
Transmigrated With Cut and Paste.(Fixed.)

Mc is transmigrated with Copy and Paste powers. He would then travel across the Multi-Verse to obtain more power. Also, bear with the fact that he calls it copy and paste for like the first 15 or something chapters. I honestly thought I could write it off but you people are too smart for me.

qu3n_ · Komik
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69 Chs

Ch.42: As The Hours Pass.

"How much ground have we covered?" Kazemi, Tory, Shea and the guy who wanted to buy her were in an forest, night being the time of day. Kazemi and his party was sitting on a mat in front of a fire with the merchant on the other side.

"A third, sir. At this rate, we'll arrive in 4 more days.." He had his head down when speaking with Kazemi. Kazemi didn't like what he thought about doing to Shea and so, he embarrassed him. Not gonna how, but let's just say that...women won't be satisfied.

"Transportation in this world sucks.." Kazemi's statement confused the people around him but they eventually paid no mind to it. "O-Oh, by the way, what will you do about food, sir? We can..sell you some if you need me too.." He pulled out bread and offered it to Kazemi.

Kazemi however had his hands in the fire which made the man jump when he realized this action. 'Having every resistance sucks. Can't feel fire anymore..' He then pasted all his stats onto Tory who didn't seem to realize.

'Ah, that's...not better. My physical body has a resistance to things on its own..' He took his skills back while looking up at the man. "Nah, we're good. Thanks for the offer though.." He then got up followed by Tory and Shea.

They went into the carriage and he began cooking for them both. Everyone in the camp soon went to bed with the sweet smell of food torturing them in their dreams.


"The winds nice up here, huh, Shea?"

Kazemi asked while laying down on top of the roof with Shea next to him. It was a different day, the sun was bright and the birds chirped along the rocky road. Tory was inside the carriage sleeping away as the 'food' made her very, very full.

"Yes! It's amazing, Kazemi! The wind tickles me...!" She cheered out while her bunny ears danced around. 'Her breast...how they move like that? Not even Tory has such 'developed' skills..' He eyed them for a moment then looked up.

At the same time, Shea's ears perked up and she sat up. "Damn, that's a lot of monsters.." Kazemi sighed while standing up and looking at the forest that was at a moderate distance away.

"Y-You sense them too?! There's over 100!" She screamed into his ear, causing him to push her away and for her to fall off the carriage. "RETREAT!!" Shouted the coachman, causing all the carrages to stop and slowly turn.

"Hey, buddy. Keep going, will ya? Its safe." Kazemi whispered into the coach's ear. "THE HELL ARE YOU SAYING?! THERE'S OVER ONE HUNDRED MONSTERS OVER THERE!" He screamed at him, causing Kazemi to sigh.

"Kazemi. I can do it.." Tory emerged from the flaps and said to him while putting on her white cloak. Kazemi nodded, causing Tory to jump up and to the roof of the carriage.

She then closed her eyes and sighed. She then started a chant which was comprised of words that not even Kazemi, someone with a skill that could translate any language, could understand.

Whatever she chanted caused the ground to split vertically in front of the first carriage, causing the monsters to drop into an abyss. 'Her magnetic prowess...that's already tier 7...?' He was amazed by this.

It's been a while since they've been out of the dungeon but this was the first time that he saw her use her magnetic prowess since. "Wow, Tory. You're stronger than I imagined.."

He climbed up until he stood in front of her, the parted ground coming back together in the background. "T-Thank you, Kazemi. I've...been holding back on using this to surprise you.." Kazemi smiled and placed his hand on her head.

"You really did, Tory. You've grown more than I thought.." He was only at stage 5 with his magic. That was good but the perks of his magic doesn't really have a showy side like hers does....ish?

What he could do with his decay was decay anything in an instant with a single touch, coat his body in decay magic, decay parts of things and not fully, decay magic, dissolve cells, and disease growth.

Dissolve cells meant that he could basically kill cells in a being like the ones that act as a healing factor. Cool, huh? Disease growth meant that he could put diseases on people. Like, he could put an STD on someone.


"We both grown, Kazemi. In power and in relation.." She kissed him on the cheek then jumped down to help Shea who had her head stuck in the ground. 'She's right. And I shouldn't complain about power when I could topple a city with a single touch..'

Time passed and the group of people were getting closer to their destination. "Kazemi. I can see the city." Said Shea as she pointed into the distance at structures while her head was turned at Kazemi.

Kazemi had his head face down in Tory's lap. 'When two different species mate, it takes a while for them to make a baby. Wait, that sounds like I want a child, doesn't it. W-Well, it's not like I want one, b-but it doesn't sound so bad..'

He wanted a kid.

'Fine! Maybe I do want one! But, not now though. We're.. 17, I think. That's too much for us right now. We're stable in every way we can be, but taking care of a baby right now,...nah, definitely not...' He inhaled one last time then slowly turned over.

