
Transmigrated in SAO

a man transmigrated to SAO anime and he have two option. wait until the game clear, or fight. he wants to know about the strange emotions who always there for him when he feels danger so he choose fight"even though I know this game will end if I wait but I won't do it, I will fight until I find the answer I'm looking for *smirk*and also just being silent doesn't appeal to me"he grinning this is the story of a guy who wants to find her true self Story of Sword art online is not mine

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2 Chs

Chapter Two

The two people are already in front of me when I focus on them I can see the hp and the green cursor above them.

the person who was waving at me earlier has red hair then he is wearing a bandana and a simple leather armor he also has a curved sword on his waist, after arriving in front of me the red haired person spoke.

"oii brother can I join the practice here?" said the person

"Oi klein, don't disturb other people we better find another place" while the person next to him has black hair he has a sword on his back and also ordinary blue leather armor

"Oh come on Kirito, there are a lot of monsters like pigs around here so I'll get experience while you teach me"

Yep right they are anime main protagonist kirito and his friend klein.

"first his name is frenzy boar and secondly-"

"Well it's okay isn't it, I also need someone to teach me too so this is a win-win solution"I said

"Yep right Kirito this is a win-win" Klein said with enthusiasm

'what's a win-win, here I have to teach two unknown beginners at once, but... maybe I can get to know them klein is a friendly person and it also seems that the person in front of me is a good person' Kirito said in his heart "Hahh...okay if so"

"yess...okay then introduce my name klein and he is my best friend Kirito" said klein

"what friends? we just met earlier and also you forced me to teach you" said Kirito

"Oh come on Kirito, people say when a boy first meets they will be friends forever and also don't you accept my request" said Klein while holding Kirito's shoulder

"Hahh...who said that, but It's true that I accept your request"

"Oh come on Kirito I just asked you to teach me the basics" said Klein

"I also beg you, Kirito, please teach me even if a little is okay, oh yes, my name is Allen, nice to meet you" I raised my hand offering him a handshake.

"Hahh..... there's no other choice then, greetings Allen" Kirito said accepting my greeting with a smile

"Ohh thank you Kirito" said Klein

After that, Kirito taught us about the basics such as stats that there are only 2, hunger and stamina themselves don't have stats because nerve gear mimics the real world so there will be fatigue and hunger (in the game) which is separate from the real world.

"You won't feel hunger in the real world here, but nerve gear creates hunger in the game that doesn't affect the real world body, it can be removed by eating in the game and fatigue is removed by sleeping" Kirito said

"Then how do I increase my HP, weapons and skills?" I asked

"Hp increases by leveling up while skills have to be used many times to level up. As for weapons you can buy them or upgrade them to npc or player blacksmiths, there are also item drop weapons or quest rewards but they rarely appear" Kirito said

"Okay now I will show you how to use sword skills" Kirito said

"Sword skills?? What is it?" said Klein while holding his chin

"Sword skills are combat moves in online sword arts assisted by the movement system, these are activated with <<pre-motion>> such as lifting a sword over one's shoulder then as soon as the system recognizes the movement, the weapon will glow in the player's special color then can allow the system to take over" Kirito explained

"And also you have to be careful because when the sword skills are done there will usually be <<Post-Motion>> you will also feel a little dizzy when you use too many sword skills" Kirito explained

'Post motion and dizziness when using sword skills? I'm hearing it for the first time. I don't think it's in the anime, or maybe it's just not explained, I said to myself

"<<Post-Motion>>is a momentary stiffness after you use a sword skill the higher the level of the sword skill used the longer the post motion period"

"But before I teach you, try to look at the skills and press the weapon button you are using there should be a simple skill that you have" Kirito said

After hearing that I immediately opened my main menu window and then pressed the character icon in it there were equipment skills and items then I pressed the skills icon in it there were one-handed sword weapon skills and support skills when I pressed one handed sword there was one skill that I got, namely

[Slant]A simple diagonal slashing sword skill

"I have skill[Slant]"I said to Kirito

"I have[Reaver]" said klein

"One-handed sword and curve sword huh. Then I'll just show the [Slant] skill since I don't have the one-handed curve sword skill"

"To activate it you have to gather a little energy as soon as you feel the skill start, the system will continue itself, skill [Slant] can be activated from two directions from top right to bottom left and also bottom left to top right and also you can draw a sword from that waist will reduce the time it takes to activate the skill"Kirito explained

After explaining it Kirito drew his sword out, he raised his sword above his right shoulder after that the sword glowed with light blue color then he slashed his sword to the lower left, there was color left after he used it.

'After a close look it turns out that his speed is inhuman maybe it's because of the system's help, I can't imagine what it's like when he uses the skill [Starburst Stream]' somehow I had a strange feeling when I thought about it.

"Allen... why are you grinning?" Kirito said looking confused

"Huh..... grin?" When I held my mouth I could feel my lips curling up

'Ah... this emotion again'

this emotion will usually come when I feel very attracted, feel danger, adrenaline and also when I killed those two damn people a long time ago, until now I don't know what emotion this is' I will find out about this emotion later' I said in my mind

"Maybe he was fascinated to see it?" Klein said waking me from my daydream

"Ah yes I'm fascinated to see it" I said

"Well indeed the sword skill is rather beautiful, then you try to do the [Slant] skill to the frenzy boar, you are also a client if I'm not mistaken the [Raver] skill is activated by lowering the stance and lifting the sword behind the shoulder" Kirito said

"Okay" we both said

I approached the frenzy boar that was nearby. It looked like a wild boar with blue fur, glowing red eyes and sharp fangs protruding from both sides of its mouth.

when i focus on it i can see the red cursor and also the cellphone on the right side'hmm....so if i want to see the cursor or the cellphone i have to focus my eyes, but in the distance i can't see it, maybe i can use a skill search to improve it' I thought

I raised my sword and slashed at the frenzy boar with a simple slash, I heard the monster scream and its HP decreased slightly in my vision.

"Remember his weakness is in the back of his head!!" Kirito shouted

The monster was about to charge at me I was surprised even though its body was a bit big it turned out that he was moving fast, I dodged to his left side then he stopped for a moment

'now is my chance' I mustered some strength and raised my sword above my right shoulder after that I could feel the skill activated my sword glowed and my hand moved on its own and slashed the frenzy boar right behind its head leaving a light blue color in my slash

The frenzy boar screamed and its body started to shatter like glass then I could see the numbers popping up showing




"oh not bad you managed to do it with just one try, as for him" Kirito saw klein who was struggling against the frenzy boar

After that I spent time killing wild boars while practicing my sword skills, as a result my level went up to level 1 my one handed sword skill went up by 5 while klein just killed 1 wild boar and now he is feeling dizzy after using too many sword skills.

We chatted about a lot of things about nerve gear, sword art online, what games we played even though I lied because I didn't know about the games that existed in this world. can't believe the time has passed and now it's 5:28 after that just like in the anime klein will leave the game to eat the pizza he ordered he also offered us to introduce him to his friend but we refused

When he was about to exit "uh" klein said in a confused tone "what is this?...why there is no log-out button"

'So it's already started huh' I said in my mind


Author's note:

Pictures of kirito, klein and frenzy boar in the comments,and the person that Allen killed will be explained later