
Transmigrated Into the Body Of The Prince Consort

What happens when two strangers from different world meet and had to separate again without knowing each other? The prince of wei kingdom trespasses into the Zambe sect unknowingly and was being rescued by the Zambe sect princess Ya. But destiny would soon bring these two back together as Ya is being punished by going into the human world to complete the last trial full of betrayal, love and drama to attain immortality. would she be able to accomplish this mission?and what happens if she meets the stranger that led her to all these? let's find out in "transmigrated into the body of the prince consort"

Tee_wave · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
22 Chs

I came here for nothing...

Now at Jun quarters, he could be seen discussing with Haoyu

"It's been ten days now,his Majesty is losing his patience," said Jun with a worried expression

"The person responsible for the crime planned it all well, we've investigated all jade vendor and poison vendor,but still have no solid evidence,"said Haoyu storming his feet angrily

Just then, Gang rushed in panting heavily

"I've found the vendor, it's the shaman that was invited into the palace on the prince birthday," said Gang still panting heavily

"Really!," exclaimed Jun and Haoyu as they both stood up

"Please lead the way," said Jun as he followed Gang with Haoyu all the way to the capital city

The shaman can be seen praying,just then Jun, Gang and Haoyu banged in as Jun held his sword at the shaman's neck

"You try to escape, I kill you," said Jun angrily

"Please what do you want from me?" asked the shaman trembling with fear

"You'll soon know," said Jun as he hit her on the head with the back of his sword making her to lose consciousness and then ordered Gang to cover her face with a black sack, all the way to the palace

Meanwhile,Mei lien,and all the member of the Yang family were already at the execution ground. The people can be seen saying all sort of hurtful words

"How could she? Isn't she the third lady of the Yang family? Such a shame," said the people

Mei lien was ready to be killed as the execution guard held her head against the wooden table ready to be beheaded

"Are you guilty of your crime or not?" asked the court chief

Guess, it's time to go back to my sect,I came here for nothing, Father, mother, I'm coming home, Mei lien thought as tears rolled down her cheek

Just as the execution guard was about to behead her, Jun stopped him by throwing his sword which made the guard lose his target

"Who the hell is that," yelled the court chief but was soon calmed when he sighted Jun and the king eunuch

"Letter from the king, the Yang family were accused wrongly, as they re not responsible for the princes death," Jun read as he went closer to Mei lien to free her

"I'm sorry that you had to suffer this much," said Jun as he wrapped his hands around Mei lien

"I thought I was going to die, I'm really innocent," said Mei lien as she wept bitterly

"It's over now," said Jun as he carried mei lien up leading her back to the palace

Now at Mei lien chamber,Jing can be seen applying ointment on her back as she wept profusely

"I'm really sorry you had to suffer this much my lady," said Jing sadly as she couldn't control her tears

"Wipe your tears, I'm good now,Is the Yang family back home?" asked Mei lien worriedly

"Yes! They're back at the mansion," replied Jing as she continues to apply the ointment on mei lien back

'Someone really want to get rid of the Yang family, we all could have died if not because of the second prince timely appearance' Mei lien thought

"My lady, you have to put off your clothes completely so as to apply the ointment," Said Jing as Mei lien complied and was soon done and lied down under the blanket completely naked

Luli is on her way back from the kitchen with a bowl of water but was soon stopped by Jun who appeared suddenly making her frightened

"Oh, your highness, good evening," said Luli frightenly

"Give it to me, I'll go in," said Jun as he collected the bowl from luli leaving her outside as he rushed into Mei lien's room

"Your .....Jing almost said but was soon hush by Jun who collected the ointment from her and ordered her out

"Jing! Am I too calm? I keep getting bullied because of my calmness, although I've always being the kind and caring lady but I was never bullied this much," said Mei lien weakly

'Kind and caring?Mei lien is any word but kind' Jun thought as he gave out a soft smile

"I'll have to fight back now since everyone is after my life, I'm not going to allow anyone to oppress me any longer," Said Mei lien but gat no reply from her handmaid as she decided to call out her name

Jing! Mei lien called as she raised up her head to turn over only to see Jun

"Arrrrrgh, she screamed, what are you doing here, you pervert," Said Mei lien as Jun got up away from her bed

"Easy! I was only helping you to apply the ointment," said Jun pointing to the ointment in his hand

"What did you see?" asked Mei lien as she looked through her body and covered her body properly

"Oh that, I'm not interested," said Jun pompously but was soon kicked by Mei lien making him slip, falling on the ground as Mei lien sat on top of him and continue to punch him

"Easy lady," said Jun as he turned her over now lying on top of her

There seem to be a bit of quietness in the room but was soon interrupted by Mei lien who pushed Jun away and grabbed a flower vase

"Don't come near me," Said Mei lien pointing the flower vase to Jun who was now standing

"I'm not okay,I can't believe this is what I get from helping someone," said Jun as he placed his hand on his head disappointedly

"No one ask for your help,you pervert," Said Mei shouting on top of her voice

"Yeah yeah,Take care then," Said Jun making his way to the door

"Get out!! Said Mei lien as she grabbed her blanket which was about to fall

"That reminds me,try eating,so as to gain more weight,I had nothing to rest on earlier," Jun said pointing to his chest

"What???" Mei lien yelled looking down to her chest as she couldn't believe she was just body shamed,she threw the flower vase at Jun angrily but miss the target as Jun was fast in escaping

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