
Transmigrated With Raphael who now acts like an Onee San

Izumi from Earth was transmigrated in Miyamura Izumi before High School and the world was a mixture of Animes with slight AU characteristics. Sorry to Hori-San but she won't be the heroine. Later it will get into a Multiverse Journey because Cote isn't Finished. . . . . Schedule - 1 chapter every day The extra chapter will be available on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/Kaoski Support me, If you can.

Kaoski · Komik
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84 Chs

At Dxd World

Izumi, who had disappeared from his world, appeared in DxD World. As soon as he stepped on the ground, A bunch of information appeared in his head. As he sorted the information that appeared in his head, Izumi grinned and then said to Raphael.

*Raph Nee, Sort everything out, with these abilities, it would be easy later.*

Looking at his pale hands, Izumi sighed, 'I guess I will shapeshift later.'

His race had changed into a Primogenitor Vampire and he had received most of Alucard's abilities, the Alucard from Hellsing. Of course, he didn't receive his combat experience or his omnipresence. For the other abilities like Psychokinesis, Teleportation, and Hemokinesis, he would have to train to get used to them and then improve them.

As he was about to move, he felt cold on his neck and he heard, "Who are you Mortal Vampire? How did you come to The Land of Shadows without me knowing? Turn around and talk to me."

Izumi who heard this complied as he turned around, in front of him was a beautiful woman with purple hair and red eyes. Looking at The Legendary Shishou, Izumi couldn't speak much and just said, "Eh! Hello...?"

Scathach who saw his stunned expression now knew that he knew about her, she still appraised him and said, "How did you come here? Without me knowing anything."

"If I said, I don't know how, would you believe me?" Izumi said with an honest expression.

"Of Course! You are too weak to even enter through the door and now appearing without me knowing anything." Scathach said as she removed the spear from his neck. With his relaxed posture and weak strength, she knew that this mortal hadn't even trained before.

As Izumi listened to her blunt words, an arrow pierced his heart and his smile faded.

"So, What will you do to me then?" Izumi asked about his 'fate' with her while inwardly he was cursing all the generations of the Cnnstealltion for sending him into her domain.

"What will I do? Nothing! If you can leave, you survive and if you can't, then you will die."

"Then, Why don't you teach me? I have heard you like to teach others and you also won't be bored then."

Scathach who heard him snorted in response and said, "Even if I get bored for centuries, I won't be teaching trashes."

"18 years of age and no practice at all, Trash."

Hearing her, Izumi's smile faded and then he looked at her and said in a cold voice, "I have magic, why don't we make a bet? If my magic works on you, then you will teach me for 2 years and if it doesn't, then you can kill me now."

While inside his mind, he was bearing himself and even Raph was berating him for acting impulsively

Scathach narrowed her eyes at his cold voice and a pressure descended on him.

"Mortal! If I talk to you, it doesn't mean you can say anything. As for bet, why should I accept it, when I can kill you at any time?"

Izumi spoke in a crackling voice, "It's....because...you...are....bored...and... because.....you....are...Scathach.....The Legendary...Warrior...."

An amused expression appeared on Scathach's face as she heard him, She laughed and said, "What an amusing mortal you are, Even if you are trash in strength. Let's see, I will play your game, and it seems you are also confident about the magic working, then, If you know me, then you should know about my training, Do you still want to accept it?"

Izumi looked at her for a moment and then nodded with a determined face, "Yeah! Because You are the only one who can help me increase my strength to the limit in 2 years."

Looking at Izumi's determined face, Scathach nodded and said, "Go on! Use your Magic, Let's see in what magic you are so confident."

Nodding at her, Izumi started to use the magic, Two spears of Light appeared in his hand and they flew to Scathach.

As soon as the spears touched her, Scathach started to feel pleasure in her body, By the time Izumi's energy was used up and he fell, Scathach's legs had also gotten weak but she didn't bend even after feeling heavy pleasure.

Yes! One of the Magic he had gotten was the Lost Magic: Pleasure Magic, or he should say, as expected of a Semi-Hentai World.

As Izumi was becoming unconscious due to the magic drain, he felt his body getting lifted by someone.

"I don't even know your name and if you were just a little stronger, you could have brought me to my knees. Hah! My student, I saw your expression and know that you want to get stronger, So I will make sure you are strong enough to deal with many in the supernatural world by the end of 2 years, because you are MY STUDENT, Witch of Dún Scáith's STUDENT."

As she said, a crazy smile appeared on her face and if Izumi awoke, he would definitely say that this smile was the Smile of A woman who was becoming a Yandere for one.

Scathach took him to a room and lay him down. She also went to her room to change and take out all the types of equipment, runes, and other things for his training.

With him being Vampire, he would have to drink blood every day and when she thought of him drinking other women's blood, an uncomfortable feeling rose in her heart. She had unconsciously removed the factor that he could drink a man's blood, even if Izumi won't drink a man's blood at all. Call him a Sexist or anything, but he won't ever drink a man's blood until he was unconscious or in a crazed state.

"My Student will drink my blood if he needs it, Why Will I look for other women for him?" Scathach said and immediately accepted the idea. As for why she thought like this, this could only be explained by a saying it was a Semi-Hentai World's Logic or Anime logic.

As she was done looking for everything she would need, to train him, she sensed Izumi moving and then went to him.


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