

"So, brother, please tell me the full story." The Emperor requested after the group finished the small feast.

Wu Lin told him everything truthfully in regard to himself. He was branded as a wanted man which forced him to sail to a different continent. In the northern continent, the Wu family took pity on him. They taught him martial arts even with his dried-up spirit root. There, his prowess was noticed by Abdullah Rahsyid, an influential merchant.

He started revealing his life's story animatedly. The Emperor heard it all in silence, appreciating them. At times he frowned, while he smiled on another. He took part in the joy and the sadness. He felt the desperation.

At some point, I appeared in his story. From there, I noticed something. Wu Lin covered up all the details that would only risk the entire group. He knew what kind of information that could be shared, and tread carefully so that he doesn't overshare.