
Transmigrating with the first X rank talent

When charlie is sent to a world over a thousand years in the future they take it in stride yet two years later when they recieve their talent their life falls apart. This is one for my first novels so please leave comments so I know how to improve this

Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs


While I was being picked up and taken by the principle, my mind slowly gained a low level of awareness as it was bombarded by a selection of knowledge and experience I didn't have previously. Only for my focus to be dragged away by a flashing light.

[Welcome, Host!]


[Name: Charlie York]

[Age: 16]

[Level: 1]

[Talent: Glyph Specilisation]

[Tier: Rainbow]

[Rank: X]

[Type: Branch]


[Passive Skills]

[Active Skills]



'What does my talent do?' I wondered, only to be answered by the glowing screen in my mind expanding.

[Talent: Glyph Specilisation]

[Details: Glyphs are an obscure form of magic that are said to originate my giant creatures, glyphs are unique in the fact that mana doesn't need to be cycled through the artist before it is cast, however they take time to be drawn. It is recommended to draw them on sheets of paper so you can carry many om your person.]

[Tier: Rainbow]

[Rank: X]

[Type: Branch]

'Well... thank you for that concise answer.'

[You Are Welcome]

'What about my stats?'

[Level 1]

[Xp: 0/2]

[Strength: 8]

[Dexterity: 11]

[Constitution: 9]

[Intelligence: 13]

[Wisdom: 13]

[Charisma: 7]

[Stability: 5]

[Ingenuity: 5]

'What do they do?'

[Level 1]

[This is your level, when it increases you gain stat points]

[Xp: 0/2]

[This is the amount you of experience you need to level up, you gain experience through combat, researching new glyphs, and doing quests, amongst other things]

[Strength: 8]

[This affects how much you can carry and how much force your blows carry]

[Dexterity: 11]

[This affects how much control you have over your own body]

[Constitution: 9]

[This affects how much you can resist poison and how well you can take a blow]

[Intelligence: 13]

[This affects how well you can problem solve and learn]

[Wisdom: 13]

[This affects how well you notice things and your instincts]

[Charisma: 7]

[This affects how well you can persuade people and how well you can resist being persuaded]

[Stability: 5]

[This affects how well you can draw a straight line]

[Ingenuity: 5]

[This affects how well you can come up with new ideas]

With that all done I conveniently began to wake up, only to immediately be on guard as I didn't recognise my surroundings.

[Would the Host like to open the welcoming box?]

'Sure.' I muttered, only to be surprised by the items I received.

[Host has recieved:]

[Storage belt]

[Endless notebook]

[Endless pen]

[Drawing gloves]

Feeling confused I barely noticed the gloves appear on my hands while the belt appeared on my waist.

Confusion still present, I withdrew the notebook and pen and cautiously drew a symbol I knew due to the selection of knowledge from the talent. Due to the fact that it was my first time I naturally failed and when I pressed it in Hope's of activating it, the piece of paper simply faded away. Sighing I continued my work, failing 23 more times till I got it right. Upon my success I tapped the symbol, and the paper crumpled into itself and turned into a small sphere out putting light as I heard a ding that I knew was going to become familiar to me

[Quest complete]

'Show me the quests.' I commanded.


[Draw a light glyph]


[Draw a plant glyph]

[Draw an ice glyph]

[Draw a fire glyph]

[Research a unique glyph]

'Claim the quest' I said, and was astounded by the reward.

[Quest: Draw a light glyph. Complete]

[Reward: +10 Xp]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[You are level 3]


[You have two assignable stat points]

'Place one point into stability and one point into Ingenuity' I said, my reasoning was simple, I failed to draw the glyph due to the fact my lines were anything but straight, and I needed to have a custom glyph for the next quest and in general considering the fact I only knew four.

Over the next ten or so minutes I managed to complete the quests that required me to draw the basic glyphs sending me up to level 6 and leaving me 5 Xp from level 7, however I now had 7 Stability and 8 Ingenuity. Looking at my last quest I had the bright idea that since I had both a fire and ice glyph why not mix them together to make a water glyph, that was my first mistake. Upon my first attempt I had a block of ice that refused to melt, and the following attempts didn't get better with the room being filled with water and my face covered with scratches due to blocks of ice detonating. But after four and a half hours I finally succeeded, and at which point I was drenched and freezing.

[Quest: Research a unique glyph. Complete]

[Reward: +50 Xp, 3 stat points]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[You are level 9]

[Xp: 0/30]

[You have six assignable stat points]

'Finally' I exclaimed, relief visible upon my face, 'place 3 points into stability and 3 points into ingenuity.'

As I began to adjust to my new found stats I heard a knock upon the door and a muffled voice spoke out 'Can you open the door please? The lock isnt working from this side.'