
Transmigrated into a Gamified Realm: Author's Journey In New Reality

join discord and chat there if you interested: https://discord.gg/9VnkuKFpfM ----------------------------------------------------------------------- In a world unlike any other, the gods and constellations were the rulers. They watched over the people and maintained balance in the universe. However, the gods were not immortal, and they feared the day when they would eventually fade away. To ensure their legacy, the gods created a system of dungeons. Within these dungeons, they placed powerful artifacts and magical creatures that would help the people evolve and become stronger. But the gods knew that the people could not be trusted with their power. So, they created a barrier between the worlds. And so, the people were left to their own devices. They worked hard, trained harder, and prayed for the day when they would be worthy enough to enter the dungeon and gain the power of the gods. But little did they know, the gods were watching, waiting for the right person to come along. This is the story of one such person, who was reincarnated inside the novel world. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 150 PS = ONE EXTRA CHAPTER 250 PS = TWO EXTRA CHAPTER

Lazy_Pen_Master · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
128 Chs

Interlude 1: Samantha Hall

Samantha Hall stood on the precipice of her shattered world, the remnants of her heartbreak strewn around her like broken shards of glass.

The devastation she had witnessed had left an indelible mark on her soul. But amidst the ruins, there was a flicker of determination in her eyes, a glimmer of strength that refused to be extinguished.

Her father, Derek Raven, had been her guiding light, her rock in a tumultuous sea. But the waves of betrayal had crashed upon their once-unbreakable bond, tearing their family apart.

The weight of that loss pressed heavily upon Samantha's heart, a constant ache that whispered of shattered dreams and irrevocable pain.

Each scar etched upon her heart told a story. They were the remnants of a love that had been torn asunder, a love that had once defined her existence.

Samantha's pen became her solace, her words a refuge for her shattered soul.

With each stroke of her pen, she poured her emotions onto the page, weaving a tapestry of introspection, vivid imagery, and the power of language.

The world had become a kaleidoscope of shattered dreams and broken promises as Samantha found herself thrust into the enigmatic village of Sanctuary.

Stripped of her once-mighty powers, she stumbled through the labyrinthine streets, her confusion and disorientation mirrored by the chaos within her soul.

The weight of her emotional burden threatened to consume her, but she refused to surrender to the darkness.

Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, Samantha discovered a resilience she never knew she possessed.

The flames of determination flickered within her, casting a warm glow upon her path. She adapted to her new reality, finding strength in the midst of her pain.

With each step forward, she chipped away at the walls of her heartbreak, determined to rebuild what had been lost.

The narrative unfolded as a testament to Samantha's indomitable spirit, her unwavering resolve to reunite with her departed father.

She embarked on a quest, guided by memories and the whispers of her heart. The journey was arduous, fraught with challenges and self-doubt, but she pressed on, knowing that the reunion with her father awaited at the end of her odyssey.

The village of Sanctuary became a backdrop for Samantha's emotional growth, its enigmatic nature mirroring the labyrinth of her own soul.

Through vivid metaphors and evocative language, the reader was drawn into the fire that burned within her, propelling her forward with relentless determination.

As Samantha confronted her pain head-on, she discovered the transformative power of resilience. Her grief became a catalyst for self-discovery, an alchemical force that transformed her sorrow into strength.

Each step of her journey brought her closer to her father, but it also brought her closer to herself.

She emerged from the crucible of her heartbreak, reborn with a newfound understanding of her own resilience.

Samantha Hall found herself hurtling through the fabric of space and time, flung into a vortex of swirling energies.

The sensation was disorienting, her surroundings shifting and warping in an unpredictable dance. She had been thrust into this enigmatic space-time distortion, her fate intertwined with the mysteries that lay within.

As the daughter of the illustrious Derek Raven, known as the legendary Swordsman of the World's End, Samantha had always been aware of her father's heroic legacy.

But her life had been marred by the bitter taste of her mother's betrayal and the tragic demise of her beloved father.

Now, an unforeseen twist of fate had presented her with a chance to reunite with him and uncover the truth.

Confusion and fear gripped Samantha as she navigated the shifting currents of the distortion.

The emotional turmoil she carried within her was mirrored by the chaotic nature of her surroundings.

Time itself seemed to bend and twist, as if mocking the fragility of her existence. But deep within her, a flicker of determination burned, refusing to be extinguished.

In this strange new world, Samantha's goal took shape with unwavering resolve. She yearned to find her father, to unravel the enigma of her mother's betrayal that had haunted her for so long.