
Transmigrating with the first X rank talent

When charlie is sent to a world over a thousand years in the future they take it in stride yet two years later when they recieve their talent their life falls apart. This is one for my first novels so please leave comments so I know how to improve this

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8 Chs

Forbidden knowledge

It had been two weeks of hell, two weeks in which I had been pushed to my absolute limit day after day, with the only release I was granted was the time I was given to eat and sleep.

Thankfully one small relief was given, shortly after I had entered this abyss of a training camp my system had dinged and I recieved a host of new quests, each more complex than the ones I recieved to start. The quests were:

[Research and develop a unique offensive glyph]

[Research and develop a unique deffensive glyph]

[Research and develop a unique supportive glyph]

[Research and develop a unique utility glyph

[Reach level 10]

[Research the hierarchy of life]

[ Interact with someone who has -------- the hierarchy of life]

[------ the hierarchy of life]

[Find the truth about this 'planet']

[Win the war against the T'chalk]

The first half of them seemed relatively easy with the only reason I hadn't completed them being a lack of free time, however the last half stumped me as I didn't even know where to begin. When I brought the quests up to my new superiors it was decided that I would be given more free time to train my talent after I had been here for two weeks, so on that day I was allowed six hours of time to research whatever I needed to.

So for the last few minutes I had been getting logged in and accustomed to the device. Once I was finally ready I began to scan the database for what a blessing was to begin with. The information, while scarce, was still present, to summarise it the ability to give blessings is unique to beings over level 1000 and each blessing is unique in the fact that is determined by the talent of the reciever and giver, the level difference and the desires of the one giving the talent however once a blessing is given it can't be taken away or removed unless the same person gives another blessing to the original reciever, in which case the first blessing will be removed and another blessing will be added.

When I looked up the heirarchy of life however the result was completely different, a massive quantity of information was present yet my authority was insufficient and within a minute of me looking it up a soldier entered my room and ordered me to follow her. As I followed her a sense of panic ballooned inside of me till we reached a plain door that I was told to go into which I did, only to be met by a reflective white desk that three people sat at each staring at me intently.

'Where did you learn that term?' One of the people, a short post bellied man, asked me.

'I-I got to told to re-research it by a quest.' I murmured.

'As if!' The man exploded, 'Your file states that your only at level 9!' Upon him yelling that the woman sitting next to him whispered something into his ear that caused him to open his eyes wide.

'What is the quest?' Said the woman sitting in the middle.

'I have three to do with the hierarchy of life, one is to research about it, another is to meet someone who has blanked the hierarchy of life, and the final is to blank the hierarchy of life' I said, slowly regaining my confidence.

'Blank?' The woman asked.

'Yes ma'am, when I probed the systemas to why the words were blank it said it was due to a lack of information and my level being to low.'

'Interesting.' The woman said, looking at the last member of the trio, a figure who I couldn't describe even if I wanted to.

'What does the term Fridiological Dinterium mean to you?' The figure I cant describe even now asked.

'I have no clue, sir.' I said honestly, noting the looks of surprise and anger on the faces of the other two impromptu judges.

'I say we grant him temporarily access to the information while he is in this room.' The woman said.

'I agree.' The pot bellied man echoed the opinion of the woman.

'Fine' the mystery person said neutrally.

'Thank you.' I said, excited to learn what this truly was.

Shortly a device similar to the one I used till I got called here was brought in. Taking a deep breath I began browsing, taking in every piece of information about the hierarchy of life I could.

What I learnt... I could tell why it required a higher access level. It could almost be deemed forbidden knowledge.