
transmigrating in a world...??

transmigrating without choice and receiving many things from items, abilities and powers. Our protagonist will have to live a new life with powers in a seemingly normal modern world. [the characters that will appear apart from my oc do not belong to me, all credits go to their respective authors]

MiguelCreative · Komik
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19 Chs

-[chapter 8]-

"Well, I got these powers 5 years ago, on my birthday my father sent me a gift that turned out to be this Trench Coat. At first my grandfather and I were confused since this is not supposed to be a gift for a 7 year old, so my grandfather decided to leave it like that and said he would save it for when he can use it. Although a few days later we discovered that there seemed to be a mix-up by the company and what my father was going to give me as a gift was an imported remote control car. In the end, I kept it for myself since no one claimed it, but I think that on the one hand it was the best." – I said speaking a little fast, but understandable since that part was long.

"Then one day while I was bored I decided to put it on to play with it. When I did it, the raincoat began to shine and a series of information began to appear in my memory. It made my head hurt, although not much and in a few seconds it went away." – I said, that part is a lie, but I still made a gesture of annoyance as if remembering the headache.

While I was talking, they were silently listening, although Ben seemed to be starting to get bored and I was getting annoyed since I usually don't talk much often, so I decided to rush through the story.

"This information was about the abilities I gained by putting it on and becoming its owner, information about things the raincoat has in its interior storage space, and also warnings about the items that were inside." – I said while I opened the raincoat a little, just enough so that you can see how I put my hand in, it goes through the fabric and disappears and then I take it out and take out 4 mint candies, I gave them one for each and I kept the last one.

"Wow" – Ben said surprised while he had his eyes wide open when he saw him.

"It was or is all very fantasy, I got different types of skills, skills like this one that allows me to create a fireball or this one that allows me to create protective barriers." – I said while doing a demonstration, I created a small fireball and a small barrier.

"Wow, that's cool" – Ben said while looking at the small ball of fire that was on my index finger.

"So that's how you got that super strength and speed?" – Gwen asked after seeing him.

Max is just silent listening to me while he has a thoughtful look.

"Well, yes. Although to obtain this ability that gives me super strength and speed I had to train a lot" – I said trying not to talk too much, I am not going to tell you that I could have exploded to obtain the power if I had not trained my body first.

"And your parents and grandpa know about this?" – Max asked although I think he should have already guessed the answer.

"Well... no, I haven't been able to tell them since I don't know how they would react, I wasn't planning on telling anyone about this, but Ben was in danger and I just had the impulse to save him." – I responded as honestly as possible and although it is not a lie, it is not the complete truth either. I don't know how to tell my parents since I don't know how they will react and my grandfather, well I didn't want to worry him too much. These years I have grown fonder of him than of those who are my parents. And as for saving Ben, well, I did it because of my motivation, but it's also true that I felt a certain impulse to do it, I don't know why.

"Don't worry, I know your parents, but I know your grandfather much better and I know that they will support you if you tell them and I am very grateful that you saved Ben even if it means exposing your secret." – Max said with a look of support and gratitude on his face.

"Ben, don't you have something to say?" – Max said as he looked past him to Ben who was looking at his watch.

"AH? Oh yes, thank you very much for saving me Haru" – Ben said after being shaken by the sudden call from his grandfather.

"Don't worry, it's fine and thank you Mr. Max, I'll try to tell them, although I don't think it will be in a short time." – I answered Ben and then I spoke to Max while without realizing it I had an insecure look on my face, I only realized it after hearing Max speak.

"Don't worry too, you have all summer to think about it, I'll be there to support you if you need it." – He said with the typical look of a good grandfather, that of understanding and support towards his grandson or his child.

"Thank you" – I said, truly feeling grateful for his words.

"Okay, now let's talk about this." – Ben said while he showed and pointed to his watch, so that I can think. – 'It lasted a lot.'

Ben began to explain how the clock works, Gwen as always giving her sarcastic comment to Ben.

