
Chapter 9

<p>Why is the mood so stiff and awkward? Aren't meals with family supposed to be warm and relaxed?<br/><br/>She glanced around the circular table, other than her parents and brothers, her third uncle, aunt, and cousin were also present. Everyone busied themselves with the variety of dishes in front of them.<br/><br/>Only the clinking of cutlery could be heard. She wanted to say something, but the her in the past wouldn't have cared about anything other than the strawberry cake in front of her. It's truly delicious! <br/><br/>Finally, her mother broke the silence, "the autumn festival is just around the corner, does anyone have any suggestions for this year?"<br/><br/>Everyone ignored her.<br/><br/>"perhaps a family picnic...?"<br/><br/>"perhaps focusing more on the social circles?" The royal princess, princess Angelina smiled 'sweetly'. She never got along well with her sister-in-law, she strongly believed her brother could've gotten a better wife.<br/><br/>Amourora sighed. 'here we go again.'<br/><br/>"Rosabella, do you not like the strawberry cake?" her uncle asked, eyeing her dessert plate. "you just recovered, maybe you shouldn't eat something—" <br/><br/>"no, I like it." she cut him off. <br/><br/>'Have you no shame trying to steal sweets from a child?' <br/><br/>"it's not very healthy for you." her father gestured for a servant to change the dish in front of her with fish soup. <br/><br/>"..."she poked the fish head with her fork and gaged." ew, it has eyes! "<br/><br/>" take it away! "she grumbled at the servant who took her cake, secretly applauding herself for acting like a snob." can't you hear me? "<br/><br/>" Amourora, that's not lady-like. " her mother reminded her." it's healthy and nutritious. "<br/><br/>" then, mother, why aren't you eating it? "she smiled cheekily. <br/><br/>"er...because I am very healthy." she made up an excuse, dapping her lips with a handkerchief. "all I am saying is, you could've asked nicely." <br/><br/>"if my darling thinks it's bad, then it's bad." the emperor stated. "take it away and reduce 10% of the chef's salary." <br/><br/>Amourora was speechless. <br/><br/>In the surface, it seemed like a doting father doing it for his daughter's sake, but in fact he was using her to get rid of the unappetizing dish. <br/><br/>Was it really necessary? <br/><br/>"ahm." he cleared his throat. "there's no need to do anything special for the autumn festival, a week of celebration will suffice. Let's invite some envoys from other kingdoms, and host a banquet, it should be enough." <br/><br/>Both the royal princess and the Empress smirked at each other, with similar yet different thoughts. <br/><br/>'look, my imperial brother took my side in the end.' Angelina smiled to herself.' so what if you're the empress? Your husband doesn't like you enough to save you face. '<br/><br/>' that stupid princess thinks the emperor is taking her side. 'the empress snickered inwardly.' he's inviting marriage candidates for you, idiot. Ah, look at her smug expression, so foolish.'<br/><br/>Amourora wanted to roll her eyes, no wonder why their kingdom fell, the adults here are stupid blockheads. If these are the people who are ruling the country and society, then...she really has nothing to say. They're too childish. But, she still has to find a way to save them. <br/><br/>"Rosabella, I mastered a new sword technique, do you want to see it?" Edmund, who's sitting at her right, asked enthusiastically. <br/><br/>Does she? Hell yeah! <br/><br/>Can she? Nope. <br/><br/>"it's too dirty in the barracks, and swordplay is too boring." she refused. "I might get injured or fall ill again. Plus, it's too smelly there. ew. " <br/><br/>"it's not that bad..." he seemed hurt. <br/><br/>'Sorry, Edmund, I would be thrilled to see it, but I can't act out of character.' she frowned. <br/><br/>"cousin, I think it would be fun." Avyanna held her hand, her eyes pleading her to give it some thought. <br/><br/>"you really think so?" she asked, seeming to be a bit hesitant. <br/><br/>"yes!" Avyanna popped her head. <br/><br/>Normally, her cousin would've slapped her hand off, so seeing her actually listening to her, her heart soared with excitement and her face bloomed into a brilliant smile. <br/><br/>Actually, she wasn't the only one surprised, even her family and the servants stared at her in shock. The clinking momentarily stopped, and she heard a couple of gasps. <br/><br/>Guys, calm down. She only asked a question, she didn't even agree yet. <br/><br/>"hm..." she acted as if she was thinking it over. Edmund gazed at her hopefully.<br/><br/> "...fine. "she made sure to sound as reluctant as possible." if you insist... "<br/><br/>Edmund turned to the emperor. "imperial father, can we be excused? Pretty please!" <br/><br/>If he waited a second longer, she might change her mind!</p>