
Transmigrating to Showbiz System

DING! [Showbiz system activated] [You are no longer Gian Everest. You are now Lux Osiris. Go through the missions of the system, and you will get a reward to help your family's economy. Are you willing?] Gian is given a difficult decision when he believes he is dead, but comes back to life in another man's body. Gian's life is filled with deceit, making him want to change his fate with his talent. However, his talent is only used by those who seek profit without thinking about his fate. Until a system emerges after he transmigrates into the body of a handsome purple-haired man from the nobility. Does Gian accept his new life by living the Showbiz system for the sake of his family's welfare? What was the grudge that made Lux Osiris commit suicide and made Gian replace his life?

lelevil_lelesan · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
47 Chs

Showbiz 40-Magenta

Gian looked intently at Tedo, who he thought liked to keep secrets. This made the butler of the Osiris residence even more mysterious. Gian chose to remain silent and waited for his surprise when they arrived at their destination. Apparently, Tedo took his young master to leave the Imperium city. Gian could see the bridge he had crossed with Erica.

Gian's brow furrowed as the luxury car that brought him entered a green area because on either side of him was a dense forest. There was an asphalt road that could only fit one car. The road continued to climb until a black iron gate was seen. Gian saw a house shaped like a small castle. On either side, there was a two-meter high stone fence with no visible end. The wall seems to enclose the house.


"Oh, Tedo!" called an old man as he approached with a bow after he opened the gate using a remote.

Tedo, who rolled down the window of his car, extended his hand, inviting a shake.

"Hello, Mos. How are you?" asked Tedo, who was greeted with a handshake and a bright smile from the old man named Mos.

As the graying man's eyes turned to the open center window, suddenly, he stepped back quickly as if frightened.

"H-he ...."

"Hi. I'm... Lux Osiris," greeted Lux kindly.

However, Mos was like someone who had a panic attack. Gian was surprised by Tedo's attitude, as the butler seemed to let the old man get confused. The car entered the castle grounds after circling a fountain pool with a statue of a goddess-like woman dancing in the center.

"Old, but beautiful. This place is classic," Lux said in praise.

"Yes, you are right, Young master. Please," Tedo invited and opened the car door for his young master.

The old man stood still as if waiting for the gate. He stared at the figure of Lux Osiris sharply beside the guard post. Gian who felt strange with that person's attitude, chose to follow Tedo who invited him inside.

"Tedo!" greeted an old woman who immediately hugged Tedo when she opened the main door of the castle. Tedo smiled and showed his luggage. "Food?" Tedo nodded. "Thank you very much. You came at the right time. Let's go in," the woman invited, but then her steps stopped when she saw another figure behind Tedo. "Oh!" she squealed with the same expression as Mos.

"Hi, I'm... Lux Osiris. Greetings," Lux said as he invited to shake hands. However, the old woman whose height was only Lux's shoulder, stayed away from him. "Why, are you afraid of me?" asked Lux curiously.

The woman stared at Tedo intently, and the butler just smiled in response.

"Young master Lux needs a favor. You can't possibly refuse, right?" asked Tedo which made the woman gulp.

"Let's talk inside. Come," she invited. Her friendly face turned tense when she saw Lux Osiris coming to the house.

'Strange, really strange. Lux's memory also didn't show anything about this place. There must be something to hide. I can see it from the movements of Mos and the old woman,' Gian thought.

Gian chose to keep his distance. The old lady who wore a knitted jacket, repeatedly turned her head as she accompanied Tedo to walk down the corridor. Gian who did not want Lux to be perceived as a threat, pretended not to notice. He put his hands behind his waist, as he looked at the paintings displayed on the wall along the corridor.

"Young master, please come in," Tedo invited as he stopped in front of a door that the old woman opened.

Gian nodded and went inside. Instantly, his eyes widened. The house he had entered earlier was old, classic, and dark. However, when he entered the room, he was surprised. The large room was brightly lit. Several chandeliers adorned the roof of the room. The roof part was painted like the sky in the daytime filled with clouds with bluish shades.

"It's beautiful," Lux praised where the walls of the room were painted entirely white.

There was a long table and several chairs with animal ornaments that made it look luxurious. The floor was made of white marble with a grayish-black hue, so even without air-conditioning, the room felt cool. The room was clean, airy and comfortable to be in.

