
Transmigration: Master Jiang's Hot Spy Wife

She was the government's deadliest secret weapon - a spy who lived by her wits and lethal skills. But when her little brother was kidnapped, even Bai Yunshu's training couldn't stop the shocking betrayal that cost her everything...including her life. Reborn into the body of bullied debutante Feng Ruoxi, Yunshu finds herself greeted by a cruel father, a venomous stepmother, and the last thing she ever expected - an elite fiancé from one of the nation's most powerful families! Jiang Yukang, her so-called husband-to-be, is as arrogant as he is gorgeous. But little does this prime catch realize his delicate doe-eyed bride is actually a fiery former spy with lethal skills and a whole new lease on life. What begins as a risky masquerade will soon become an unstoppable whirlwind of sizzling seduction, unraveling mysteries, and dark secrets best left untouched. Can Yunshu claim her rightful status as Master Jiang's hot spy wife while surviving the treacherous world of Kyoto's privileged elite? With her pulse-pounding survival skills and Jiang Yukang's mesmerizing talents in the bedchambers, this transmigrated soul is taking names and leaving a scorching trail of desire in her wake! No enemy can stop this reincarnated vixen from becoming the supreme don't-mess-with-me empress!

FlameWitch · Fantasi
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139 Chs

Jealousy and Greed

Zhang Kai sat alone in his dimly lit study, a glass of aged whiskey in hand as he stared intently at the flickering fireplace. A self-satisfied smirk played on his lips - the kind that came from knowing you had bested your greatest rival. 

Bai Yunshu, the government's deadliest secret weapon, was dead. The woman he had always resented and envied was gone, killed by his own careful machinations. As he replayed the memory of her shocked expression as the bullet pierced her chest, Zhang Kai felt a twisted sense of triumph.

"Finally, that arrogant bitch is out of my way," he muttered, swirling the amber liquid in his glass. For years, he had seethed with resentment over how Bai Yunshu had surpassed him at every turn, her flawless record of completed missions making him look like a mere amateur in comparison. 

He had always prided himself on being the best, the top male agent in the organization. Yet that accolade had been stolen from him by a woman - a woman who, in his mind, didn't deserve the adulation and rewards that came with her success.

"I have lived under her shadow for far too long," he growled, downing the rest of his drink in one gulp. "I'm the one who should be celebrated, not that pathetic excuse of a spy."

A knock at the door interrupted his bitter musings. "Enter," he barked, setting the glass down with a heavy thud.

His assistant, a meek-looking man named Lin Feng, hurried into the room, clutching a folder in his trembling hands. "Sir, I have the information you requested about Bai Yunshu's personal accounts."

Zhang Kai's eyes gleamed with unholy anticipation. "Excellent. Let me see it."

Lin Feng quickly laid out the documents on the desk, his fingers nervously flipping through the pages. "As you suspected, Bai Yunshu was being paid an exorbitant amount for her work as a spy. Her primary account alone contains over 100 million yuan, her other assets and offshore accounts not included. I have an estimate that she may have had over a billion yuan in her name."

A slow, predatory grin spread across Zhang Kai's face. "Billions, you say?" He leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers contemplatively. "And since the bitch has no living relatives to claim her estate, all of that wealth is just sitting there, waiting to be taken."

Lin Feng shifted uncomfortably. "Well, sir, that's the thing. I've been trying to access her accounts, but the security measures in place are incredibly robust. It's as if she anticipated something like this happening."

Zhang Kai's brow furrowed in irritation. "What do you mean? Are you telling me you can't get into her accounts?"

"I-I'm doing my best, sir," Lin Feng stammered, "but the bank has implemented some kind of advanced encryption protocol. It's unlike anything I've ever seen before. Even with my best hacking skills, I can't seem to bypass it."

Slamming his fist on the desk, Zhang Kai's eyes narrowed dangerously. "Then find me someone who can! I want that money, Lin Feng. All of it. Bai Yunshu's wealth is rightfully mine, and I won't rest until I have it."

Lin Feng nodded frantically, his palms growing sweaty. "Y-yes, sir. I'll reach out to our best tech expert immediately. He should be able to crack the encryption and transfer the funds to your personal account."

"See that you do," Zhang Kai growled, waving a dismissive hand. "And don't come back until the job is done."

As Lin Feng scurried out of the room, Zhang Kai leaned back in his chair, a predatory smile spreading across his face. "Soon, Bai Yunshu, your precious fortune will be mine. All the accolades, the respect, the power you wielded - it will all be mine." He chuckled darkly, savoring the thought of finally emerging from the shadow of his hated rival.

A few hours later, there was another knock at the door. Zhang Kai straightened up, smoothing down his impeccable suit. "Enter."

This time, a tall, bespectacled man strode into the room, a laptop tucked under one arm. "Mr. Zhang, I understand you have a rather... delicate task for me to undertake."

