
Transmigrated into Severus Snape with Golden Trio back in Time

Harry, Hermione and Ron are transported back in time after Bill Weasley's wedding by a Cosmic entity. Chaos was not happy with this and decided to add another player. Watch how Harry, Hermione, Ron tread in past while trying to defeat the Dark Lord whereas a college student is transmigrated into the body of a 16 year old Severus Snape. Meanwhile things are changing and the golden trio couldn't wonder if it is for better or not. I own nothing all belongs to JK Rowling. This story will contain lemons so people who uphold highest morals sorry this is for not you.

Jerry153 · Derivasi dari karya
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93 Chs

90) The news

'Black-Lestrange wedding called off?'

By Garey Fundus

In a shocking turn of events, the much-anticipated wedding between 'Bellatrix Black', the eldest daughter of the noble and ancient House of Black, and 'Rodolphus Lestrange', the heir of the equally prestigious House of Lestrange, has been cancelled.

The news came as a surprise to many in the wizarding world, who had been eagerly awaiting the union of two of the most powerful and influential pure-blood families. The wedding was scheduled to take place in three months, at the ancestral Black Manor, with invitations already sent out to hundreds of guests.

However, sources close to the families have revealed that the marriage was called off by mutual consent, after the young couple realized that they were not compatible with each other. According to these sources, Bellatrix and Rodolphus had been betrothed since childhood, but had never developed any romantic feelings for each other. They had hoped that their relationship would grow over time, but they found themselves unable to overcome their differences and lack of chemistry.

The Lords of both Houses, **Orion Black** and **Randolph Lestrange**, have issued a joint statement, confirming the cancellation of the wedding and assuring the public that there was no ill will or animosity between the two families. They stated that they respected the decision of their children, and wished them happiness and success in their future endeavors. They also thanked their friends and allies for their support and understanding, and apologized for any inconvenience caused by the change of plans.

The statement did not mention any plans for a new match for either Bellatrix or Rodolphus, who are both considered to be among the most eligible bachelors and bachelorettes in the pure-blood society. However, rumors are already circulating that both of them have their eyes on other potential partners, who share their views and ambitions. Some of these rumors suggest that Rodolphus has been seen in the company of a mysterious blonde witch. Much of whose details still remain unknown.

Whatever the truth may be, one thing is certain: the Black-Lestrange wedding is now a thing of the past, and the future of both families is uncertain.

Miss Black's younger sister had earlier eloped from the family to marry a muggleborn wizard, against her family's wishes. It had caused quite a backlash for the family in the wizarding community. Now the postponement of Miss Bellatrix Black's wedding has succeeded in creating more gossip for everyone in the wizarding world. Her being of marriageable age and still remaining bachelor till now certainly creates wonder and suspicion for the traditional folk of our world.

Mr Rudolphous, meanwhile has been spotted with a blonde witch in recent times. Questions arise as if the mysterious witch was the reason behind this 'call- off'. Whatever it might be, we can all speculate only.

The Daily Prophet certainly hopes the best for the two in the coming time.

"Can you believe this?" Harry said, shaking his head. "Just what we need. Another setback."

Nothing had prepared them for the news that Bellatrix Black, the future Death Eater and torturer of Neville's parents, had broken off her engagement with Rodolphus Lestrange, another future Death Eater and Voldemort's loyal follower. The article was enough to suprise and scare the shit out of them.

"Not to mention dangerous," Hermione added with a frown. "She's one of the most powerful and ruthless witches of her generation. If she joins him directly after this, You know who be even harder to stop." She continued with the same frown.

"Yeah, well, good luck to him. He'll have his hands full with that nutcase. She's probably the only one who can match his level of crazy." Sirius added jokingly. The news was honestly a surprise for him. He could not understand how it happened, but he was not going to complain about it. It was honestly joyous for him that the marriage was called off. He remembered Rudolphous and Bellatrix both. Neither were saints. Both were huge pricks to him. Heck! Her cousin even killed him at the end. He wouldn't have even dreamt that she would do something to him.

"Don't joke about it, Sirius. This is serious. Do you realize what this means for us?"

"What do you mean?" Sirius asked with a frown.

Hermione looked at him with a worried expression. "Don't you remember? In our time, Bellatrix and Rodolphus were married. They were one of the Dark Lord's most loyal and powerful couples. They were also the two whom we suspected." She elaborated with a frown. Hermione said all this in a breathless rush, her eyes wide with fear and hesitance

Harry and Ron stared at her, speechless. They had never thought of that.

"Blimey," Ron said with a groan, finally breaking his silence on the article. "That's bad. That's really bad."

"Another scavenger hunt." Harry groaned with a frown. It was going to be a disaster for searching the hocruxes now. If the situation with Lucius Malfoy was not enough, they had one with Bellatrix and Rodolphous now.

