
Transmigrated into Severus Snape with Golden Trio back in Time

Harry, Hermione and Ron are transported back in time after Bill Weasley's wedding by a Cosmic entity. Chaos was not happy with this and decided to add another player. Watch how Harry, Hermione, Ron tread in past while trying to defeat the Dark Lord whereas a college student is transmigrated into the body of a 16 year old Severus Snape. Meanwhile things are changing and the golden trio couldn't wonder if it is for better or not. I own nothing all belongs to JK Rowling. This story will contain lemons so people who uphold highest morals sorry this is for not you.

Jerry153 · Derivasi dari karya
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93 Chs

75) Discussions - 2

"Well." Severus trailed slowly. His voice was a little uncertain as he spoke to the girl infront of him.

They were at a Coffee shop in London. Severus hated the whole arrangement. However he had no option other than to comply. If the opposite party wanted it to sort out peacefully, then why resist like a buffon.

"Two coffees!" Francisca said looking at the waiter present there.

The young waiter nodded and hurried to fulfill the order leaving the two people to themselves.

"I am glad to meet you personally, Lord Prince." Francesca said courteously. She had talked with Eileen about the whole arrangement thing. Surprisingly she seemed well along with the whole thing. Francesca was glad that she pondered over her suggestion of a personal talk between her and Lord Prince.

"Call me Severus." Severus replied softly.

"Only, if you call me Francesca!" Francesca inturn spoke up. She was glad that they were atleast starting on pleasantries.

"Very well, Francesca." Severus smiled at the words. Thankfully she didn't seem hostile to him. It was more than a good start for him.

"I am sorry about this whole thing!" Both of them simultaneously spoke up.

Severus was surprised at the simultaneous response. He cracked a small smile as she too did the same at the sudden similarity of words.

"Well, we both are in a mess then!" Francesca said with a small smile. Oh! How much she hated the very idea of a marriage.

She knew Severus from her time in Slytherin. He was so different before. Unkept appearance, complete loner. All of them. The boy she was seeing from the last months was so different than the former image of him.

Francesca won't deny that she found him handsome. Once he was filled, and fixed some of his facial aspects magically. He was literally a type of guy which she wanted above her. The intense stare, the passion within, the deep aura. All of it.

Yet the contract had taken her to a surprise. She didn't know that her boss would become her fiance all of a sudden.

"We are." Severus replied in affirmation. Alice's decision still hurt. But he wasn't going to wallow over it. The last time he had wallowed over a girl, the results had been disastrous. Too disastrous for him.

It was better to beat your meat and forget about her after that.

Francesca was beautiful. There was no denying over it. Long dark hair till half of her back. Intense honey brown eyes, a fair skin with slight tan which only gave her an exotic appeal. The full, plump and rosy lips. A good curvy body and a full bust already. She was literally the envy of other girls with her beauty.

"Still I don't complain. I get a beautiful lady as my future wife." Severus joked on with a smile.

Francesca smiled easily. For some reason, her smile. came far naturally.

"Well. All luck's not on you. I get a perfect boy too." Francesca said with the same easy going smile.

"I concur." Severus said. He wasn't going to back from his own praise. Thankfully their conversation seemed to be far from dreadful. Perhaps it was due to the fact that both had taken the opportunity to deal maturely.

Francesca smiled amusedly at his words. Thankfully her betrothed was not acting like the usual pain in the ass attitude.

The waiter arrived at that moment with a tray. He placed the two coffees and immediately left there, giving them their privacy.

"We haven't talked much ever." Severus remarked casually.

Francesca nodded in affirmation.

"Tell me more about you Francesca. I mean, your likes, dislikes and other things." Severus pondered on slowly. His dark eyes met the honey brown eyes of her as he looked intensely.

Francesca smiled softly as she slowly started to tell him more about her. If she was to spend her whole life with someone, she better tell him somethings about her.

She slowly started to tell him more about likes and dislikes. Her interests, her hobbies and other various things.

She was a little surprised that he wasn't unnerved by her interests on Poisons. He even took it with a smile. If anyone knew that her interests lied in poison, they would have freaked out for sure. However his reaction was far different than she had hoped from someone. Nonetheless it pleased her a little.

Severus wasn't surprised. He had expected to hear about poisons from her sooner or later. The girl had grown to be infamous black widow. It wasn't a shock to hear that she wanted to study about poisons more.

Thankfully the contract forbid her to poison him. It was a little good clause on his side.

"Tell me more about you, Severus?" Francesca asked as she took a sip of her coffee. She had talked about her generally. It was only natural for him to tell him more.

"Well. . .I have never been a people's person. Honestly, preferring a small circle of friends over a large group. My passion had always been potions, spell creation and other obscure arts. I like men and women who have the skill to back their talks. You know, having both the bark and bite." He slowly spoke up in his ever smooth voice.

Francesca listened raptly. She must note a few things about him. It will help her in the long run. There was no way now, other than to face the incoming.

He slowly started to tell her more about his life. His choices and some vague interests. As if Francesca would know about the Manchester United and what Football is.

Francesca nodded along him. Even though she had hard time to understand football and some muggle things which he was speaking. He really looked happy though while speaking about his favourite team, The Manchester United.

It was a nice first meeting for both of them. Both of them were not shy regarding themselves. Thankfully they both had opened up about themselves to the other.

"Well," Francesca said uncertainly. Gather her inner courage, she slowly continued on.

"I am sorry regarding this whole situation. I know things might have been complicated between you and Alice because of me. But I am really sorry about the whole arrangement thing..... "

Severus sighed. There it was. It was time to take the fish out of the water.

"I know Francesca. I know it had been tough for you too. Nonetheless, Alice and I have sorted out things between us. We already broke up." Severus said with a sad smile. After two days of declaring a break in their relationship, Alice had sent a letter to him.

A letter apologizing to him about her rash decision. She had politely apologized and then started to mention, that they were not compatible with each other. The letter had ended with a note that she was calling quits on the whole thing. That it was better that he be loyal to his future fiancee and not ruin the amazing chance of having a new bond with her.

It angered him to read the letter. However he had slowly taken it into regard. If he had been on her place, he would have done the same. Atleast she had politely encouraged him over a new start in life.

He took a sip of the coffee. The coffee was too weak for the likes of him. He preferred strong ones. And the one served to him was more on medium levels.

Thinking about Alice still hurt. However, he wasn't going to ponder about her. It ached him inside. He had slowly started to open up naturally with her. All of the progress, only to be wasted away.

That was a surprise for Francesca. Nonetheless it only caused her a pang of guilt. They both seemed happy with each other. And now they were seperated, because of her. It felt so disheartening inwardly. Nonetheless she schooled herself. Atleast Severus was being reasonable and not blaming things on her.

He seemed to be blaming it more on fate, rather than on her. It was a plus for her. Atleast he was less hostile due to it.

It did matter for her. After all she had to spend the whole life with him.

Atleast he was intelligent, well built and rich. She could have certainly scored worse.

The only thing which kept her anxious was his body. She dearly hoped for a well built little Severus, down there.

She didn't want a dull marriage life afterall.