
Transmigration the Soul in a Fantasy World: The Rise of the Hero

Hyunwoo an ordinary young man with a monotonous life, discovers a mysterious novel in the library that tells the story of the magical world of Eldoria, where heroes and villains struggle for dominance. When Hyunwoo awakens in the middle of a strange forest, he finds himself trapped in the novel’s world, inhabiting the body of Lee Jonghyun, the feared main villain throughout Eldoria. Now, with Jonghyun’s extraordinary magical powers and terrifying reputation, Hyunwoo must face his new reality. Amidst internal conflict and threats from Eldoria’s true heroes, Hyunwoo tries to find a way to survive and possibly change Eldoria’s fate. Will Hyunwoo find his way home, or will his destiny as the dark ruler change him forever? Follow Hyunwoo’s journey in “Transmigrastion the soul in a Fantasy World: The Rise of the Hero” and discover how an ordinary young man confronts extraordinary challenges in a world filled with magic and intrigue.

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14 Chs

Training at the Tower of Magic

After defeating Zarthor and restoring peace to Eldoria, Hyunwoo realized that his powers were still not sufficient.

Threats could arise at any time, and he needed to be prepared to face whatever emerged in the future.

With unwavering determination, he decided to journey to the Tower of Magic, a legendary place where great wizards were trained.

Located atop a hill surrounded by dense forest, the Tower of Magic stood grandly with walls of stone that emitted mysterious lights, appearing like something out of another world.

As Hyunwoo approached the large door made of ancient wood, he felt nervous yet excited.

He knocked loudly, and the door creaked open slowly.

A tall old man in a blue robe appeared behind the door.

His long white hair was neatly tied back, and his sharp blue eyes gazed at Hyunwoo with curiosity yet firmness.

"Who are you, and what do you seek at the Tower of Magic?" he asked in a calm but assertive voice.

Hyunwoo bowed slightly as a sign of respect.

"My name is Hyunwoo. I have come here to learn and enhance my abilities. I wish to protect Eldoria from future threats."

The old man nodded slowly.

"I am Master Jinwoo, one of the wizards who teaches here. We rarely accept new students, but your spirit is admirable. Come in, and we shall see what you can learn."

Hyunwoo followed Master Jinwoo into the tower.

Inside, the tower was much larger than it appeared from the outside.

Long corridors lined with walls covered in thick books, large rooms filled with tables of potions and magical artifacts, and students bustling about with their exercises.

Master Jinwoo led Hyunwoo into a large room with a marble floor and tall windows that bathed the room in sunlight.

"This is the main training room," he said.

"Here, you will practice alongside other students under the guidance of mentors. I will introduce you to them."

In the training room, Hyunwoo met three individuals who would become his companions and training partners.

The first was So-Ra, a young sorceress with fiery red hair and sharp green eyes.

"Welcome to the Tower of Magic," she greeted with a smile.

"I am So-Ra, specializing in elemental magic."

The second was Yoon-Seok, a tall, muscular man with dark skin and warm brown eyes.

"I'm Yoon-Seok," he said in a deep voice. "I focus more on protective and healing magic."

The last was Mi-Young, a woman with long black hair and a mysterious aura.

"I am Mi-Young," she said softly.

"I master illusions and mind manipulation."

Hyunwoo felt relieved to meet them.

They seemed friendly and eager to help.

Master Jinwoo left them to begin their training, and So-Ra promptly led them to a section of the room used for elemental practices.

"Start with the basics," So-Ra instructed.

"Try to feel the energy around you and use it to control the basic elements: fire, water, earth, and air."

Standing in the center of the room, Hyunwoo closed his eyes and attempted to sense the energy around him. I

nitially challenging, with So-Ra's guidance, he began to feel a gentle yet powerful flow of energy.

He extended his hand and recited a simple mantra taught by So-Ra.

A small ball of fire appeared in his palm, rotating slowly before eventually dissipating.

"Good, Hyunwoo," So-Ra praised enthusiastically.

"Now try the other elements."

Hyunwoo continued practicing, attempting to manipulate water, earth, and air.

Though difficult, he sensed progress each day.

His new friends were always there to assist and offer encouragement when frustration set in.

In addition to elemental training, Yoon-Seok taught Hyunwoo protective magic.

"You must learn to defend yourself and your allies," he emphasized.

"This magical shield can withstand both physical and magical attacks." Yoon-Seok demonstrated how to recite protective mantras, and Hyunwoo diligently practiced to perfect them.

On the other hand, Mi-Young taught Hyunwoo the art of illusion and mind manipulation.

"This is a very potent weapon when used correctly," Mi-Young explained.

"You can confuse your enemies and make them see what you want them to see." Focusing his mind, Hyunwoo attempted to create simple illusions.

He successfully created a shadow of himself in a corner of the room, surprising So-Ra and Yoon-Seok.

"Excellent work, Hyunwoo!" exclaimed Mi-Young.

"You catch on quickly."


Days passed swiftly at the Tower of Magic.

Hyunwoo continued training tirelessly, learning from mistakes and refining his techniques.

Whenever he felt weary or despondent, his friends were always there to offer support.

One day, after a particularly exhausting training session, Master Jinwoo summoned Hyunwoo to his chamber.

"You have trained diligently, Hyunwoo," he began. "I am proud of your progress.

But there is one more thing you must learn."

"What is it, Master?" Hyunwoo inquired.

Master Jinwoo retrieved an ancient tome from his bookshelf.

"This is a book of ancient magic containing the most powerful spells ever known. You must study these spells, but remember, great power comes with great responsibility. Use it wisely."

Hyunwoo accepted the tome with deep respect.

He knew this was his final test at the Tower of Magic.

He spent the following nights studying every page, reciting the spells carefully, and understanding the meaning behind each word.

Finally, after weeks of intensive training, Hyunwoo felt ready.

He had mastered the basic elements, protective magic, illusions, and the ancient spells.

With guidance from Master Jinwoo and the support of his friends, he had become a much stronger and wiser wizard.

The last day at the Tower of Magic arrived.

Master Jinwoo gathered all the students in the main training room.

"Today, we bid farewell to Hyunwoo," he announced.

"He has completed his training and is ready to return to Eldoria as a stronger protector."

So-Ra, Yoon-Seok, and Mi-Young gave Hyunwoo warm hugs.

"We will miss you," So-Ra said.

"Stay strong, and remember, you always have friends here."

Hyunwoo smiled. "Thank you for everything. I will never forget what you have taught me."

With a heart full of gratitude and a stronger resolve, Hyunwoo departed the Tower of Magic, prepared to face whatever awaited him in the future.

Eldoria might be safe for now, but he knew that threats could emerge at any time.

And when they did, he would be ready to defend it.