
Transmigrating Multiple Times to the Naruto World

Embark on a captivating journey alongside Kai as he immerses himself in the enchanting realm of Naruto. Adopting the guise of one character while wielding the remarkable powers of another, Kai's presence promises to reshape the narrative in unprecedented ways. Prepare to be captivated as you observe the profound impact of this unique fusion on the unfolding events.

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26 Chs

Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura

As Naruto's explanation wound down, Kai slowly rose to his feet, a dawning realization settling upon him. Despite the arduous trials he had endured, the weight of Madara's power still coursed through him. The ordeal seemed unending, and there was no sign of the anticipated return to his own world.

In the midst of his contemplation, a familiar figure emerged from the shadows. It was Sakura, her eyes lighting up with a mixture of relief and unbridled joy. Without a moment's hesitation, she enveloped Sasuke – or rather, Kai, in Sasuke's form – in a warm and genuine embrace. Her voice trembled with emotion as she spoke, "Sasuke, you're finally back... I've missed you so much."

Kai couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy at the heartfelt reunion. It must be truly comforting to have someone who cared for you so deeply. As Sakura held on, Kai's thoughts wandered to his own world, where his best friend Kevin awaited him, an absence he keenly felt in this strange new reality.

Amidst the warmth and happiness, a question tugged at Kai's mind. Why had the simulation not concluded? It seemed the trials he had faced were unending, leaving him adrift in a world that was not his own. The lingering uncertainty gnawed at his thoughts, a puzzle left unanswered.

With a reassuring smile, Naruto turned his attention to Kai. "It's time to return to Konoha," he declared, the words carrying a sense of finality.


As Kai's thoughts wandered, he couldn't help but wonder how much time had elapsed since his strange journey began. Naruto provided a brief explanation, shedding some light on the temporal gap that had separated his departure and impending return. Amidst the conversation, Sakura's expression remained a mix of joy and concern, her worry evident in her furrowed brows and attentive eyes.

Their journey home took them through the tranquil expanse of the forest, the dappled sunlight casting gentle shadows along the path. Yet, amidst the calm, an unexpected figure materialized before them – Itachi, Sasuke's elder brother.

The atmosphere shifted subtly as Itachi's presence permeated the surroundings. His gaze rested on Sasuke, or rather, on Kai who currently occupied Sasuke's form. The air hung with a mixture of curiosity and restraint as Itachi regarded this altered version of his brother.

For a moment, the world seemed to hold its breath as Itachi's expression remained inscrutable. The passage of time had transformed the situation, leaving Itachi to grapple with the unexpected sight before him. Emotions danced in his eyes – surprise, caution, and a hint of a familiar brotherly bond that lingered beneath the surface.

Breaking the silence, Itachi's voice resonated with a touch of wonder, "Sasuke... You've returned."

The atmosphere shifted as Itachi's demeanor grew more solemn, his analytical gaze fixed intently upon Kai. With a purposeful air, he initiated a swift and thorough inspection, his actions conveying a sense of urgency that brooked no objection. The stories and legends he had encountered echoed within his mind, alerting him to the undeniable truth – the power that now resonated from Sasuke's form was not the manifestation of his brother's essence.

Amidst the tension, Itachi's voice cut through the silence, a statement poised as both a question and a declaration. "You are not Sasuke," he stated with unwavering certainty, his piercing gaze locked onto Kai. "The veil of hatred that once shrouded you has lifted. This is not my brother's doing."

A surge of emotions swirled within Kai, the weight of Itachi's scrutiny a testament to his acute perception. The exchange bore an air of gravity, the revelation echoing with implications that stretched beyond their immediate understanding.

However, Naruto's patience wore thin, his own emotions igniting in response to Itachi's probing. Frustration flared within him, and his voice rang out with a fiery edge, "Enough, Itachi! Back off and let us handle this."

The forest, once a tranquil backdrop, now bore witness to a clash of wills and elemental forces. As tensions boiled over, the space between Naruto and Itachi became a battleground, charged with an electric intensity. The clash began, marked by a dazzling display of iconic jutsus that illuminated the shadows cast by the towering trees.

Naruto's determination manifested as a spiraling torrent of chakra, his Rasengan swirling with unrestrained power. Itachi countered with calculated precision, his Sharingan ablaze as he weaved intricate hand signs, unleashing a barrage of ethereal flames that danced and flickered with an otherworldly intensity.

The clash of jutsus painted the forest canvas with vibrant hues of azure and crimson, the sheer force of their clash echoing through the very fabric of nature. Time seemed to slow as the two forces collided, creating a maelstrom of energy that held the world in thrall.

In the end, it was Itachi who emerged from the fray, his calculated tactics and innate prowess guiding him to victory. The echoes of his victory lingered in the air, a testament to his mastery over his art and the depth of his understanding. Amidst the fading embers of their confrontation, the forest's serenity returned, a stark juxtaposition to the fierce battle that had transpired mere moments ago.

As silence settled upon the scene, Itachi's gaze shifted once more to Kai, his expression a blend of curiosity and contemplation.

The urgency of the moment was underscored by Sakura's swift actions, her healing techniques mending Naruto's injuries with practised efficiency. The tension lingered in the air as the forest bore witness to the unfolding drama, a stage upon which the enigmatic Itachi sought answers from the enigmatic Kai.

Itachi's inquiry cut through the quiet, his voice a blend of curiosity and seriousness. His gaze, unwavering, fixed upon Kai, a silent challenge that beckoned for truth. "Tell me, what are your intentions? Are you.. Madara Uchiha?" The weight of the question hung heavily.

Kai found himself grappling with a dilemma, the gravity of his situation pressing upon him. An internal debate raged within him as he considered the implications of revealing his true identity. In the end, a decision crystallized – it was not the time nor the place to divulge such secrets.

Summoning his resolve, Kai responded with a calculated bluff, weaving a narrative that danced on the precipice of deception. His words spun a tale of knowledge acquired through his entwined consciousness with Madara Uchiha, a story that bore the semblance of truth. He touched upon Itachi's unwavering dedication to the village and the sacrifices he had made for his dear little brother.

Itachi's surprise was palpable, his mask of stoicism momentarily cracked by the revelation that Kai purported to possess. The air hung heavy with the weight of their exchange, as the truth they danced around remained just beyond their grasp. "So, You know.." Itachi murmured, his gaze locked onto Kai with a mixture of contemplation and uncertainty. For a brief moment, the world seemed to pause, the enigma of Itachi's presence deepening as crows took his place, a shroud of mystery enveloping his departure.

The forest, once again steeped in silence, bore the echoes of their encounter.