
Transmigrating as Accelerator in Toaru Universe

we've seen all kinds transmigration fan fics into anime worlds like Naruto, Avatar, konosuba, one piece, one punch man and even Dragon ball BUT have you seen a Toaru fanfic you haven't have you(atleast I haven't

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1 Chs

CH-1 Transmigrating to the Toaru Universe

All thoughts of characters will be italicsized

And things they say are in double quotes



Crack crack

"Huu finally managed to break all of his bones and keep him alive through it maybe I should try this with a female body next, damn was it will be more difficult isn't it, female bones are even more brittle than male one's, hahh I'll think of it when i feel like it"

After the one with a deep manly voice went out of the dark room to get to the elevator and met his wife waiting for him, with bloodied hands he pulls his wife for his way of greeting her(a Deep and long french kiss) ofcourse she made no effort to resist and obeyed after 1 min and 32 sec they parted lips the wife was about to say something but heard something which not just her but everyone in the world could hear

[Ding! Detected Realm is evolving...has attracted... foreign beasts... detected most dominant species in the realm has no way of fighting against foreign beasts...using world essence to invoke awakening... successful... releasing mana into realm...successful... ]

[Detected personal message to all people of the realm "please protect the realm till I finish my evolution then you can return to normalcy if you want" message end... everyone in realm has been successfully awakened...auto binding universal system... complete...welcome to the era of battles]

And soon after it ended he felt his heart get warmer then his eyes bulged with veins crawling all over his overgrown body he could barely make a sound to speak "lib..ell...I..mah...stea" but could convey to his wife that "live well in my stead",

Wide eyed the wife panicks but he quickly jumps off of the skyscraper he was in from the 40th floor and soon exploded into a blood mist while falling due to severe mana rejection


Where the hell is-

"What kid is something on my face?"

"Who the hell, no, rather what the hell, where did you come from and you're accelerator aren't you "

"Oh you know me? Am I that famous in... wherever this is "

"You.. don't know where this is?"

"how the hell would I know!? I just died and came to this blank space for who knows how long"

"The fuck? Same here but I just came to this blank space "

"Oh you died too"

"Yup, some weird bs happened like some worldwide awakening or something..well although I say wierd I kinda understand it my body back then might have been fiercely rejecting mana that suddenly appeared in our world and wallah I went out with a bang...quite literally "

Struggling to hide his laughter accelerator said "man that must have been interesting huh?" With a 😂 face

"Hey do you think it was fun huh blowing up seems fun to you huh cm'ere I'll show you how it feels"

They had fun like this for a while then when they calmed down he asked " so how did you die aren't you pretty much all powerful"

"Heh glad you know, not that I know how you know, but I died...I died by old age..old age filled with nothing but loneliness...and battles.... fortunately death calmed me from going insane" he said while softly chuckling and reminiscing looking above us into the blankness

"Well have you read storys like comics,novels, animes and stuff?"

"Hmm..yeah few"

"Then have you thought what it would be to be in them as one of its characters?"

His eyes widened"you don't mean..what I thought of right"

"Maybe but in any case it's the truth that you were a character in a manga, anime and a novel"

"Hah...well I never needed to do the autobiography back then, hahh such a waste of mental power and physical power" said accelerator as he leaned back

"Not really your entire life wasn't shown in it otherwise I'd know how you died "

"It wasn't?"

"Nope you were a character in the story written by someone like me and you i.e. a human and the story wasn't completed it was left unfinished "

"Then what kind of character was I in it, let me guess a - villain right?"

"Yup, in the beginning"

"Hoh, did it change?"

"Yeah, towards the mid and end part of the story you were shown as a anti hero who yearns for redemption of what he has done"

They stayed in silence for awhile, then he said "well your name is too long so I'm gonna call you Accel or Ax you ok with that?"

"Heh, sure by the way what's your name"

"Leon, Leon Leoville, I was called as Leo by my friends so you can too"

"Alright Leo"

"Then what's your real name that 'Accelerator' is a codename right?"

