
Transmigrated With Raphael who now acts like an Onee San

Izumi from Earth was transmigrated in Miyamura Izumi before High School and the world was a mixture of Animes with slight AU characteristics. Sorry to Hori-San but she won't be the heroine. Later it will get into a Multiverse Journey because Cote isn't Finished. . . . . Schedule - 1 chapter every day The extra chapter will be available on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/Kaoski Support me, If you can.

Kaoski · Komik
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84 Chs


"Now that you have explained everything, what do you plan to do?" Raphael asked and Izumi thought for a moment and then answered.

"Do I even have to do anything now? I just have to train and increase my strength, while everything else will be done by you all."

"Carmilla will train the Vampires, Yasaka will take care of Youkais, Amaterasu will control Shinto, Lilith will control the Biblical Faction, Raphael will take care of the Alliance between all, while I and Scathach will train so that we are strong enough to take care of Great Red in future, well if she will interfere in future."

Izumi said while looking at them. He then thought of his dragon maid and said, "And Tiamat will control everyone in Familiar Forest and become a new Dragon God like Ophis and Irene."

Hearing this, Scathach grinned and nodded at him, while Raphael thought of the plan and how she could help more.

Izumi, who received Lilith's words nodded and then he looked at Yasaka and said, "Serafall is now under Lilith, She will come and ask for a hidden alliance. You, Carmilla and her will decide with Ciel's help, and then start to work on your country."

"But before all that, It would be better if we will complete the ceremony. Scathach, can you switch the time difference to as much as you can."

"Hmm? Sure! The max is 100 times but it can only work for a day until I can recover and try again 10 days later." Scathach said and he nodded.

"100 days are more than enough for everyone," Izumi said as he summoned Lilith, Tiamat, and Carmilla to the place 

A day passed outside, and everyone came outside after spending 100 days inside.

The 100 days they had spent were full of debauchery and they let go of inhibitions and spent every second while indulging in carnal pleasure.

Yasaka, after drinking Izumi's blood changed to Ten Tailed Vampiric Fox and now she could control Kyoto's Ley line from any place without any worries.

Not only that, her strength also increased to Satan Class in her base form, and she gained the ability to use Senjutsu while controlling Blood.

As for Amaterasu, well she gained another minor Divinity of Blood and Darkness, Even though she is the Sun Goddess, the divinities didn't work against each other, but now she can create a Dark Sun with negative energy.

Before, she was a little worried but now, she has full confidence in being able to control the Shinto Pantheon and every God in Japan.

Everyone else also gained benefits as they drank his blood every day and their strength also increased and now all of them were at least Satan Class in Base form, and they could go beyond Super Devils in they went to their Different forms.

The one who gained the most was Izumi. Not because of his strength, but because his mind was cleared and the seal on him by Ciel was released.

After releasing all of his desires again and drinking their blood, he was finally satisfied and his strength also broke through to Super Devil.

"Scathach, Let's go. I have a lot of things I want to try and I want to increase my understanding of concepts."

Scathach looked at Izumi and both of them disappeared from the place. Seeing this, the others shook their head and Yasaka said, "I will go and take care of Youkais in Japan."

Like her, others also disappeared from the place and went to take care of their areas.

Since then, six months passed by and many new things happened in the world.

Yasaka, who was supposed to control Youkais, took her decision too seriously and she took over all the Japan and kicked out others from Japan.

It did cause her a few disturbances but with others' help, she solved everything and now except for Youkais and normal humans, the ones related to Supernatural could live after getting permission from Youkai Faction, i.e. Yasaka.

Like her, Amaterasu also suppressed the Gods in the Shinto Pantheon, making herself the God King of the Shinto Pantheon, like Zeus and Odin, and it is one of the major things that happened in the time.

Other Pantheons tried to take advantage of the situation to cause trouble in Japan, but they were immediately 'killed' by Amaterasu and their heads were sent as a warning to their respective Pantheons.

Because of this, the Shinto Pantheon became the enemy of many Pantheons and they decided to act together and attack them in future.

Pantheons like Greek, Norse, Hindu, Egyptian and others had no response to this and they didn't comment on anything done with the Shinto Pantheon in their land.

In Underworld, the members of Lilith's 'peerage' i.e. Sona, Rias, Seekvaira, Inglivid, and Serafall, increased their reputation by winning many rating matches, and showing off as much as they could.

This was done to divert everyone's attention to them, while secretly, they had been suppressing the Houses, and getting information about the atrocities they had committed.

Mostly, it was Serafall and her subordinate working and getting dirt on everyone so that when Lilith revealed herself, they would take action against all Houses and suppress them.

Sizrech and Ajuka had confronted her many times, but she didn't tell anything to them. Though they hadn't done anything to her as Ajuka's formula failed when he thought of his winning chances against Serafall.

In the six months, Scathach and Izumi fought most of the time while trying to understand the concepts of END and DESTRUCTION.

After all, Izumi knew about Shiva, the strongest in the world after Irene and Ophis, and the reason for this was because he had comprehended the essence of destruction, and he could destroy the whole world and erase everything.

(If I am wrong, then think of it as a plot or anything.)

It wouldn't have been easy for him to comprehend END and DESTRUCTION if he didn't have Ciel's help, and he also understood that Raphael wasn't helping him at all before.


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