
Chapter 295 Where did it go_1

At night, Lady Li prepared a big table of dishes, all Zhulan and Zhou Shuren's favorites. Her efforts to please were particularly evident, and while Zhulan and Zhou Shuren ate happily, Zhao and Lady Dong suffered, having been busy all day with hands that were now barely functional.

As it turned out, when it was time to tighten the reins, you really had to do so. In less than seven days since Zhulan's return, Zhao and Lady Dong became good daughters-in-law once again, not daring to scheme anything small and showing Lady Li extra respect.

But Lady Li was not happy at all because a generous heart had led to a gain in weight. In less than seven days, she had gained at least eight or nine pounds and could no longer wear her Jade Bracelet.

Zhulan watched with her own eyes as Lady Li got fatter, and even controlling her portions was futile as Lady Li's weight skyrocketed like it was inflated.