"...Wow you're the first person who asked for my real name...almost had forgotten it.. my real name is.. Kenji, Kenji Takahashi"

Just as accelerator said that the blank space instantly turned into a pure white space which momentarily blinded them

When Leo opened his eyes he saw the ceiling which he instantly recognised as the roof of a car he got up looked around and saw that he was the only one in it besides the driver and a helper on his side with his limbs tied

He was about to ask the supposed helper where he is when he felt an extreme pain in his brain to the point that he went unconscious

Waking up after who knows how long as the windows were covered and he couldn't tell whether it was day or night but not that he cares about it as he realised he has memories that he never experienced but he still did it was a mysterious feeling but he understood why it was because Ax had merged with him leaving no difference between Leon Leoville and Accelerator or Kenji Takahashi

Then what should I call myself Leon Leoville or Accelerator? I guess Accelerator as I'm in his, no, my world and also I remember that in the original he had one power so what's this? I fell like he has a second ability .. wait! Before that do I have a system


System: Supreme Nonphysical System

Type:Divine Miracle


Host: Leon Leoville/Kenji Takahashi/Accelerator

Esper ability: Vector Manipulation, Dark Matter Manipulation, Quantum Flux Manipulation

Strength(power in an instant for any kind of physical exertion):120(average adult = 10)

Stamina(fuel for mainly physical strength usage):120(average adult=10)

Mind(mental capacity, speed of any mental activity):120(average=10)

Intelligence(fuel for mainly mental exertion):120(average=10)

Personal message from Aiwass: take this as a favor to you and in exchange when I ask for help you must help, of course you are free to refuse if you life is threatened.


(A/N: Kenji Takahashi is a supposed/fictional real name of, code name: Accelerator)

"Hoh, a favor from the one and only Aiwass herself, wonder what made do it"

As he finished his thoughts he heard loud creaking and a door to a huge facility opened

Few minutes later he found himself on a white hard bed in a white enclosed room with what seems to be a metal door

With no one there he thought I know that accelerator has vector manipulation and dark matter manipulation bit I've never heard of quantum manipulation let's see do we get some clarification from system


Vector manipulation: ability to manipulate any vector or thing that has magnitude(mass probably) and direction i.e. control over any physical object and energy forms through physical contact

Dark Matter Manipulation: can create dark matter, mould it into any desired shape or form can change the properties of dark matter (gravity, gravitational lensing, explosiveness with users will,hard as diamond but light as feather, freezing flames,etc basically it can adapt any property present in naturally no matter how conflicting it may be)

Quantum Flux Manipulation: This ability grants the user control over quantum fluctuations at the subatomic level, allowing them to manipulate the fabric of reality itself.


Hoh so thats what it is, good thing I was quite a genius when it came to understanding if it is true then the possible uses of it are for:

Teleportation: By manipulating quantum states, the user can teleport themselves and others instantaneously over vast distances.

Matter Transmutation: The user can transform one type of matter into another, allowing them to create or manipulate objects at will.

Energy Conversion: Quantum Flux Manipulation allows the user to convert between different forms of energy, such as thermal, kinetic, or electromagnetic energy.

Reality Warping: By altering quantum probabilities, the user can bend reality to their will, manifesting their desires as physical phenomena.

And even

Temporal Manipulation: The user can manipulate the flow of time by controlling quantum entanglement, allowing them to slow, stop, or reverse time at will.

