secret attack on the enemy. You can use the spirit to materialize and condense into a weapon to attack the opponent. You need to learn the relevant spirit. Secret skills."

Listening to my grandmother and talking, it seems to open another world to Cheng Hao, let her see a different world, my heart is more curious, where my grandmother was.

Xiao Yuteng was also curious about the identity of the teacher, and asked: "How can I become a teacher after the old lady?"

"To be a teacher, the first thing to be printed is to be the most important thing to become a teacher, because only when your own mental strength truly condenses into a life mark can you truly Call it a teacher."

"Once these sacred seals are successfully condensed, not only will their own body's manipulation of mental power be greatly increased, but also the mental strength can be tempered to make the mental power more and more solid, that is to say, the spiritual strength is to become The key to the teacher."

"For the life of the seal, this is not the slogan of all the teachers. It is the same. Everyone's seal will be different. Of course, the ability is strong and there will be differences, so if you are a teacher, if you are With Master's hands-on teaching, there will undoubtedly save a lot of detours."

"Grandma, are you a teacher?" Cheng Hao said so carefully, Cheng Hao could not help but doubt.

"I? I have this talent to become a teacher. If I am a teacher, my cultivation will not be blocked by a mantra."

Mrs. Cheng's wife smiled a bit. Cheng Hao immediately transferred the topic, "Grandma, is there a grade in the teacher?"

"Of course, like your animal trainer, there are different characters, and the inscriptions that are inscribed are also very different. The level of the teacher I know is divided into: ordinary characters, spirits, and symbols. The sacred teacher, the emperor, the reverent teacher, the sacred teacher, the most powerful sacred teacher, have not appeared in millions of years."

"Old lady, the teacher also has so many grades?" Xiao Yuteng asked the big eyes.

"Of course!" Mrs. Cheng said seriously: "The rune maps engraved by the ordinary clerk are relatively small, and generally require the repair of the Emperor or the Emperor to be able to control. The power of the rune inscribed by the celes is better than the ordinary. The division is twice as high, and the average person does not dare to ignore them."

"The rune map inscribed by Tian Fu Shi can be said to be intelligent. There is a saying that the drawing is true. A bird under the script of Tian Fu can fly out of the painting. The living dragon is no different from the real one. Tian Fu Shi is regarded as a VIP by all major forces."

"As for the sacred teacher, the engraved map, the strong at this level, a thought can change a variety of swords or spirit beasts and sacred beasts and people to fight, the means of attacking people is unexpected, it is a more difficult sign division.

As for the emperor, it seems that there is a power to sneak into the sea, and the power of the wind and the rain can be used. They can control the power of heaven and earth for their own use at any time. There are only one or two people in the emperor. As for the honorable teacher and the genius, no one has ever seen it. No one knows if there are any two kinds of symbols. "

At the end of the day, Mrs. Cheng looked at the girl in front of her eyes and said, "Hey, your mental strength is good, but there is no inheritance of the teacher. Otherwise, you can learn the teacher, which is equivalent to a life-saving. means."

"Grandma, have you been out of this continent before? In another level of space?" Cheng Hao asked questions he had long wanted to know.

Mrs. Cheng's wife was slightly sluggish for a moment and met her granddaughter's gaze. She nodded. "It's no problem to tell you. I am not really here. I used to be called the Bohai Sea. The Bohai Sea is more than this time and space. It is more than ten times larger and is divided into several large areas. Each large area is bigger than this continent. The Bohai Sea has a large number of ancestral gates, talented people, and talented Jiejun countless. It is definitely a small place to compare."

"Grandma, you, you used to be--" Cheng Hao can't help but look forward to the Bohai Sea.

"Fang family, my family's family identity is similar to your previous power in the imperial city, and compared with the powerful Zongmen, but those small Zongmen, the average person does not dare to provoke us, and I am in the 18th When I was a year old, I was experienced in the demon area. I accidentally took the mantra of others and was driven into the wrong time and space, so I came to this place."

Grandma's origins have finally been clarified, and it's almost the same as Cheng's guess.

"Grandma, can you still return to the Bohai Sea?"

"Difficult to say—" Mrs. Cheng's wife sighed and couldn't hide her eagerness. "Maybe one day I will go back. Maybe, I will never go back, look at the chance, hope to be able to go home and have a look in my lifetime. "

"Grandma, I believe, you will be able to go back!"

"Oh, yes, no one knows about the future. It is possible to go back!"

The grandparents and grandchildren talked for an afternoon.

In the heart of Cheng Hao, there are similar questions about Grandma. I don't know what I want to know about my grandmother's mainland.

"Missy -"

Just flashing out of the space, the old man should be rushing forward, Cheng Cheng looked at him from different places and said: "Why, what happened?"

"Missy, it's a big deal!" The old man, who has never been adjusted, has a serious expression.

Realizing that things are not simple, Cheng Yan frowned and asked: "Oh, what happened?"

"Gu Chang Lao just came back from the county government. The owner received news that in Qingshan County, close to the mountain village of Huangyan County, the plague suddenly appeared, and many people have died!"

"Plague? What plague? How could a plague occur?"

Cheng Hao questioned and asked, there is no natural disaster*, and it is generally impossible to explode any plague. Now, there is a plague.

"I haven't found it yet. The plague has been heard to be a bit weird. The idea of ​​the owner is to let Missy think about it. Can we cure those people who are poisonous, or else spread the plague? Absolutely A terrible disaster."