
Transmigrating with the first X rank talent

When charlie is sent to a world over a thousand years in the future they take it in stride yet two years later when they recieve their talent their life falls apart. This is one for my first novels so please leave comments so I know how to improve this

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8 Chs


[You have slain T'chalk Talent Bearer (Level:673)]

[You did 12% of the damage]

[You gained 157,255 Xp after bonuses]

[Level Up

[Level Up

[Level Up

[You have reached level 100

[You are aware of the Hierarchy of Life]

[Evolution available



[Evolution confirmed]

[Blessings applied]


[Galaxy human: tier 1, 100%]

[Galaxy human: tier 2, 95%]

[Galaxy human: Glyph, 97%]

[Human: Wolf, 88%]

[Human: T'chalk, 92%]

[T'chalk, 54%]

[Juvenile Collosus, 76%]

[Interceptor ooze, 16%]

[Glyph marked: base, 100%]

'What do the percentages mean?'

[The percentages display how well a certain evolution will fit, the higher the percentage the better, and if a choice drops below 60% then there is a chance for the evolution to fail.]

That marked off the T'chalk and the Interceptor ooze, the Galaxy human: tier 1 also wasnt considered as the tier 2 was available. The blood lines didnt seem like they would help and the galaxy human tier 2 seemed very basic. That left the glyph specialised human, the Glyph marked, and the Juvenile collosus, it was a genuinely hard choice as I still desired to stay human, however the Glyph marked had a 100% compatibility, and the Juvenile colossus seemed to have a chance to become a member of the race responsible for creating the magic I used. In the end however I picked the Glyph marked, the Juvenile colossus seemed interesting but the risk was to high, and the 100% compatibility was to high to pass up.

'Glyph marked: base'

[Glyph marked: Base, selected]

[100% compatibility detected]

[Racial talent activated]

[Evolution beginning]

[Brace for pain]


The pain was horrifying, each cell mutating and dying countless times over till they had completely changed, my veins seemed to carry liquid ice and fire at the same time while my bones seemed to liquid. Yet nothing was worse than the pain in my eyes, what started as a minor iche rapidly developed into a soul searing agony that outpaced everything else. Despite my body yearning for it I couldnt reach unconscious and was barely aware of my surroundings, the only thing I noticed was my scenery eventually changed and that was mainly because I no longer felt blood boiling on my skin. After 3 hours the pain began to taper off, that is except the pain in my eyes as it seemed that was where the greatest change lay, that night I screamed till my throat began to bleed and I physically lost control of that part of my body, leaving me trapped in shell that had never felt so hostile and oppressive.

The next day when the pain finally stopped I collapsed into unconsciousness, unaware of the purple blood covering everything near me and the fact I was currently residing in the field hospital.

It was late afternoon when I finally awoke, with the first thing I acknowledged being the stream of notifications that I had failed to notice during the evolution.

[Racial talent acquired]

[Malleable form: As a being born from experimentation your body is used to change, remove half of all evolution pain, you can use glyphs to strengthen yourself.]

[Quest complete: Ascend the hierarchy of life]

[Reward: Guide to chosen race]

[Hidden quest complete: Ascend to a race with 100% compatibility]

[Rewards: improve items recieved from starting box]

[Hidden quest complete: Ascend to a race with 100% compatibility in your first ascension]

[Reward: talent improvement token]

[New passive skills acquired:]

[Beginner affinity improvement: whenever your would increase your affinity increase that amount by 20%

[Beginner stability improvement: Increase your Stability by 5%

[Beginner Ingenuity improvement: Increase your Ingenuity by 5%

[New active skills acquired]

[Beginner glyph creation: Reduce the amount of time taken to draw glyph, reduction is proportional to dexterity, 30 second cooldown]

[Beginner glyph modification: Permanently improve a glyph type, improvement is proportional to intelligence and wisdom, 7 day cool down]

[Beginner glyph strengthen: Improve the strength of the next glyph you trigger, improvement is proportional to your constitution, 60 second cooldown]

'What is a talent improvement token?'

[Talent improvement token]

[Increase the rank of the talent, the lower the tank the greater the increase]

[People will kill for this, be careful]

'Use talent improvement token'