
Chapter 26

Knock. Knock.

Amourora quickly hid her book and slipped under the duvet.

"your highness..." a little girl whispered, lifting the duvet to look at the princess. As she was sleeping soundly, she didn't want to wake her up, so she pulled the duvet up to her chin and quietly tiptoed out, closing the door softly.

Phew! That was close!

The old her barely knew simple words at this age, if she was caught reading a thick history book, she would be busted! Or they will find her a little suspicious and raise their vigilance, after all, a smart kid is dangerous, you can't talk freely in front of them, they will understand and know private conversations.

"psst... Bella... Rosabella..." someone shook her shoulders softly.

She blinked her long eyelashes open and rubbed her 'sleepy' eyes. As soon as she saw who it is, she almost screamed in shock, but he closed her mouth and put a finger to his lips.

"third uncle..." she whispered softly. "what are you doing here?"

"you asked where I went often and wanted to go out." he winked.

"uncle, does that mean..." Her eyes sparkled and a mischievous grin spread on her face.

He nodded. "only if you listen to me and keep it a secret."

She popped her head up and down then brought a finger to her lips. "shhh..."

She tiptoed to her chest Where she kept some toys, and gestured for him to follow. He was wearing a servant's outfit, which made it easier to sneak around, but she was wearing sleeping attire, even if they weren't as splendid as her gowns, they were too luxurious for a commoner.

She slowly pulled out a black hooded cape and a simple blue dress. She and Edmund wear it when they play 'damsel in distress', where the brave knight saves his sister. Who knew that lame game would come in handy one day?

She slipped into the closet to change. Unlike most dresses, the blue dress was easy to wear, she only had to wear it from the bottom, raise the short sleeves to her shoulder, then someone would help her tie the ribbon back.

When she was finished, her uncle gazed out of her window, then whispered. "are you ready for some fun?"

She nodded hesitantly. "wait, let me get my bag."

Her uncle was a little reckless, but then again, you can't call a person who ignored the emperor's orders again and again, sane. Which made her wonder, how did he manage to get into her room when it was heavily guarded and in the third floor?

Never mind she asked. She clung into his clothes tightly for fear of falling. This crazy person was jumping off a three story building's window with the help of a single robe!

When they landed on the ground, they tumbled a bit, but neither got hurt. Her heart was beating so fast, she could hardly hear her thoughts!

Bum. Bum. Bum.

Her uncle tugged the robe and put it in his shoulder bag, then he pulled her hand and ran across the field. When she moved too slowly for his liking, he picked her up and slid under some bushes closing her mouth.

She heard heavy steps of the patrolling guards and held her breath until they left.

"they left." her uncle whispered. "do you want to go back? Or enjoy the rest of the exciting trip?"

"I want to see the capital." she whispered decisively.

It's not like she hadn't experienced a little fright before, it's just...those were a do or die situations, not breaking the rules and getting into mischief for the fun of it.

Still, she never visited the capital in her last life, no matter how she dreamed of doing so one day, her father was a bit overprotective. Plus, she wanted to see how the people lived and perhaps she could get an idea to improve their lives.

Her uncle peeked over the bushes, then crawled to the other side, pointing for her to follow closely. He crouched his back and ran along the edge as to not be spotted, then turned a corner.

Amourora did the same. As she had lived near the battle field in her last life, she had to be extremely cautious whenever she wanted to go to town to buy food. But she tried to not seem as if she was good at it and slipped or tripped often.

Her uncle, Andrew, kept moving nimbly and hiding whenever a guard or maid passed by, and every once in a while, he would look back to check if she was still following him, or if she got hurt .

Things didn't seem to be too difficult, until her uncle froze in his tracks and turned sharply, swiping her and sliding behind a wall blending into the shadows. She seemed to guess why, some elite guards were laughing at one side. Elite guards had sharper senses than most people, but not as sharp as imperial knights.

Which is surprising, as imperial Knights were supposed to guard her room, but they were able to slip away so easily. She held her breath and hoped they couldn't hear her heart beating loudly in her ears.

Just then, to their luck, a group of maids were heard gossiping, and they were about to turn the corner! She knew without turning around that her uncle was just as nervous as she was.

Uh-oh! Now what!?