"Please, Young master," Tedo requested as he pulled out one of the chairs at the very front. Gian sat down and still focused on observing the surroundings.

"Why don't you sit down?" asked Lux confused as Tedo stood beside him instead. However, the man again didn't answer and just smiled.

The old woman who had accompanied them to the room left with the bundle of food Tedo had brought earlier.

"What is this place?" asked Lux again, but Tedo only smiled. "Really. You are the most mysterious human I've ever met, Tedo," Lux added irritably.

Gian felt bored because he sat alone in that spacious room. In front of him, there were chairs facing each other on either side of a long white table. Suddenly, a wall with a white flower painting opened. Gian gasped when several people dressed in white appeared from behind the door of the painting that opened like a door. Gian turned to Tedo who smiled silently.

'What is it? A secret door? Wow!' Gian screamed inwardly with his heart pounding as a group of men and women dressed in white appeared and stood behind the chairs facing each other.

"Welcome, Young master Lux Osiris. It is a pleasure to finally have you join Magenta."

"Ha?" asked Lux confused as he really did not understand this.

"Give young master Lux a little time. He has to adapt," Tedo said which made Lux immediately stare at him intently.

Those people then sat on the chair. Their eyes looked back at Lux sharply. Gian gulped. He counted the number of seats and the number of people dressed in white. The seats that had been empty were now filled. Yes, there are 14 of them.

"Please explain it to me in detail. Without any deception. Honestly and logically. I beg your pardon," Lux said firmly as he did not want to make small talk about this matter.

"Greetings, Young master Lux. I am M-One. We are members of a group called Magenta. There are many of us. However, these 14 of us are the leaders of each division of each region," said a man whose front hair looked like Superman. He looked dashing because of his broad shoulders despite being covered by a white tuxedo.

"Magenta? Magenta... like... the name of a boutique in a mall that I visited some time ago. Is it... related to that boutique?" asked Lux curiously.

"Hem, you are smart as Tedo said. Yes, the boutique is one of our headquarters," replied a woman with black hair that was rolled up.

"Headquarters?" asked Lux repeating. His eyes blinked several times as he tried to digest every nonsensical remark that entered his ears. "I still don't understand," Lux answered honestly.

"It's like this. I'll get straight to the main purpose of why we came here. Would... may I explain, Young master Lux?" asked Tedo which made Gian immediately extend his hand forward, invitingly. "Alright, to the point. Young master Lux needs help to gather 200 people who will become members of the Luxiuz fan club. Those 200 people, must be gathered today and registered by Erica, one of the secretaries of the Emerald Group appointed to gather the fans of Lux Osiris."

"That's it?" asked a woman sitting on the far right.

"That's it," Tedo replied calmly.

Gian silently watched as one of the men sitting in the center, on the left side, pulled out a cell phone and made a call. The man spoke to someone and relayed instructions from Tedo.

"Let's just wait. It shouldn't take long," said the man with the funny hair. The bangs on his forehead were trimmed flat and the hair on his right and left covered his ears. Like a haircut trimmed using a bowl covering the head.

Gian who was still trying to understand the situation was tense as he was stared at by many people.

"Sorry for breaking this silence. It's just that... who are you guys?" asked Lux affirmatively.

"We're members of the Magenta group," answered a man who had an embroidery that read M-Five.

Gian closed his eyes for a moment. Yes, he knew that the people in mysterious white armor were the Magenta group. But what was Magenta? And, why were those people obedient to him? Especially Tedo, he seemed to know the place very well, including the people. Tedo also seemed to be respected by the residents of that classic house.

"How do I say it, huh?" asked Lux getting fed up with all this charade. Just as Gian was about to open his mouth, there suddenly came a voice that he recognized very well.

[Congratulations, Gian. You managed to gather 1000 fans as per the mission. Health insurance rewards for Camela and Rin will be given]

Suddenly, Lux raised his right index finger upwards. Tedo and the members of Magenta stared at Lux's movements intently. "Later. There are more important matters that must be resolved right now," Lux said firmly with a downcast look.

[Postponement of gift giving accepted]

Lux then raised his gaze. He looked at the fourteen people who were now staring at him sharply. "What is Magenta?" he asked seriously.

Thank you to MimicReads for voting for the golden ticket, as well as other readers for voting for the power stone. Looking forward to more of your support^^

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