
Transmigrated on Naruto as the Male Version of Rin Nohara(BL)

Mike Smith our MC was just walking then all of a sudden his vision got blurred and he lost consciousness. Then he woke up on a forest. Confused he walked around until he found a stream, "Ahhhhh" he groan happily after he finally have something to drink. But he stop 'Is this clean?' But his really thirsty, he shrugs. He doesn't care anymore, he will die in any situation. -Hungriness & Thirstiness -Killed by wild animal. So yeah, then when he was going to drink, he saw his reflection. A cute guy was staring back at him. 'The fuck' He pouted and the guy also did it, he wink and he also wink. And it all sink in. "It's me" _____________________ This PIC and Naruto is not mine... But this fanfic is...

MasterOfDeath7777 · Komik
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20 Chs

Chapter 7: Pranking with Naruto


Hahahahhaha.....i finally rewrote the chapter.

I hope you guys like this...


Waking up, he groggily got up and looked at Naruto's sleeping form. He smiled fondly and rubs Naruto's birthmark, Naruto didn't wake up, just groans.

'His really hungry from human affection, he just trusted me right away, by showing some little affection'

...he signed...

'That needs to change he can't just trust anyone, or he will be hurt'

He walked to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth. Aften that he walked to the kitchen to make a pancake.

'It's really different from watching the anime, by experiencing itself. The way people looked at Naruto is so unnerving, as a kid it's really hard, but Naruto just ignored it and smile even though his hurt, if that happened to me,i will clearly hate and leave this village'

...he signed again...

'Now that im here nobody's gonna hurt him'

His didn't really want to interfere the plot but when he saw the way the village treated Naruto, he really can't just watch Naruto suffer. His really mad at the Hokage, Jiraya and especially Kakashi.

'I know his suffering himself but that's not an excuse for him to leave Naruto alone suffering from the hate of the civilian'

When his done, he prepared the table and walked to Naruto.

"Naruto...Naruto wake up" i sad while shaking him gently

"Uggghhhh" Naruto just groans,

Then he smirks and shouted "NARUTO!!!, The Ramen was All Taken by an Enemy Ninja" then Naruto eyes open really fast.

"Noooooo!!!!, not my Ramen" Naruto shrieks getting up frantically looking around then his eyes finally landew on me..

"Pffftttt...hahahahahhahh" i laugh so hard, Naruto was just confused for a moment then, it all sink in that he was tricked.

"Why you!" He tackles me and we fall on the ground laughing.


"Haaa, haaaa, stop go wash your face and brush your teeth, then go to the kitchen" i said out of breathe because were tickling each other for a while.

"Okay" Naruto said running to the bathroom.


When he arrived at the dining table, he looked at the pancake with confused face.

"What's this?" Naruto asked

"Ohhh, it's pancake"


"No more question, just eat"

"Ok" Naruto shove some pancake in his mouth then his eyes shines "Delicious"



While we were eating i asked Naruto.

"Sooo Naruto, why did those guys beat you up"

"Ummmm, i prank the old lady who wouldn't let me buy groceries, but those uncles caught me* Naruto said looking at me

"Ohhhhhh....."i mutter looking down" Then let's prank them "

"What?" Naruto asked confused but his mischievous smile is present

"Well" he looks up at that tone to find that same wolf grin staring back at him, brown eyes bright with mischief. "I think we can manage a prank or two. What are your thoughts on stink bombs?"

'From Rin's memory he can make smoke bomb, i will change it functions by making it stink than making smike'

"I like stink bombs." Naruto said smiling

"Good, Very good but let's eat first"



Naruto is currently crouched at the mouth of an alley, doing his best not to cry while the people walking past on the street either ignore or glare at him.

Until a little boy with brown hair crosses the street to crouch in front of the boy.

His fellow Anbu abruptly go still, crowding around him to get a better look.

The unknown boy reaches forward and ruffles Naruto's blonde hair, says something that he can't quite see the boy's lips to read and then hauls him up to his feet.

The quiet misery on Naruto's face has been completely swept away into a blinding grin as the unknown boy grips his hand and together, they dash down the street.

He rises languidly to follow and frowns behind his mask to find that his fellow Anbu have already launched themselves across the rooftop to give chase, weirdly determined to not lose sight of their charge for even a moment.

It is incredibly suspicious.

If there were any kind of credible threat to the Kyuubi container, surely, they would have reported it.



"Explain" Kakashi snarls at the four of them after a truly hair-raising, heart-stopping mad chase through the village trying to locate their abruptly missing Kyuubi container six hours later.

Said container is now tucked away safe and sound in his depressing little apartment that seems noticeably cleaner now with a pantry and fridge much fuller than normal. His hair is still black but the dye should wash out in a few days and with the application of some paint thinner, the super-glued fake purple clan marks that covered those damning whisker scars should come off easily enough.

Weasel is just glad the boy had apparently come back under his own power. That had been so kami-damned frightening not being able to locate the child. Hound had been ready to start tearing limbs off to get answers by the time Mouse got word to them that the Kyuubi container had returned to his apartment.

They hadn't been able to find the kid that was with Naruto. Though Naruto's suddenly much cleaner abode may indicate he'd seen the boy's living standard.

And very much disapproved.

"It's that other boy!" Robin shrieked, cowering without looking like he's cowering. "His really a grown up man with purple markings-"


Oh. Oh dear. Whelp, cat's outta the bag now, or dog, as it were. Ha ha. It was real nice knowing you, Robin, he's just gonna exit real nice-

Kakashi's fist clamps around the back of his neck like a snake, dragging him back before he can make his very daring and stealthy escape. Should have used the trusty old shunshin.

"Words. Now," Kakashi growls, very much earning his moniker.

"A guy approached the container three weeks ago" Salamander comes to his rescue because as fucking weird as the guy is, he's definitely a good bro. "The guy has displayed a proficiency for evasion and stealth and has eluded Anbu at every turn. We assume he has a chunin level of proficiency but there are no records of him. Anywhere."

The hand on his neck convulses in a terrifying manner. He becomes very aware of how many shinobi Hound has killed and just how strong those hands are. It would not be difficult for the man to snap his scrawny neck.

Oh god.

Except Kakashi apparently doesn't snap his neck. He just seems to...shut down. Like a Suna puppet with its chakra threads cut.

It's very alarming.

"Hound(Kakashi)?" Mouse tries.

The man gives a sound very similar to a canine whine of distress and promptly shunshins away, leaving them all blinking in horrified shock, both Salamander and Robin also have a moment of revelation.

"Holy shit," Salamander breathes, likely gaping beneath the mask. "Hound is-"

"Shut the fuck up, Salamander," Mouse snaps, slapping him across the back of the head for good measure. "We gotta find this kami-damned guy before Hound snaps and goes on a murder spree."

They all shiver in unison.

Then double down on their task.


Hatake hasn't moved from the memorial stone in hours.

He's already told Obito, Rin and Minato-sensei about his latest failure. How he didn't find the guy.

They can't find him.

He doesn't know the scent to track, doesn't know what to look for since apparently the boy isn't shy about altering his appearance and scents.

"Hatake!" a breathless voice shrieks, a shunshin depositing Weasel almost directly into his lap. "He's here, he's here. Fuck, we've found him!"

Something explodes in the village behind him.

He's on his feet and moving without conscious thought. That ragged edge of hope clinging stubbornly on.






To be continued...






Next chapter...

Chapter 8: Caught by Kakashi

Chapter 9: Interrogation

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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