
Transmigration: Giving The Second Male Lead All The Love I Have.

Liu Yi has always love reading romance novels since she was young, now at the age of twenty, her love for romance novel has never reduced but instead increase to the point she wondered if spending all her day reading novel is one of the reason for her single life. Liu Yi has read a lot of novels in her twenty years of living but has never been able to let go of her newest obsession, she has read the novel more times she can count and still ended up crying at the end. She felt sorry for the second male lead who did not receive any love from any of his family members except from his grandfather and the woman he ended up liking only had eyes for the male lead. What hurted Liu Yi the most was when the second male lead gave his kidney to the female lead despite his heart condition and got a wedding invitation to her wedding with the male lead in return. Liu Yi hated the author of the book and hated the female lead, she knew it was just a book but for some reason she just couldn't move on from it, she felt like what happened to the second male lead was unfair and wished she could do something to change his unfair fate, those were her thoughts as her eyes became heavy with sleep. Liu Yi opened her eyes when she heard someone called her little miss and was surprised to see that she was not only in the body of a ten years old but she was in the novel, in the same world as the second male lead. Knowing that filled her heart with joy, no one might have loved the second male lead but she will, she was going to give the second male lead all the love she has, but the only problem is, she was not only in the body of a ten years old who turned out to be the female lead half sister but also, didn't the female lead half sister died at the age of eighteen? Worst part is, the author never stated who or what exactly killed her.

Rosepetals456 · perkotaan
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187 Chs

First Win The Heart Of His Grandfather.

As Yang Meiyi sat on the dining table for breakfast, she just kept looking round the house, never in her life has she lived in such big mansion before. Though her aunty was rich but not this rich.

In the novel, the Yang family came from new generation of money, they weren't like the Fu and Bai family who came from old money, infact they were middle class people until one day Yang Jiu hit the jackpot when he was able to sign a billion dollar contract with an abroad company.

Sang Xiu sighed when she saw her daughter just looking at the house and asked "Why are you looking around as if it's your first time here?"

Before Meiyi could answer, a middle age man walked into the dining room and sat at the head of the table.

Meiyi knew that this was Yang Jiu, he was just as the book describe him, he was neatly shaved and shred of white hair was seen on his hair but he was still handsome. She was really confused by his character, even after reading the novel so many times, she still couldn't tell if Yang Jiu was a good man or not but one thing was sure, he was a greedy man.

"Meiyi! Where are your manners? You didn't even greet your father." Sang Xiu scolded

Realizing her mistake, Meiyi, immediately looked at her father and acted pitiful as she said "Sorry father."

Yang Jiu looked at his youngest daughter with a gentle gaze and said "It's alright." His gaze moved to Sang Xiu as he said "You shouldn't scold her too much, after all she is just a child."

Yang Jiu looked at the empty seat beside Yang Meiyi and asked coldly "Where is Yang Jia?"

Sang Xiu also looked at the empty seat and said "I will go call her."

"There will be no need for that." A voice coldly said.

Yang Meiyi looked at the direction of the voice and saw a beautiful young girl in a school uniform coming down the stairs, she was the definition of a cold beauty.

No wonder she was the female lead, Yang Jia was indeed the definition of beauty. Meiyi watched as Yang Jia sat beside her and with a smile, she said "Morning big sister."

Yang Jia frowned when she heard that, she looked at Meiyi who was giving her a smile and said coldly "I am not your sister, I thought your mother would have told you that much."

"Yang Jia!" Yang Jiu called out in warning.

Yang Jia took the spoon beside her plate and began eating, ignoring her father.

How could she forget? Yang Jia hated both Yang Meiyi and her mother. Yang Jia had always felt that Sang Xiu was the reason her own parents marriage fell apart and what hurt her the most was her father getting married to Sang Xiu in less than a year after the divorce and the worst part was that Sang Xiu was already pregnant.

A sixteen years old Yang Jia glanced at Sang Xiu in hatred and continued eating her food.

