
Transmigrated Into the Body Of The Prince Consort

What happens when two strangers from different world meet and had to separate again without knowing each other? The prince of wei kingdom trespasses into the Zambe sect unknowingly and was being rescued by the Zambe sect princess Ya. But destiny would soon bring these two back together as Ya is being punished by going into the human world to complete the last trial full of betrayal, love and drama to attain immortality. would she be able to accomplish this mission?and what happens if she meets the stranger that led her to all these? let's find out in "transmigrated into the body of the prince consort"

Tee_wave · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
22 Chs

accuse the Yang family for treason....

"Has she gone crazy? Can't believe she wants to kill me that bad," Said Jun as he sighted Jing and Luli who greeted him

"Oh good! Take good care of your lady, seems like she had gone crazy," said Jun still panting for breath

"Crazy??" Luli asked as she stared at Jing surprisedly before they both hurriedly headed into Mei lien's room leaving Jun outside

Jun is back at his manor and was greeted by Haoyu and Gang who were already waiting for him

"So how's the young lady," asked Haoyu

"She's crazy, she almost killed me," said Jun as he sat down

"Killed you? What do you mean by that?" Gang asked curiously

Jun being aware of his friend and body guard curiosity decided to wave their attention else where

"Killed? When did I say that? I mean the young lady is getting better," He said while laughing hysterically

"I heard you mentioned kill," said Haoyu as he leans towards Jun

"You gat hearing problems, you should see the doctor," said Jun as he kicked him while eunuch Li and Gang gave out a laugh

"But your highness, how did the king allow the Yang family to go?" asked Gang

"The king of wei isn't someone you can get something from easily except he has something greater to get from it," Jun began narrating his ordeal to his companions

Wei palace

"Your highness, the second prince is here to see you," said the king eunuch

"Oh..Jun, let him in," said the king

"Good afternoon imperial father," greeted Jun panting for breath

"What bought you running towards my palace," the king asked with a serious expression

"My consort and the Yang family are innocent and I plead for them to be released immediately," Jun said

"Oh..where is the evidence," asked the king

"A shaman is responsible for the whole ordeal, She disguised as a vendor by selling the jade bottle to Mei lien and also came into the palace on the grand prince birthday in which Mei Zhen also ordered a jade bottle, but the jade bottle was only delivered on the day I and Mei lien were coming from the prime minister mansion, soon a servant came to call Mei lien which gave her the opportunity to go along with Mei Zhen jade bottle since it was mistakenly delivered to her chamber," Jun said confidently

"And?..." asked the king scornfully

"All these shows that everything was being planned from the onset and there's still a mastermind behind it because the shaman couldn't act alone without a master," Jun said

"And where's the mastermind Jun," asked the king

"I'm sure the person is from the palace and it's only a matter of time before we apprehend her," Said Jun who was really eager for the whole drama to end and save Mei lien

"I can only say your consort is the master mind, so let her face her punishment," said the king

"No father, Mei lien is innocent," said Jun as he stood up angrily

"You really want to save your consort this much," asked the king as he stood up and walked closer to Jun

"Yes father," said Jun

"I know your consort can't be bold enough to kill the two princes, but I can only spare her on one condition, accuse the Yang family of treason," said the king

"What!" exclaimed Jun as he couldn't believe what he just heard

"Yes, the Yang family are known to have the best treasures, they re influential, and people regard them as second to the king and they also have the military power. I promise to release them now and after accusing them, I won't still kill them but only make them a commoner," said the king

"But father, the third prince has been ill from the onset, even the doctors said he only has few more days to live, we can't say the jade bottle is responsible for his sudden death since it has been confirmed before that he has only few more days to live and..." Said Jun but was soon interrupted by the king

"It's your consort bad luck for delivering poisoned jade bottle in the first place, I only believe that is what is responsible for the third prince death. Do it Jun or watch the Yang family die now," The king said as he sat down on his throne

Jun knows complying with his father is the only way to save innocent lives

"I'll do it father," Said Jun sadly

"Good! Eunuch escort him and release the Yang family immediately," said the king happily

"Thank you Father," said Jun bowing before making an exit

Jun's mansion

"What!" exclaimed Haoyu as he covers his mouth out of surprise

"So, the king only released the Yang family because you promise to accuse them of treason," said Gang dejectedly

"Yes!I had no choice, I just have to get along with Mei lein now and pretend to father that we're in good terms so that he wouldn't suspect my lies," said Jun

"What if we're never going to find the real suspect, will you still do the king request?" asked Haoyu

"Never, but I know I'll surely find the person and save the Yang family," said Jun confidently

Mei Zhen can be seen in her chamber with her hand maid Xiu tending to her needs

"Can't believe someone wants to bring the Yang family down by killing the princes," said Mei Zhen as she bite her nails

"Isn't the poisoned tea responsible for the third prince death," asked Xiu

"Hush! someone might hear you," said Mei Zhen as she hurried to cover xiu mouth

"The tea isn't responsible for the third prince death, it's the poisoned jade bottle and someone is trying to bring the Yang family down. killing two princes is a crime punishable by death, and it's not one person death but the entire family of that person," said Mei Zhen now walking around in circles

"So who is trying to implicate the Yang family?" asked Xiu curiously

"I don't know, but this person is a master planer and he or she might be in the palace!" exclaimed Mei Zhen worriedly as she tries to think of a clue .

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