
Main Character

"Munch -

"The Farris Union is a long-standing organization that has protected world peace by all means and never derailed from that purpose."

"But why?"

Munch - Munch -

"Well, if you wonder, it's because it's six, now only five left; top orders are all world law users."

"But not all world laws are good by human standards. That's why there is no leader, only five orders that always keep each other in check."

"The Farris Union is very powerful."

"It dominates world governments and spreads in multiple forms."

"Do you wonder how I know?"

Munch - munch - munch...

"It's because of me, the great man around whom the world revolves, the world entertainment king."

"I am the fourth order of the union, contracted with the law of destiny."

"Shoyo," Nance cut off his words in displeasure.