Hmm there might be more but thats all I can think of now rest will have wait for me to test it out later



Two people one with a weird marks on the left side of his face mainly around the eye and the other with a short, hunched back stature and a brown patch mark on his as-wide-as-a-small-child-sized-pizza, forehead he knew them they were Kihara Amata and Kihara Gensei the main overseers of his experiments

"Well, do you know why you are brought here" said amata

"I don't"

"Well you'll be an experiment subject from now on and you have no other choice"

"Like a lab rat right"

"..Yeah" said amata obviously suprised to see a 7 year old kid talk to him like that but he didn't mind it

"Ok" Kenji consented leaving the other 2 quite baffled

"As long as I don't feel any pain and die you can do whatever you want"

"Why should we" this time gensei rebutted

In that instant a pen flew out of his chest pocket and hovered between kenji's eyebrows

"Then I will simply kill myself" he said with a childish smile

Both of them cursed him hundreds of times internally they thought this basterd doesn't follow the rules he wants to kill himself right off the bat atleast try to negotiate

After few minutes of staredown they finally relented

"Ok but be cooperative"

"Alright" he said with a bright smile which made them think if the kid was mentally ill or even brain damaged


CH-2 8 years later, Becoming A Level 6 Esper,Birth of a child without mother (technically)


8 years later

Puhsssssss(pressure release sfx)

"So what is it my next task"

"Your next task i-" a white overcoated scientist was interrupted by an pretty princess looking little girl

"Hubby!" She said as she hung onto him like a koala in a tree

"How are you today wifey"


You must be confused on who this is right, that's because I created her

Yup as I told the scientists about my esper abilitys the started to rigorusly train me and all of my abilitys actually reached level 5 standard thus when I was 10(already a level 5 then)

They asked a new type of training that is life creation,

Yup that's right creating a new human life entirely and man, was it difficult, as my [Quantum Flux Manipulation] allow me to control sub-atomic particles and alter them it wasn't impossible but just extremely hard to do as your control of it needs to be extremely precise thus took me 10 trys to get bone structure right, 70 trys to get the muscle structure right, 100 try to get the organs structure right, 700 trys to get all kinds of vessels (lymph vessels, blood vessels) structure right, 1000 trys to get the DNA correctly and lastly 5000 trys to get the brain structure done properly, now I can take off a layer of cells from the heart of a person going on a maglev train while I'm on the station and the train continues on moving

However I destroyed it as yeah it was a success in creation but me being a father! I need to atleast 20 years older than my son or daughter to be a father with a clean conscience, so I decided that I will create my wife

Thus it took me another year to do it so overall it took me 2 years to learn about and complete a human life and 1 year to custom make a human life and boy will I never do it again, like every night I got like cluster migranes

Do you know how painfull they are, like my last 3 years were spent on sense numbing drugs but truthfully the system helped too as from what I understand the system is basically what accelerator before his death yearned for but with the blessings of the one and only Aiwass himself/herself so it's functions are pretty simple as long as I solve any kind of puzzles be it system created or in real life I get [Brain Points] (ones given by system are generally harder) with enough

[Brain Points] you can get anything esper ability, magic talent, magic experience,combat experience, knowledge of any kind, even a human body or the heartfelt love of any female (or male if you desire) and even that is transferable with no consequences so and of course everything I said before requires points

And so finally the second perfect human and the perfect wife was finally created I named her Yuki Takahashi and code name Scalaria

You ask what makes her a perfect wife, well, she has 2 emotions and 1 instinct permanently inputted in her brain which is her love for me, her loyalty to me and the instinct is she cannot even think of betraying me by any means or situations unless I allow it oh and of course she knows I created her

Perfect human means she has perfect genes which takes 'whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger' to an extreme level as long as she doesn't instantly die with one weapon you can pretty much forget about killing her with it ever again

For example say she got shot with a pistol and it hit her stomach 2 sec after the bullet enters the body it immediately gets rejected by the body and gets launched out of the body with the damaged cells healing rapidly and then try to hit her with a pistol's bullet again it will never hit as she will instinctively dodge it and of course I altered my DNA to be perfect too so I have the same properties as her

I also got my code name Vex now that we are 15 (although Yuki is technically 2 years old her body is 15 years old)

Oh and last year I became a level 6 esper and told the other scientists my theorized answer about further levels



1. Although I have done my research on the series before doing this chapter if you still find any plot holes please tell me about it I'll verify and change it if necessary

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

K123_JACKcreators' thoughts