
Transmigrated to Another World with my yearly Magic Book Subscription

A stupid streamer who dranks entirely too much Blue Bull kills himself from it and is transmigrated into the body of a 5-year-old, but luckily he still has his exploits from DayBreak Online. --- This novel will not be all magic and spells and then abruptly become a novel only about cultivation so stop holding your breath. :> --- Cover is not mines(only added the words), also the idea of my novel is based off of 'I have Countless Legendary Swords'. (It's a good read)

famousdark · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs

Ch.3: Sinkholes

[Day 5]

I grunted as I pushed forward on my trusty wheelchair and looked at the view before me. It seems like I'm on a cliff.

The terrain was extremely unfair for a wheelchair, there were bumps everywhere and some spots of the ground were weak which lead to a few sinkholes that almost trapped me. Luckily for me, I watched plenty of truck ads on TV in my previous life that taught me the advantage of vehicles that could conquer all terrain!

The epic music that played during the ads was playing in my head as I zigzagged through the sinkholes like a racer. As I was driving through the racetrack, I was sneak attacked by a hidden hole and fell out of my wheelchair.

"Ack! I've fallen and I can't get up!" I winced in pain as I held my knee.

"Sllllllll ahhhhhhhhhh....Sllllllll ahhhhhhhhhh.....Slllllllll ahhhhhhhhh..." After a few minutes of groaning, I regained my composure and pushed through the pain to get back on my wheelchair. The hardest part about everything was getting back in the wheelchair because I had to drag my legs around.

What I was wheelchair-ing around on was a mountain. Although it was a mountain, it had a path that coiled around the entire thing until it reached the bottom which was good for me. I didn't have to worry about trying to Hony Tawk my way down the mountain on my wheelchair hoping not to turn into a blob of chum.

After the pain in my legs went away, I began my descent down the enormous mountain that I didn't dare to look at from up here. Surprisingly, I wasn't even halfway up the mountain, the mountain was really tall then.

The only thing I can't piece together is how the f*ck my legs were crippled, it looked like I fell from someplace high so I'm guessing I fell from higher up on the mountain. I'm thankful that I didn't wake up in this body before I hit the ground because I most definitely would have died from shock.

After wheelchair-ing my way down the mountain for almost an entire hour, I was at the length of the top of the trees I saw earlier. The trees were gigantic and had beautiful purple and blue leaves, the original green leaves I knew were nowhere to be found. The trees also seemed to have energy around them as I felt it from where I was looking at the view.

The terrain also seemed to smoothen the further I went down. I only ran into maybe 1 or 2 sinkholes the entire time I was descending down the mountain. I could also see mysterious plants growing in the cracks of the mountain every now and then. It seemed like everything around me had some type of energy in or on it.

An of wheelchair-ing later, my arms grew tired. Just lifting them caused them to ache terribly. I looked down curiously to check where I was and I managed to get almost halfway to the bottom of the trees. I decided to keep wheelchair-ing on as my eyes were filled with determination. If I don't get off this mountain how was I going to find food?

I decided to rest for a few minutes to let my arms rest before continuing on. I thought my beta main character determination could help me power through my aching arms but it didn't do anything to help. All it did was cause me more pain.

I stared at the now visible ground and sighed.

"F*ck this sh*t, I don't have the energy to wheelchair anymore." I rolled off of the pain on the mountain and began falling to the ground. My ass is definitely gonna hurt when I hit the ground.