
Transmigrated In skyrim as dragonborn

After a terrible accident, Jack finds himself transmigrated into the world of his favorite video game, Skyrim. Armed with his knowledge of the game and his own abilities, Jack embarks on an adventure through the frozen land of Skyrim. He must face fierce enemies, make allies, and uncover secrets about the world and himself.

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Chapter 1: Transmigration

I opened my eyes to find myself in a cramped carriage, surrounded by unfamiliar people. I had no memory of how I got here or where I was. The man sitting across from me introduced himself as Ralof and explained that we were caught trying to cross the border illegally into Skyrim.

"Hey, you. You're finally awake," Ralof said as he looked at me. "You were trying to cross the border, right?"

I struggled to make sense of what was happening. I had never been to Skyrim before, let alone crossed its border illegally. But before I could ask any more questions, the carriage was stopped by a group of Imperial soldiers.

"Everybody out," the lead soldier ordered. "Now!"

As I stepped out of the carriage, I felt an inexplicable strength and agility within me. I could sense that there was something extraordinary about me, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

As chaos ensued, Ralof took advantage of the distraction and broke free from his bindings, encouraging me to do the same. "Come on," he said. "We need to get out of here."

With my newfound strength and agility, I managed to free myself and join Ralof as we escaped from Helgen, dodging the debris that the dragon was raining down on us.

"We need to find a way out of here," Ralof said as we ran through the ruins of Helgen.

"I agree," I replied, feeling a sense of urgency within me. "But where do we go?"

"Follow me," Ralof said, leading me to a nearby tower. "We can take shelter in here for now."

We worked together to evade the dragon's attacks and make our way to the nearby town of Riverwood. Along the way, we battled Imperial soldiers who were pursuing us, but we managed to overcome them with Ralof's combat skills and my own abilities as a battle mage.

"Great job," Ralof said, patting me on the back. "You're a quick learner."

As we arrived in Riverwood, we met the blacksmith's sister, Gerdur. "Thank the gods you two are safe," she said. "Come, we'll get you something to eat and a place to sleep."

I felt a sense of relief as I sat down to eat, but I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more to my presence in Skyrim than just being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

During my stay in Riverwood, I learned more about the land of Skyrim and its people. I helped Gerdur and her brother, Hod, with their chores and assisted the townspeople with various tasks.

One day, Lucan Valerius, the Riverwood trader, approached me and asked for my help in retrieving a stolen golden claw from Bleak Falls Barrow. "I'll pay you handsomely for your services," he said.

I accepted the mission and set off on my journey to Bleak Falls Barrow. On the way there, I encountered bandits and wild animals, but I used my skills and intelligence to overcome them.

Finally, I arrived at Bleak Falls Barrow and made my way through the ruins, battling draugr and traps. "This place gives me the creeps," I muttered to myself.

I found the golden claw and realized that it was part of a larger puzzle that led to a powerful artifact. "Interesting," I said to myself as I examined the claw.

As I made my way back to Riverwood, I felt a sense of accomplishment and pride. "Well done, Moon," Gerdur said as she congratulated me on my success.