
Debut: first day at work

Shiori's POV:

Damian hack the school's database and make me the homeroom teacher of Ichigo's class After all we have around 5 years before the plot starts. We have to make sure that before that I'm able to control my energy up to captain levels, not to mention application we have enough time for that. I'll use Isshin to get to Urahara.

[I choose correctly with you , you're already making plans to get more powerful I'll do that so make sure that you stay in Ichigo's mind and have his dad mention you to Urahara and your training issue will be solved and in 5 year's you'll be ready, anyway did you think the family building quest a thought and if you did who will be the daddy]

I'll accept it as for the daddy Byakuya will be perfect. He's got the money ,looks,family status and the power.

Anyway time to get to work I think I'll wear a white top with a beige full skirt, hair tied up in a simple pony tail and a little bit of blush and a push up bra with a nose ring but not those that need a piercing and two bangles one one hand and voila done and done.

Time to leave. Damian why did you choose of me of all people? I'm just curious.

[Off all people I choose you because you have the will to live and the drive to succeed at all costs. I know all to well how you got that nickname Void Queen what ever you do is calculated even your outfit today is simply to give the image of an easy going person and an approachable person to make your students and colleagues trust you and open up to you and when we consider Ichigo who lost his mother and his young sisters you'll be a bloody ray of sunshine in his miserable life]

[Anyways we have arrived at the school ready Shiori ]

As I'll ever be time to conquer.

[All hail the queen]

Bow peasent this queen has arrived. I'll go park my car and go to the office first.

Hi I'm the new science teacher Miss Shiori Tsubaki can you show me the principles office.

POV of unimportant teacher

I was walking to my car to get the files of the student's that's where I saw her a beautiful woman as she approached me I froze when she introduced herself as the school's new science teacher I knew that she would be assigned to class A as their homeroom teacher we talked along the way to the principles office I got to know that she is a really nice person who is serious and passionate about her work and just like that we had reached the principals office

Back to Shiori

Thank's for your help teacher Lin I appreciate it a lot. It's okay bye. Time to meet the principal.

[You just got here and your already impressing people what a manipulative person you and Aizen would make a dream couple ]

If say so Damian we'll just wait and see we'll just have to wait and see.

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SA_Queencreators' thoughts