
Remnants from the last era

Everyone panicked after Jiang Wei suddenly fell into a hole. Alan tried to do something drastic by jumping into the hole himself, thankfully Anna stopped him in time. She promptly tasked Alice to look for me. When she took off to look for me, the Spirit Sword Sect's guardian, Long Jian, came to the commotion. 

"The hole is not that deep. The kid will be okay." He explained.

The words of a man whose stature and legends have resounded throughout the continent truly have a certain charm to it. Such were the words of a folk hero, as soon as he uttered them, everyone believed it. They calmed themselves and speedily took a 'wait and see' approach to the problem.

Soon enough, the truth in his words came to light. Within the hole, a small voice could be heard. "I'm okay!" It said.

"Do you see anything around you?" Asked the guardian.

"Yes, sir. The area lit up when I fell down here. And there's also a door here, sir, made out of stone." Jiang Wei reported.