"Ben, you must understand that that watch is not a toy, you must be careful when you are using it." – I said, most likely he will ignore what I said, but it doesn't hurt to advise someone, even if he ignores you, he will probably take the advice in the future... I hope.

"It's true, with a device as powerful as that, I advise you to learn how to use it quickly" - Max told Ben and he was happy about that and started celebrating.

At that point the communications radio began to ring. A person was calling for help because a giant robot was attacking.

"It must be the things that attacked me, they must be looking for the watch, those people are in trouble because of me. I must help them" – Ben said at first surprised and in the end he stood up with a determined look on his face.

"We must, I will help too. If you transform into an alien and the two of us face the robot, we will defeat it quickly." – I said before Gwen or Max said anything while I also got up.

Ben smiled and then looked at the clock.

[Shortly after]

We all ran fast and when we were arriving, we stopped so Ben could choose and transform into an alien, but I had other plans.

"I'll go ahead while you choose an alien, see if I can help people." – I said while I took off my fake glasses and put on the hood of my trench coat and activated the facial concealment and I felt like my face was covered by a shadow. For people, only the lower part of my face and my eyes would be visible.

Without further ado, I activated the one for all at 10% and ran as fast as I could towards the area where the robot was. I arrive and the first thing I see is the robot firing its laser beam at a camper.

*Sound of screams, explosions and fire*

"Good, Maximum effort" – I said after taking a quick look at the area and looking for who needs the most help. I can feel my body shaking either because of nervousness or because I'm scared, but that won't stop me from helping these people.

I started running in the direction of some campers who were surrounded by pieces of burning metal. When I got there I kicked a few pieces to clear their way out.

"They must get out of here quickly." – I yelled at them and then ran again, but then I heard the sound of the robot charging its laser beam, I looked a little out of the corner of my eye and saw it pointing at where I was. Seeing that I quickly stopped in my tracks, but the robot had already fired in the direction of the place where it would have been if I continued running, I only had time to cross my arms covering my face.


Fortunately I did it because the lightning when it made contact with the ground generated an explosion that sent me flying a few meters. While I was in the air I did a backflip to land well. Fortunately I had to practice gymnastics and I can do this.

'He discovered me very quickly, I thought he would at least give me time to help some people before he noticed me.' - I thought as I glanced at the robot which was heading towards me.

'Well, this is also good, focusing on me and giving people time to escape.' – I thought again while quickly seeing my best options to take, but before I could do anything, Ben's voice transformed into Diamondhead sounded.

"HEY ROBOT!! IF YOU WANT TO ANNOY SOMEONE, ATTACK ME!!" – Ben shouted while he was transformed into a diamondhead. I could only sigh before the loss of the surprise attack, although I am also grateful that he called the robot's attention since it gives me time to calm down a little.

That attack so close did give me a scare, I thought it did, although it most likely didn't happen much to me. I have [one for all] activated and the raincoat on, I wouldn't receive much damage, but, on the other hand, the normal clothes I have, I don't think they will last a laser beam. I can already see parts burned from the explosion earlier.

Taking advantage of the fact that the robot turned its gaze towards Ben, he quickly looked at the state of the two.

[Giant-type Vilgax robot] [Danger level: G+, higher with laser beams]

[name: Benjamin Tennyson] [age: 10] [Classification: Disaster] [Danger Level: E-]

(Small aside: here Ben barely obtained the omnitix so even though the robot is classified with two ranks less than Ben transformed.

The robot can still pose a certain amount of danger if taken lightly. Only since Ben is transformed into diamondheath, which has high physical resistance, it basically only makes him fly with his attacks.)

Well apart from that, with the robot it also has the ability to shoot laser beams, increased jump, along with several other abilities. With Ben, he puts his ability to create and manipulate crystals and body control, among others.

Without further thinking and a little calmer, I started running towards him, I am a little separated by the explosion so the robot had time to realize that Ben had the Omnitrix. The robot without wasting time fired a laser beam at Ben, sending him flying, and another at the camper where Ben fell, causing a large explosion.