Zhang Kai eyed the newcomer approvingly. "Indeed, Mr. Sun. Lin Feng has informed me of your expertise in hacking and data extraction. I have a job that requires your particular set of skills."

Sun Jingtian inclined his head respectfully. "Of course, sir. What exactly do you need me to do?"

"I want you to gain access to the personal accounts of a deceased agent - Bai Yunshu." Zhang Kai's lips curled into a malevolent smile. "Her wealth is considerable, and I intend to claim it as my own."

Sun's brows rose slightly. "Bai Yunshu, you say? She was quite renowned in our circles. I've heard stories of her unparalleled skills and flawless mission record."

Zhang Kai's face darkened at the mention of Bai Yunshu's accomplishments. "Yes, well, the bitch is dead now. And her money is mine for the taking."

Nodding, Sun opened his laptop and began typing furiously. "I see. Well, let's see what we can do about that." His fingers danced across the keyboard, his brow furrowed in concentration.

Minutes ticked by in tense silence as Sun worked, the only sound in the room the soft clacking of keys. Zhang Kai watched the proceedings with barely contained impatience, his leg bouncing nervously.

Finally, Sun let out a frustrated sigh and leaned back in his chair. "This is... quite the challenge, I must say. Bai Yunshu's security protocols are unlike anything I've ever encountered."

Zhang Kai's eyes narrowed dangerously. "What do you mean? Can't you hack into her accounts?"

"I'm afraid it's not that simple," Sun replied, adjusting his glasses. "The encryption on her primary account is virtually impenetrable. It's as if she anticipated someone trying to access her funds after her death."

"Then find a way around it!" Zhang Kai snapped, slamming his fist on the desk. "I want that money, Sun. All of it. Do whatever it takes."

Sun nodded slowly, his expression thoughtful. "I understand your urgency, Mr. Zhang. However, this is no easy feat. Bai Yunshu was clearly a master of her craft, and she has left remarkably few vulnerabilities in her financial safeguards."

Zhang Kai's nostrils flared in frustration. "I don't care about the difficulty. I want that money, and I want it now. Are you telling me you can't do it?"

Sun held up a placating hand. "Now, now, let's not be hasty. I never said I couldn't do it. It will simply take time and considerable effort on my part." He turned his attention back to the laptop, brow furrowed in concentration. "Give me a few days to analyze the system further and explore any potential weaknesses. I'm confident I can find a way in."

Leaning back in his chair, Zhang Kai regarded the tech expert with narrowed eyes. "See that you do. I'm not a patient man, and I won't tolerate failure. That money is rightfully mine, and I won't rest until it's in my possession."

The man nodded, his fingers already flying across the keyboard once more. "Understood, sir. I'll get to work immediately."

As Sun Jingtian began typing furiously on the laptop once more, Zhang Kai paced the room, his expression a mix of triumph and frustration. 

"I can't believe even in death, that woman continues to be a thorn in my side," he growled. "All that wealth, and I still can't access it easily."

His assistant, Lin Feng, nodded nervously. "Yes, sir. Bai Yunshu was clearly a master at securing her assets. Even your tech expert is having trouble breaching her defenses."

Zhang Kai let out a bitter laugh. "That woman always was annoyingly competent. Even now, she's making me work for what's rightfully mine." He turned to Sun Jingtian, his eyes hard. "Well? How much longer is this going to take?"

Sun Jingtian looked up from the laptop, his brow furrowed in concentration. "I'm making progress, but Bai Yunshu's security measures are unlike anything I've ever encountered. It's going to take time to fully unravel them."

"Time is the one thing I'm short on," Zhang Kai snapped. "I want that money, and I want it now. Bai Yunshu's billions should be mine, not hers."

"I understand your impatience, sir," Sun Jingtian replied calmly. "But rushing this process could jeopardize the entire operation. I need to proceed carefully to ensure we don't trip any alarms or alerts."

Zhang Kai let out a frustrated growl, running a hand through his hair. "Fine. But I want daily updates. And if you don't have that money in my account by the end of the week, there will be consequences."

The man nodded, his fingers already flying across the keyboard once more. "Understood, sir. I'll do my utmost to expedite the process."

As he focused on his work, Zhang Kai turned to Lin Feng, a predatory grin on his face. "Soon, all of Bai Yunshu's wealth will be mine. After all these years, I'll finally emerge from her shadow and claim the respect and power I deserve."

Lin Feng nodded nervously, sensing the dangerous edge in his boss's voice. "Y-yes, sir. I'm sure Mr. Sun will be able to crack the encryption in no time."

Zhang Kai's eyes narrowed dangerously. "He'd better, Lin Feng. I've waited too long for this moment. Bai Yunshu's riches will be the key to my ascent, and I won't let anyone or anything stand in my way."

With that, the three men fell silent, the only sound in the room the soft clacking of Sun Jingtian keyboard as he worked tirelessly to breach Bai Yunshu's final defenses.