
Chapter 5: Daniel Vs Zack

With a sudden burst of excitement, Jinseok jolted out of his seat, a determined glint in his eyes. "I guess I'll give this newly acquired Swarm Boxing a shot, at least for now," he murmured, a grin tugging at the corner of his lips. As if possessed by the spirit of a warrior, he launched into a series of energetic shadowboxing moves, starting with a somewhat clumsy yet surprisingly sharp straight punch. But Jinseok wasn't content with just that; he was on fire. In a whirlwind of motion, he unleashed a fury of jabs, hooks, and uppercuts, his fists cutting through the air as if battling an invisible opponent. Each strike carried his determination and the promise of becoming a true master of the art.

A surge of exhilaration coursed through Jinseok as he reveled in the newfound power he had acquired. But as quickly as the rush had overtaken him, his body faltered under the strain of exertion. Overwhelmed by the intensity of his own abilities, he collapsed to the floor, his joyful expression replaced by a pained grimace. His body, unaccustomed to such high bursts of power and hindered by its lack of strength and stamina, succumbed to the demands he had placed upon it. Jinseok's world faded into unconsciousness as he passed out, leaving him at the mercy of his own capabilities.











Jinseok's eyes fluttered open, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he slowly regained consciousness. A soft blanket was draped over him, hinting at the caring touch of someone else. Confusion clouded his thoughts for a moment, and then the realization hit him like a tidal wave. "What happened?" he mumbled, his voice raspy from his recent ordeal. "Did I actually pass out?"

His mother's voice floated in from the other room, her tone tinged with a mixture of concern and exasperation. "I was trying to wake you up, but you seemed to be sleeping so soundly that I decided to cover you with a blanket instead. Now hurry and get ready, or you'll end up being late for school."

Jinseok slowly sat up, his head still spinning from the aftermath of his intense exertion. The memory of his brief and powerful awakening was still vivid, and he couldn't help but wonder what lay ahead as he navigated this newfound world of extraordinary abilities.

After finishing his shower, Jinseok stared at his reflection in the mirror. "Damn, they were right," he muttered with a sigh, the disappointment evident in his voice. He cast his mind back to those moments in the past when he overheard his classmates talking about him looking so average. Jinseok's black hair fell neatly, framing his equally dark eyes, while his height of 5'7ft seemed entirely ordinary. There was nothing noteworthy to elicit compliments or even insults, Jinseok couldn't help but feel like a mere speck in the grand tapestry of life.

As Seok-Jin arrived in front of the school, he stepped into the bustling hallway, making his way towards his classroom. But then, something caught his attention, a spark of curiosity igniting within him. "Oh, is it that time already?" he wondered aloud. A chorus of excited and concerned voices from the students filled the air, their anticipation palpable. "The Transferee is going up against Zack."

The atmosphere was charged with energy as the crowd gathered, eager to witness the impending clash. Amidst the buzz, our focus shifts to the heart of the action. Zack, his stance resolute, initiated the engagement with a sharp and calculated straight jab. His target: Daniel. However, the nimble Daniel effortlessly evaded the punch, his movements a dance of anticipation and agility. The clash was just beginning, promising a spectacle that all the students of J High will remember.

Fury coursed through Zack as he watched Daniel deftly evade the punch he had honed and perfected since his early childhood. The intensity of his emotions was palpable, a mix of disbelief and simmering anger. How could this newcomer, this Transferee, so effortlessly dodge a move that Zack had spent countless hours refining? The realization hit him like a jolt, igniting a fire within him. The battle was far from over, and Zack was determined to reclaim the upper hand, to prove that his skills were not to be undermined by anyone, especially not by someone who had just stepped into the fray.

Undeterred by the initial setback, Zack launched a relentless barrage of jabs, his fists slicing through the air like vengeful spirits. However, Daniel remained elusive, his movements a seamless dance of evasion that left Zack both frustrated and fascinated.

Sensing the need for a change in strategy, Zack's expression shifted into one of fierce determination. He executed a calculated feint, a subtle ruse designed to outmaneuver his opponent. But to his astonishment, Daniel saw through the deception, reacting with a speed and precision that was nothing short of astounding. With a lightning-fast motion, Daniel caught Zack's outstretched hand, freezing the battle in a tense tableau.

Whispers of disbelief and amazement rippled through the gathered crowd, their eyes wide with awe. The raw strength and finesse displayed by Daniel shattered expectations, redefining the parameters of the ongoing duel. In that heart-stopping moment, everyone present realized that they were witnessing not just a clash of fighters, but a collision of extraordinary talents that would leave an indelible mark on the annals of their shared history.

Zack stood there, utterly flabbergasted by the turn of events. Before he could even process what had happened, Daniel seized the opportunity, Daniel closed the distance between them with lightning speed, he delivered a powerful strike directly to Zack's solar plexus.

The impact was immediate and jarring, knocking the breath out of Zack's lungs. His body betrayed him, leaving his feet suspended in midair, a stark contrast to his former stance of confidence. As the shockwaves of pain reverberated through him, a look of despair clouded Zack's features. The tide of the battle had shifted in ways he hadn't imagined, and the reality of his vulnerability was now laid bare before him.













Author:Thank you guys for reading this chapter and once again it's a Thousand Chapter, I'll try and deliver more Chapters like this, Thank youu :>