
Moving On

"I'm not sure if he is going to ever wake back up. We have tried everything we can. What you want to do with him is up to you." A doctor said as he left the room, leaving the two parents and their son in the room.

"What are we supposed to do honey?" The woman said as she fought to hold back her tears while holding her son close to her body. She couldn't believe that their first-born son laying on the hospital bed was in a coma.

"I...just don't know..lets give it some time," The man said as he watched his first-born son sleep peacefully. A single tear starts to fall from his eye as he wrapped his arms around the woman.

"Mom...Dad, why isn't brother waking up?" The little boy said as he looked up at his parents. "He promised that he was coming home yesterday to play with me..."

The two parents squeezed their little boy between their arms and stayed silent as they didn't know what to say.

"Ethan please wake up soon." The mother said before she began to cry.

5 years later-----

"We want to let our son go, doctor," The father said as he held the hand of his wife tightly. The woman could only silently cry as the doctor went over with all the procedures.

They were asked multiple times if they were sure, and ultimately Ethan was taken off life-support.

Days later------

"Don't worry brother, I'll make sure to take care of our parents." A teenage boy said as he grabbed the hand of the now dying Ethan. He was but a mere shadow of himself as years of not moving or eating properly reduced him to the weakened state he is in now.


Ethan's life has now ended on earth, but it didn't mean that his life was over as it was just beginning!

Suddenly Ethan opens his eyes for the first time in five years, but he wasn't in his college dorm like he thought he was nor was he in the hospital. He vaguely remembered an unbearable pain and then he blacked out.

"Where...am I?" Ethan said as he looked around, and noticed that everything around him was white. He tried to look at his hands, but he found himself unable to move.

"W-what's going on!? Dad?! Mom?!..... Why can't I move?!" Ethan started to panic as he continued to scream out names. "Tyler?! Anybody?!"

He went on for hours until he eventually broke down in tears.

"Ok Ok! Remain calm! Remember that time--"--"OH! and also that other time...Um!"

Ethan tried to distract himself by remembering good times, but nothing was working!

"Hah...Oh..." Ethan suddenly remembered a time that brought him great joy. A time where he was just a normal kid living in the suburbs. He wasn't especially outgoing, but whenever Beyblade was brought up, he became a completely different person.

Ethan's free time was used by doing anything related to Beyblade, and he even had a couple of friends who were also into the series.

Watching the Beyblade anime...

Reading the Beyblade manga...

A smile slowly crept up onto his face as Ethan remembers nearly everything about Beyblade.

Ethan slowly closed his eyes as he thought of the time where he got his first actual bey. He had even gone on to create a customized bey.

Ethan had put a blank face bolt and drew on it with a permanent marker. However, the image was horribly drawn, but it was his own Beyblade.


Ethan suddenly opened his eyes again, but what he saw was the light of a blazing sun. The sudden burst of light forced him to cover his face with his hand, and then he noticed the awful smell of garbage.

"Ugh..Jeez, where am I..." He instantly covered his mouth and nose as it looked around.

But then suddenly Ethan froze, "T-this isn't my voice!" He yelled as he looked down at his small dirty hands. "These aren't mine either!"

He instantly rolls onto his hands and knees to crawl to a nearby puddle to get a good look at himself.

The image was that of a ten-year-old kid. A kid who was dirty with sunken cheeks, ungroomed red hair, and crystal clear blue eyes.

Ethan never saw this kid in his entire life, "Is this me?" He said as he touched his face.

"Who is this?... This isn't me..." Ethan began to panic again as he smashed the puddle with his tiny hands, drenching the ragged clothes that barely fit him.

"This isn't funny anymore who--"

"The winner of the National Beyblade Championship Tournament is Tyson!!!" A loud booming voice interrupted him, followed by the sounds of a large audience cheering.

Ethan suddenly stood up, "I'm...in the world of Beyblade?!" Ethan shouted while he pumped his fists into the air.

He was ecstatic!

He was in the world of beyblade!

The world where Tyson and the Bladebreakers take on the world with their incredibly powerful beyblades!

Ethan couldn't believe what he heard, but something told him that this wasn't a dream!

"But how--"


The sound of something metal hitting the ground entered Ethan's ears, and he immediately looked down.

It was a Beyblade!

Ethan's eyes instantly widen as the Beyblade looked extremely familiar!

"Vulcan Horogium 145D!" Ethan immediately picked the bey up, cradling the heavy thing in his dirty hands. It was made after watching a certain YouTube video, and he begged his parents to buy the parts for him.

Ethan loved defensive beys as they reminded him a bit of himself. A silent big guy who didn't hesitate to stand up for his friends. He sighed as he looked at the face bolt, and the distorted drawing was still there!

Ethan looked around to see if there was a launcher and a ripcord nearby, and he would find them in the spot he crawled from.

Ethan instantly attached Vulcan Horogium to the launcher and slid the ripcord through. His eyes showed a fierce glint as he gripped the launcher and the ripcord tightly.

"3...2...1 Let it Ri--"


Ethan fell to the ground as he blacked out.

I rushed to get this out as I'm falling asleep. So there my be a lot of errors. Bare with me please. X.X -passes out-

Asilixcreators' thoughts