"I understand y'all. But there's nothing you can do at the moment. It's best if you just prepare yourself for the upcoming war. We have to be ready for it." James proclaimed with a frown. It was the only thing they could do at the moment. They couldn't fight yet. But they could sure prepare better for it.

Besides he cringed remembering his own death. He haven't had his wand with him during his death. Something which ashamed him till now.

"Yeah. Besides the only reason there is only one article, is because it's about the Black family and Lestrange family." Hermione added with a frown. The amount of influence Sirius' family and the other noble families wielded was crazy. There was literally no-one in the newspaper who could besmirch their name.

"That's right. Otherwise it would have been covering the entire front page and not only a column." James nodded with a smirk.


Narcissa gently unlocked the door of Severus' room. She was feeling nervous and excited. She had received a note from him, asking her to meet him tonight. He had even mentioned that he had a surprise for her.

She looked inside and saw him sitting on his bed, holding a large box. He smiled when he saw her. It was strange to see his face lit up when usually she was accustomed to seeing his broody self during the last years. Yet, the sight of his smile felt warming for some reason.

"Narcissa, you look lovely," Severus spoke up as he looked at his nightly visitor. He had to admire her simple black dress. She looked gorgeous in it despite being it a simple dress. He fuckin hated the Black's aristocratic beauty sometimes. This was just another of those times.

"Thank you, Severus. You look very handsome yourself," Narcissa replied as she walked towards him. She had to admire his body though. The boy was getting sexier with each passing day. His physique was really an eye candy for her.

He stood up, and handed her the box. "This is for you. I hope you like it."

Narcissa slowly took the box. It was bland with nothing written on it. She gently opened it. Inside, she found a stunning dress of silver and green, shimmering in the light. She smiled amazed and immediately looked at him with wide eyes. The dress looked absolutely beautiful.

"Severus, this is... beautiful. How did you get this?"

"Well. I didn't know for sure. I procured some Acromantula silk and the designer did the rest." Severus replied honestly. He wasn't a man with good knowledge in fashion. Besides it was better if he played safe for now.

"I don't know if I should applaud you for being honest or be angry that you couldn't guess if I would like it." Narcissa replied with a playful scoff.

"How about a kiss to show some appreciation?" Severus asked with a smirk.

Narcissa laughed softly but gently pressed her lips to his own as they lost themselves in a gentle kiss. Their lips met passionately while they sweetly celebrated the moment.

"Thank you, Severus. Thank you so much. This is one of the best gift I ever received." Narcissa gushed out as she pulled out the dress from the box to inspect it.

Severus nodded, and smiled back to her. "Of course. Anything for you."

Narcissa put the dress back into the box. She crossed her arms and looked at him.

"Now. Spill, what is the deal?" Narcissa asked raising her eyebrow at him.

"What do you mean?" Severus asked baffled. He didn't expect that she was going to recognise it during the first time.

"C'mon Sev. Don't make a fool out of me. I know you want to tell something to me. It's a trick." Narcissa pointed out. She wasn't dumb like others. She could saw through it. She had started more so after everything happening around her.

Severus was honestly impressed. It seemed the cat was out of the bag. He gently looked at her. She was expecting the answer clearly.

"There's something else I need to tell you. Something important." He slowly started. There was no easy way to sugarcoat it. Besides either way, it was going to happen.

Narcissa looked at him wearily before she finally spoke up, "What is it?"

He took a deep breath. It wasn't going to be easy.

"The Dark Lord wants me to announce our relationship at the Yule Ball." Severus replied. He wandlessly summoned the letter from his table and passed it to her.

"And this our pertains to?" Narcissa enquired. She had a bad feeling about this already.

"You. . . . Me. . . . your sister. . . Francesca." Severus elaborated slowly with a frown.

Narcissa sighed heavily. She suddenly frowned.

"And that veela?" She asked curiously.

"Well. It's sex and pregnancy first for her. Then marriage." Severus replied. It was the plan he and Francesca had agreed on. Something which was going to serve the latter well.

"Why did it had to be the Yule Ball?" Narcissa groaned angrily with a sigh. Was this news necessary to be revealed at the Yule Ball. The venue was disastrously going to be spoiled by the news. She wanted one good evening. And now she was going to lose it.

Severus gently engulfed her in a hug. The angry and sad blonde welcomed his gesture as she pressed her body to his. He knew she was pissed by the venue of declaration. Declaring it on the Yule Ball day would mean that they would have to hear criticisms and comments from everyone.

"I will try to make it later. During the end, I can postpone it, but I fear that you all may be punished for it. Let's play it safe, Cissa." Severus spoke softly as he gently petted her back.

Narcissa snuggled closer to him as she welcomed the warmth which he was providing. Atleast she got a good match in Severus. He was far kinder than he let on. Moreover he was understanding. It was far better than she had imagined from an arranged partner for her.

"I just wish that things were different." She mumbled to his chest. His hands petted her back as she snuggled herself to his strong body.