"Tory. I know we only just started having sex, but what age do you think it'll be fine to have a baby?" Kazemi back at it again with the odd questions. "B-baby?!" She said in a quiet yet loud voice. "U-Uhm..." She still thought about it though, Shea pouting from overhearing their conversation in the back.

"Now..?" She said while looking down at him, tilting her head in the process. "You think? Wait, I know! Let's do it on our wedding night! Yeah, it'll definitely be a night to remember.." She chuckled a bit at that and played in his hair. "Sure, Kazemi. That sounds wonderful.."

Kazemi cheered like a little kid while sitting up completely. He then helped Tory up and wrapped his arm around her neck. "I love you, Tory.." He gave her a deep kiss on the cheek which left her with a playful smile.

More, the merchant, then guided them into the city and told them of thanks and that he could contact him for anything in the future. Kazemi told the guy to keep his confidence up and left him with a head pat.

Kazemi, Tory and Shea were now sitting at a small round table inside the city. Shea was munching on a sandwich that was too big for her mouth while Kazemi was looking around. "So many people. Place lives up to the hype, huh?"

It was a city famous for merchants and such, the biggest city of trade on the entire continent actually. "After we eat, let's go to a guild to report our accomplish in this mission. We'll find an inn after that.." The two nodded at his plan.

"Can we get a place with another hotsspring, Kazemi?" Tory asked while poking at jello. "Hm? Ot course we can. My muscles need to rest a bit anyways.." They all continued talking about the inn and the perks that came with it, people in the back murmuring and saying things about...Shea.

Just then, Kazemi caught a whiff of something absolutely foul. "H-Hey, brat! Give me the beast woman and I'll give you a million Luta. H-Hand her over and the yellow one as well.." A fat kid said while breathing hard.

All 3 stared at the chubby kid then looked away. He emitted some sort of cloud around him which was greenish brown in color. "D-damn it! Co-Come with me!" He reached for them both but stopped as a sword with an apple slice on the tip was at his throat.

"Imma...imma ignore the fact that you've tried touching these girls, okay? So run along, or try to atleast, and I won't kill you. Deal? Deal." Kazemi put the piece of apple into his mouth and shoved it down his throat, causing him to fall and throw up.

"Let's go, guys. And here, Shea.." He handed her his sandwich to which she accepted. Hers was contaminated with the stench that the kid gave off. "W-Was that okay, Kazemi? To threaten someone like this in broad day light?"

Shea asked as they all got up. "Yeah, it's fine. He shouldn't bother us anymore.." Or so Kazemi thought until the pig called for someone to kill them. "Sorry, Kid. I won't kill you, but I'll have to deprive you of those women standing behind you."

He had black hair and black eyes. Mid 40's and looked like an average dad that knew how to fight. He had a sword on the back of his waist that was placed horizontally.

The people who gathered around behind them from the noise his group caused announced the guy as 'Reganid the Black'. Black being his adventurer rank which meant it was the 3 strongest rank in adventurer terms.

"Are we fighting him, Kazemi?" Tory asked with an expressionless face. "No. He ain't worth it. Even Shea could beat the guy.." Kazemi placed coins on the table and began walking away.

"Shea?! As in her?! As if she could beat me!" He didn't like being underestimated and so, he lashed out uncontrollably. "Shea. Expose him." He pushed her out to which she whimpered. "This is a joke.." He scoffed and placed his hand on his weapon.

"Don't harm her! She is mine!" Said the fat kid. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say..." He sighed while shaking his head. "Hey, I have time off tonight so why don't we get a drink, huh?" He flirted, a red line of blood appearing on his cheek. 'Huh?! What the..'

A bit of fear overwhelmed him as he gulped and looked between the mark on his cheek and Shea. She was standing still with a smile on her face, Kazemi whistling along while Tory made sculptures of ice.

"I'd pull your sword out mister! It'll be dangerous for you if you don't!" Shea cheered out to him while pointing at his weapon. The man tsked and quickly pulled his sword out.

"Yeah, she's ending up with a couple of scratches, boss.." The man rushed at Shea, going for a vertical strike from above. 'Your mine-..!' A hammer came at his face and connected with it.

He flew back into a wall and passed out on the spot. 'Aw, c'mon, Shea... You could've made it last longer..' And to finish it off, Tory used gravity magic and trapped him in tables and chairs.

All of this caused the fat kid to flinch and back up in his puddle of waste and throw up. "No..." He saw as Kazemi reached for his sword and was getting closer to him. "GET AWAY FROM ME!" He screamed his lungs out as Kazemi completely pulled the blood red sword out.

"Do you know who I am?! I'll have you're head for this!" Kazemi placed his foot on his face while dangling the sword over his head. "Have my head, huh? Good luck, I guess.." He then threw the sword up into the sky, a voice telling him to stop from the side.

'Great. More...people..' He sighed out as he began looking up at the people. 'I wanted to have fun as well...'


(An: Thinking about going to Naruto though. Then maybe some random movies? Eh, let's let the future me decide.)