
Chapter 28

Walking down the street, the dirt path with vendors slowly turned into a cobble stone road with small shops that got bigger the further they walked. The people's clothes also got tidier and weren't full of patches and holes. Kids didn't run around barefoot and in rags, and women decorated their hair, necks, and wrists with minimal accessories.

All this time she had been walking in one of the the main streets, but she couldn't imagine how life is like in the small alleyways.

She snapped out of her thoughts at the sound of a bell when they entered a bakery. A sweet smell wafted through the air and tickled her nose.

"Hello, brother Anton!" the shop owner greeted enthusiastically. "I see you brought your little sister today! "

"Hello! This is Marinette." Andrew beckoned for her to sit near the window. " Mary, this is Anthony, but you can call him Tony. He is the owner of this bakery, the cleanest in the capital !"

"I don't don't deserve such praise." he chuckled handing out menus. "actually, it was your brother who helped me buy this place. It has a good spot and is spacious."

"don't mention it." Andrew flipped through a menu. " Am–Mary, order whatever you like."

"yes, it's on the house." Anthony offered generously.

"no, we won't do that." Andrew refused.

"it's her first time here, let her try out anything she wants." Anthony insisted.

Andrew was about to refuse, when something outside caught his attention. "yeah... Tony please look after her for a while." he got out a little distracted.

"okay...?" he didn't have to say anything as Andrew was already out the door. "um... Marinette, how about looking through the display shelves? To see anything you might like?"

"okay, I couldn't understand anything from the menu anyways." she trotted to the shelves and looked at the baked goods. "Brother Tony, why aren't there many snacks ?"

"um, because there aren't many customers." he rubbed his neck in embarrassment.

"may be it's because the food is too expensive?" she looked up at him. "winter is around the corner, and people will come inside to find a warm place to sit in. If you make more sweats with a cheaper price they might buy."

"little girl, as you can see, I am busy, but can't afford to hire more people, even if I wanted to. " the baker was amazed with her intelligence and replied honestly. "how about you come help me?" he joked.

"okay." she smiled thoughtfully. "but you have to split the profit."

Anthony didn't expect her to take his words to heart, but as she was a child, he didn't take her seriously. "then, how will you help me?" he said half-joking.

"well, your bakery is big, clean, and in a good place. However, you need to meet your customers' needs. You are in the commoners district, and commoners can't afford the price of your products."

Listening to her pointing out facts he had overlooked, he started analyzing all her actions since she came in. She said she can't understand the menu, and most commoners are illiterate, so they obviously won't understand it.

She said the food is expensive and commoners can't afford it, so he doesn't have a lot of customers. She also pointed out his target market is for the upper-middle, when it should be the middle class.

Not only that, but she emphasized the location, and weather. In cold days, people will look for a warm place, even if temporary, which will give him a better chance of gaining customers as bakeries are naturally warm. If he listened to her advice, there's a good chance his sales will increase.

Finding her words plausible, he said seriously. "your words are correct, however, the ingredients are expensive, I can't lower the prices or else I will lose money."

"commoners don't care about the quality of the food as much as nobles do," she replied just as serious. "as long as it's affordable and clean, it will suffice. The quality of grain isn't as big of an issue as their hunger."

" and what do you recommend I sell in the cold seasons?" he started seeing her in a new perspective.

"um..." she didn't know if she should help him like this. She wasn't sure what kind of person he was, and if he'll monopolize her ideas and take credit for it.

Seeing her hesitant, he gave her some crackers in hopes of squeezing out some ideas for his plummeting business.

"something warm." she answered confidently. " tea is good. Cheap tea. And something sweet or sour to go with it, like pastries. It would be better if it's something easy to take on the go as commoners are busy."

Anthony was still stuck on the words 'cheap tea', he never heard of it. Tea is expensive and meant for nobles. Heck, five leaves can be sold for a gold coin! It's even more expensive since it's imported from the east.

" cheap tea? "

" yes. The most popular type of tea is Camellia sinensis, however, there are many different types. Infusions of fruit, leaves, or other plant parts, such as rosehip or chamomile can be added to make it herbal tea. Also, you might add milk and sugar to it, but it's not widely used as nobles deem it inappropriate to disrespect the long history and culture of tea.

"nobles also like to buy the freshest tea leaves from merchants, but in fact, black tea is cheaper and easier to export. By adding milk and sugar or lemon, you will have an aromatic stimulating beverage that many commoners would like. Especially, women, as coffee is for men. "

Astonished by her words, Anthony almost thought they came from a woman well-versed in the nobles' society, not a little girl. He wasn't that dense to think it's only normal. He couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

" how about a cooperation?" she smiled delicately, nibbling on the crackers.