
Transmigrated With Cut and Paste.(Fixed.)

Mc is transmigrated with Copy and Paste powers. He would then travel across the Multi-Verse to obtain more power. Also, bear with the fact that he calls it copy and paste for like the first 15 or something chapters. I honestly thought I could write it off but you people are too smart for me.

qu3n_ · Komik
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69 Chs

Ch.51: Haunting Past.

Shea and Kazemi were waking down a flea market of sorts. After they finished their date in the aquarium, they decided to roam around the city. "Its beautiful, huh?" Kazemi said while looking around. The city was festive and you could hear laughter all around.

"Yes! And the foods amazing as well!" Shea went up to all sorts of food stands, sampling everything but never buying it.

Kazemi watched as she did all this and couldn't help but sigh. 'She'll be left behind in this world. We made so many memories together and now, we have to depart.'

He stopped looking at her and at a food stand. They were serving something along the lines of ice cream on a cone. 'Tio, too. I sort of liked how she acted...' He bought two ice cream cones and told Shea to take one.

"Sweet, huh?" He asked as she took a bite. Her eyes turned to sparkles upon contact with the flavors. "It ish! The flavors melt in my mouth!" She continues licking the ice cream.

'Melts in your mouth, huh? That's how I reacted to having cake for the first time isn't it..?'

Reminding himself of his birthday cake also made him realize something. 'I..died on my birthday too. That's something...' He was actually 17, a statement he said before but was wrong at the time. He and Shea then began walking again.

They talked for a bit until Kazemi stopped and looked down. "Theres a child..under us.." His words caused Shea to drop her ice cream, a horrid expression pasting itself on her face.

"Under..us? In the sewers?! And it's a child?!" Kazemi slowly nodded while kneeling down. "She's unconscious.." She then yelled at him, saying that's bad and that they need to hurry up and save them. Kazemi formed a hole in the ground, causing it to fall out.

He jumped into the hole followed by Shea who he caught. He landed on the small sidewalk in next to the sewer water and began looking in the direction that the flow of water made. "There she is!" Shea pointed in the direction of the child while beginning to strip.

"Stop. I..got it.." Kazemi disappeared from her sights and reappeared a bit in front of the child. He then bent down to touch the water and when he did, a crystal wall formed itself, cutting the flow of water and stopping the child.

He then helped the child out the river as Shea now stood beside him once again. Upon getting a closer look, Shea couldn't help but say,.."This child.." The child had long, light blue hair like Shea herself. She...was a she and had small fins for ears.

She wore a white dress that was dirty. For a child, she'd be a hit with the boys of her age, meaning she was cute. "She's from the sea tribe, I'm guessing.." Kazemi got up while holding her in a princess carry. The small child slowly began opening her eyes, barely being able to say, "Who..?"

"It's fine now. You're safe.." Kazemi then suggested that they go back to there hotel room to ask her question, Shea agreeing with whatever helped the child in the end. Now in their hotel room, Shea was cleaning the small child in a bucket of water.

"I'll make some food.." Kazemi went to the kitchen and started cooking for them. As soon as Shea finished cleaning her up, Kazemi got done as well. Kazemi sat the 2 bowls of soup down on a table and went over to the child.

She now had on a white dress that stopped at her kneecaps. When she saw him come up to her, she couldn't help but cower back from how scary he looked. He had on a black mask that bad guys wore and shades to boot.

"Oh, I'm sorry.." His soft, yet depressed voice was unexpected as he reached for his ears and pulled the mask down to the side. "I didn't...mean to scare you. Sorry.." He showed a light smile which peirced both, Shea's and the child's, heart.

"My name is, Kazemi. May I ask of yours?" He said while crossing his legs and making an interested look, locking eyes with her and never taking them off of her. "U-Uhm, I'm..Myu.." Kazemi looked at Shea who only nodded.

"Myu, huh? That's...a cute name.." He got up and soon returned with the bowls of soup. "I..made this for you. Eat as much as you like. Take your time though.." She slowly nodded and hesitantly took to food. Once she got a taste of it however, she began devouring it.

'She's so skinny. She must not have ate in long time..' He couldn't help but frown. 'Who knows what would have happened if I didn't find her...' He couldn't help but place his hand on her head, an act she unconsciously smiled at.

'I hate seeing others in bad and unfortunate circumstances, especially when they don't deserve it...'

He thought back to when he killed that child in D-Game. 'You were only a kid, Luke. You had loving parents I presume, a future, you were supposed to live a good life and yet..

I Killed You.'

Myu finished eafing followed by a 'Good job!' from Shea. 'Why did I go so wrong in life. To have such a twisted mentality is unbecoming of a person..' With him regaining his memories back, it really showed how different his past self and present self acted.

'I really am a terrible person...'

Shea noticed how how his atmosphere shrunk and placed her her hand on top of his. Kazemi slowly looked up, seeing both of them starring at him in confusion. "I-I'm fine, guys. I was just wondering who would do such a thing to Myu.."

He laughed off while pulling his hand away and putting it in the back of his neck. "Myu, can you tell me what happened to you?" He showed her a smile while only calmed her down. Shea still had a bit of concern in her but nevertheless listened to Myu.

She then explained how she got here. She explained where she lived at and how she ended up here by swimming too far away from her tribe with her mother. She was then captured and was told that she'd be a best seller in a slave market. She then managed to get loose and jumped into the ocean, where she went unconscious for various reasons like being underfed.

"Aw, it must have been scary for you, Myu. It's okay now.." Shea smothered her in her bosom while patting her head. Myu slowly nodded, tears couldn't help but form on her face. 'That's... I see..' Kazemi thought while getting up and putting on his swords scabbard.

"Huh? W-Where are you going?" Shea asked in confusion while Myu peeked out. "To kill the people who put her in this position, why? You wanna come?" He completely took his mask off and threw it away.

"Yes and..no. Wouldn't it be a bad idea to cause a ruckus in the town..?" Kazemi shook his head while taking his shades off. "I'll be killing people who illegally enslave slaves. I'm doing this place a favor.."

He didn't expect Shea of all people to not realize that. "O-Oh, that makes sense. Then I'll stay here with, Myu. Unless you need my help..?" He shook his head, no. "Go meet up with Tory and Tio. Tell them what happened and what I'm doing to solve it.."

Myu then burst out of Shea's embrace and onto Kazemi's leg. "P-Pwease don't leave Myu.." Kazemi looked back at her, surprising her as she didn't expect to see such a long vertical scar on his left eye.

"I-I feel safe..with you. Take Myu with you.." She let go of him while holding her shirt, looking up at him in anticipation. "No, you might get hurt. I don't want that and you don't want that, right?" He picked her up and held her out in front of himself.

"Just stay here, Myu. I'll be back, I promise.." She started crying again which caused him to sigh. He placed the crying girl on the floor and just left.

"K-Kazemi?!" Shea yelled out at the closing door. 'What? I though he was good with kids. What the heck happened?!'

That was what Tory told her atleast. "Myu, I.." She didn't know what to say when she came up behind her. "D-Does he hate me~....?" She said with shaking legs.

"N-No, Myu, not at all. Right now, he just needs time to himself.." Ever since his friend died, he changed towards everyone.

Myu continued to cry which caused Shea to try and comfort her. "Its okay. He doesn't hate you at all, I promise. And we'll see him again, okay..?" She sighed while looking at the door. 'Kazemi just needs time alone,...right?'