The robot, upon seeing that, quickly headed towards where Ben was, which of course I did not allow.

"Where do you think you are going?" – I said while I jumped and kicked the robot in the head and I have to say that this thing is tougher than it looks. In short, the kick did its job and made him fall to the side.

Now the question is, can I take down the robot alone? Possibly, the robot is tougher than the mini robots and I don't think he will give me time to rip something off of him before he shoots a laser beam at me at point-blank range, literally speaking. It's not like I want to receive a laser head-on, I'm not Superman. But this is also something that Ben should do, taking advantage of the fact that the campers have practically already vacated the area, I don't worry too much.

The robot didn't even get up and was already charging a laser beam in my direction, I quickly took off avoiding it and the explosion. That gave him enough time to get up, but also bought him enough time for Ben to get out.

I saw how Ben, with his arm turned into a knife, ran quickly to where the robot was to cut him, but he jumped high to fall where Ben was. Of course this is something I was not going to allow.

I ran as fast as I could and got Ben out of the way, fortunately he wasn't far away so I arrived before he

"waaaaa?" – Ben said while he removed it from the place where he was.

"Listen Ben, we must be quick to destroy the robot…" – I said and I couldn't explain myself further because the robot was already firing another laser beam, so I had to get away, although Ben received it fully.

"WOOOO!!" – Ben took off shooting towards the trees.

"Tsk" – I clicked my tongue as I looked at the robot, the only way I could hurt it would be if I used my abilities, but I thought I wouldn't need them.

"Okay, then I'll use them." – I said while inhaling a quantity of air and activating the Berserker skill, I can feel how my body is filled with strength.

I ran even faster and swept under him before giving the robot time to counterattack or dodge, I activated [Strong Kick] and kicked his back leg destroying the hit zone, fulfilling my goal of making him fall.

"WOAAWW!" – I said while quickly moving to avoid the robot falling on me.

"HERE I GO!!" – Ben shouted as he ran towards the robot, which was trying to get up with one hand and pointed its free hand towards Ben.

"OH NO! I WONT ALLOW IT!" – I said to run as fast as I could, I jumped and using [Strong Punch] I hit the robot's arm, piercing it and making it explode, *BOOM!*. - "BEN FINISH HIM!" – I screamed as I was sent flying by the explosion.

I saw how Ben jumped and the robot couldn't do anything while Ben plummeted towards his chest and passed through him, this explosion barely went through him.

"BEN!!" – I heard Max's worried cry not far away. I turn to where I heard it and see Max and Gwen not far from where I was, then I quickly get up because we have to leave soon.

"Are you okay?" – Gwen said as she finished getting closer to where I was, Max stared at where Ben was.

"I am, don't worry." – I said as he turned to look at her and gave her a smile that said "I'm fine."

"…That, that's good." – Gwen said after staying silent for a second and stuttering a little, I could see that her cheeks blushed a little.

I was confused for a moment, but I quickly caught on and realized that he no longer had his hood up, therefore, he was not covering my face with the shadows. I quickly put it on and looked away from her.

'I just hope that she only increased her favoritism towards me and not something else.' – I thought, I really wouldn't like it if a girl fell in love with me just because of an ability.

"Come on, we have to go." – Max said after approaching and seeing that Ben had left the place.

We nodded and quickly headed to the camper.

'Well, for the first time I fought, I didn't do too bad, I can still improve, but it starts with something.' – I thought as I walked away from the place with Max and Gwen.


Yesterday I accidentally did something stupid which cost me chapters 9 and 10 that I had already finished writing.

Yesterday I wrote chapter 9 again, but it is completely different from the one I had deleted.

but looking at the positive side, I can improve the chapters... since some parts did not convince me.

So tomorrow I will upload chapter 9, but I decided that on Saturday and Sunday I will not upload a chapter, but rather I will write more for the week.

I hope today's chapter turned out well, I haven't written fight scenes for a while.