
Transmigration the Soul in a Fantasy World: The Rise of the Hero

Hyunwoo an ordinary young man with a monotonous life, discovers a mysterious novel in the library that tells the story of the magical world of Eldoria, where heroes and villains struggle for dominance. When Hyunwoo awakens in the middle of a strange forest, he finds himself trapped in the novel’s world, inhabiting the body of Lee Jonghyun, the feared main villain throughout Eldoria. Now, with Jonghyun’s extraordinary magical powers and terrifying reputation, Hyunwoo must face his new reality. Amidst internal conflict and threats from Eldoria’s true heroes, Hyunwoo tries to find a way to survive and possibly change Eldoria’s fate. Will Hyunwoo find his way home, or will his destiny as the dark ruler change him forever? Follow Hyunwoo’s journey in “Transmigrastion the soul in a Fantasy World: The Rise of the Hero” and discover how an ordinary young man confronts extraordinary challenges in a world filled with magic and intrigue.

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14 Chs

The Mysterious Sorcerer

That night, Eldoria was shrouded in a thick fog.

In the midst of the bustling night market, a mysterious sorcerer appeared.

Clad in a long black robe with a hood covering his face, he walked calmly among the crowd, as if time around him had slowed down.

His intimidating presence immediately caught the attention of Eldoria's residents, who whispered in curiosity and anxiety.

Hyunwoo, who was at a tavern with his friends, sensed a strange shift in the air.

He quickly looked up and saw the figure of the sorcerer.

Without hesitation, Hyunwoo left the table and walked toward him.

His instincts as a true fighter told him that this was no ordinary occurrence.

"Who are you?" Hyunwoo asked in a firm but not too loud voice, ensuring only the sorcerer could hear him.

The sorcerer turned slowly, revealing a pair of sharp, glinting eyes beneath his hood.

"My name is not important. What matters is the message I bring," he replied in a deep, raspy voice.

Hyunwoo narrowed his eyes, staying alert. "What message?"

"There is a new threat greater than Hwayeon," said the sorcerer.

"I've come to warn you. You and your friends must be prepared."

"What threat? Explain!" Hyunwoo demanded.

The sorcerer raised his hand, revealing a small crystal ball that slowly rotated in his palm.

Inside the ball, a shadowy creature with glowing red eyes could be seen.

"Creatures from the realm of darkness are rising. They are stronger, craftier, and more dangerous than Hwayeon."

Hyunwoo swallowed hard, feeling a chill crawl down his spine.

"Why are you telling me this? What do you want?"

The sorcerer stared at Hyunwoo intently.

"Because you are Eldoria's last hope. You possess a power you have yet to fully understand. I am here to help you face it."

Hyunwoo was silent for a moment, digesting the sorcerer's words.

Then he nodded slowly.

"Alright. What must I do?"

The sorcerer extended the crystal ball to Hyunwoo.

"Take this. It will guide you. You must learn more about these creatures and stop them before they destroy Eldoria."

Hyunwoo carefully took the crystal ball. As he touched it, he felt a strong surge of energy flow through his body.

The ball vibrated softly in his hand, almost as if it were alive.

"Where can I find you again?" Hyunwoo asked.

The sorcerer smiled faintly.

"I will find you when you need me." With that, he vanished into the fog, leaving Hyunwoo with the crystal ball and a heavy burden of responsibility.


The next day, Hyunwoo gathered his friends—Yoona, a young sorceress with extraordinary powers.

Hyeon-Jin, an undefeated swordsman.

And Kim-Eunji, a strategist and expert in ancient knowledge.

They assembled in the meeting room within the castle, with the crystal ball in the center of the table.

"So, this mysterious sorcerer says there's a new threat?" Hyeon-Jin asked, still half-disbelieving.

"Yes," Hyunwoo replied.

"And this crystal ball is supposed to guide us to find out more."

Yoona looked at the crystal ball with great interest.

"Let me try something." She cast a protective spell and touched the crystal ball.

Instantly, a blue light emanated from the ball, forming a map of Eldoria in the air.

"This is a map of Eldoria," Eunji said, examining it closely.

"But look, there are red dots blinking in several places."

Hyunwoo nodded.

"Those might be the places where the dark creatures are gathering."

"We need to check them out one by one," Hyeon-Jin said resolutely.

They decided to start with the nearest point, a forest on the outskirts of Eldoria.

With thorough preparations, they set off.

In the forest, they found signs of battle—fallen trees, torn-up ground, and bloodstains.

However, there were no signs of the dark creatures.

"Too late," Hyunwoo murmured.

"They've moved."

"We need to move faster," Yoona said.

"Otherwise, we'll only be chasing shadows."

After that, they went to the next red dot, a cave in the mountains.

There, they encountered the dark creatures.

Shadowy figures with horrifying bodies and glowing red eyes, just as Hyunwoo had seen in the crystal ball.


A fierce battle ensued.

Hyunwoo and Hyeon-Jin fought with their swords while Yoona protected them with her magic and Eunji provided strategic directions.

The battle lasted quite some time, but they finally managed to defeat the creatures.

However, they knew this was just the beginning.

These dark creatures were merely pawns of something bigger and more dangerous.

"We need to find out who is leading them," Eunji said after the battle ended.

"Only then can we stop them completely."

With guidance from the crystal ball, they continued their journey from one red dot to another.

Each battle brought them more information and closer to the leader of the dark creatures.

However, each battle also grew more difficult, demanding their strength and intelligence.

During their journey, the mysterious sorcerer reappeared.

"You have done well," he said.

"But time is running short. The leader of the dark creatures, Zarthor, is preparing for a massive assault. You must stop him before it happens."

"Where can we find him?" Hyunwoo asked.

The sorcerer nodded toward the crystal ball.

"The crystal ball will show the way. But be careful, Zarthor is no easy foe. You must work together and use all the strength you have."

Hyunwoo and his friends were determined to stop Zarthor and save Eldoria.

With the crystal ball's guidance and the sorcerer's advice, they continued their journey, ready to face any threat that awaited them.

Their journey led them to an old fortress atop a snow-covered mountain.

There, they found Zarthor and his terrifying army.

The final battle was the toughest, but with courage, teamwork, and the strength they possessed, they finally defeated Zarthor and foiled his evil plans.

Eldoria was safe, but Hyunwoo knew that threats could come at any time.

With the mysterious sorcerer remaining a shadow in the background, Hyunwoo and his friends vowed to always be ready to safeguard the peace in Eldoria.

They returned to the city as heroes, but also with a deeper understanding of their own powers and the great responsibility they carried.

Eldoria might be safe for now, but their journey had just begun.