Yang Meiyi sighed and thought of how there will be no way for her and this female lead to get along. Infact when Yang Meiyi died in the novel, Yang Jia spare no opportunity in taunting Sang Xiu about the death of her child. This female lead was really different, although she looked cold but she was kind to other people, infact she even smiled at others but she hated Sang Xiu with passion and also despised her dad for divorcing her mother which led to her death and as for Meiyi, Yang Jia hated Meiyi for being the fruit of both Sang Xiu and Jiu affair and immediately she turned eighteen, she moved out.

But it doesn't matter to Liu Yi, she felt like she was bought into this world for only one purpose and that is to love Fu Mingze and her ticket to meeting the richest kid in country M is her mother Sang Xiu.

Although, Yang Jiu may not have been born in a rich family, it was a different story for Sang Xiu. The Sang Family may not be in the top ten richest family in country M but they were definitely in the top twenty and the best part is Sang Xiu father is friends with Fu Mingze grandfather.

Feeling the air was stiff, Yang Jiu cleared his throat and spoke authoritatively "I have received an invitation to attend the seventy birthday of old master Fu."

Old master Fu birthday? That means she would be meeting her Mingze sooner than she thought.

Yang Jiu smiled and said "Don't you think this is great news? This invitation shows that we are being accepted into their world and Yang Jia, you must ensure you dressed your best, who knows, with your beauty you could even catch the eyes of his eighteen years old grandson."

"Yang Jiu, you sound as if you are going to sell her at the party." Sang Xiu scolded.

"And how is that your business? Whether he decides to sell me or not, what does it concern an outsider like you?" Yang Jia asked coldly.

As if not being aware of the tension in the room, Meiyi smiled sweetly to her father and asked "Can I come as well father?"

"Don't you have a school picnic to go to? You disturbed me for three days to allow you go for the school picnic and now you want to go to Old Master Fu birthday?" Sang Xiu asked her daughter with a smile.

"Besides, I don't think it's a party for little kids, a lot of wealthy families will be invited and they will bring their daughters to try and catch Fu Mingze attention so it's best if only Yang Jia goes with us." Yang Jiu contributed

Yang Meiyi looked at her mother and suddenly started crying, if there was one thing Sang Xiu could not bear was her daughter tears, infact her daughter meant everything to her and that was why she went mad after her daughter's death.

Liu Yi who knew this decided to use it against Sang Xiu and to her expectation, Sang Xiu immediately got up from her chair and walked to her, she bend down to her daughter's level and collected a napkin from the table and wipe her face gently as she said "Don't you know that if you cry too much you might end up sick. You know how worried mummy becomes if her Meiyi is sick."

"But I want to go to the party." Yang Meiyi said with pouted lips.

Sang Xiu dragged her cheek playfully and said "Fine, you can follow us to the party."

"Sang Xiu!" Yang Jiu called out with a frown.

Sang Xiu looked at Yang Jiu and said "It's just a birthday party and besides, my dad and old master Fu are friends, I'm sure he wouldn't mind if my Meiyi is even the only child there."

Yang Jiu let out a helpless sighed and said "You spoil her too much."

"My mummy is the best." Yang Meiyi said excitedly and hugged her mother.

"If you all are done playing a happy family, can I leave now? I have already lost my appetite and I do not wish to also be late for school." Yang Jia said coldly and without even waiting for their reply she stood up and left the dining table without looking back.

As Meiyi looked at Yang Jia who kept walking without turning back, she thought in her heart that, perhaps she can also try to mend the relationship between her and Sang Xiu, after all in the book, Sang Xiu has always tried to look after her well being even though Yang Jia would always insult her for it. She just have to show Yang Jia that Sang Xiu wasn't really a bad person.

Excitement grew in Meiyi body as she thought of how tomorrow night would be. Inorder to get Fu Mingze, she must first win the heart of his grandfather and who can say no to a cute adorable child.