
Transmigrated In Ancient Times As a Hunter.

Cheng Duo struggled in the apocalypse for ten years, only to be betrayed by the person he considered family. After transmigrating one day, he grew cold-hearted and became a hunter, seeking a peaceful life. But when wild boars came down from the mountains, the village men came to find him… Well, the fields on the mountainside belonged to him, so he could kill the wild boars for meat. When the village kids were about to be taken away, the village chief came to him for help… Fine, those kids saved his life once and helped him set up a vegetable garden. The food he cooked was quite delicious. Later on… He inexplicably became the pillar of the whole village, a fierce and intimidating figure.

Howl_Howl · Fantasi
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108 Chs

Chapter 88

As expected, Jiupan Stockade lived up to its name, with a complex and intricate terrain, and numerous forked paths and narrow passages. Even with locals leading the way, sneaking into the camp on the mountain without making a sound was not an easy task.

Fortunately, the Wei family's army had a unique way of communication. Cheng Duo took out a short flute and blew it in a pattern of three long and two short notes. The crisp and pleasant bird call soon echoed through the forest.

Before long, bird calls responded from the woods, and Cheng Duo blew a few more notes.

Soon, two tall men dressed as hunters appeared before Cheng Duo and the others.

"What are you people doing here on Jiupan Stockade?" One of the men glanced at Yong Ge, then at Cheng Duo, asking with suspicion.

Yong Ge took out a token and said, "We're here to find someone."

The two men recognized the token as belonging to a general and happily said, "Little Master, you've finally come! The Young General has been waiting for you for a long time. Please follow us."

The two men were respectful and agile in their movements, clearly well-trained.

At first, Li Changrong and Li Changgui were a bit uneasy, but the soldiers at the checkpoints along the way were only courteous and respectful, showing no hostility.

When they saw the large and simple yet grand camp on the mountain and the numerous soldiers on guard and moving around, and considering that these people were under Yong Ge's biological father, the two of them exchanged glances and started feeling proud.

After all, they were Yong Ge's elder brothers. It wouldn't be excessive for Yong Ge's father to assign them a position like a supervisor, right?

With limited experience, the most awe-inspiring figure they had seen was Shi Bazong. Now, without considering their actual capabilities, they secretly hatched a plan.

Unfortunately, their fantasy was short-lived. Just as they were greeted at the entrance, Wei Ling received a subtle hint from Ling Tian's eyes. He waved his hand and said, "Take them to the new recruits' camp and have the camp leader keep an eye on them. If anyone tries to escape, I'll hold him accountable!"

"Yes, sir!"

Four soldiers on guard quickly stepped forward, grabbing Li Changrong and Li Changgui by the shoulders, about to drag them away.

"Hold on, are you making a mistake? We are Yong Ge's elder brothers!" Li Changrong panicked.

Li Wang also felt a bit nervous. "Yong Ge, what's going on?"

Before Yong Ge could respond, Wei Ling smiled and reassured Li Wang, "Uncle Li, I just want them to get some training. Don't worry, they won't get hurt."

"People won't improve unless they are given opportunities. They're not young anymore, Father, protecting them won't do them any good." Cheng Duo also advised.

It was Li Wang's first time hearing Cheng Duo call him "father." His hand trembled, and he inexplicably agreed.

However, as he watched the two good-for-nothings yelling and being taken away, Li Wang didn't try to intervene.

He saw the young children stationed at the entrance. They had darkened skin, determined gazes, and a disciplined posture. His two disobedient sons were far from measuring up.

Li Wang had experienced quite a fright in the past few days. Coupled with his old age and weakened spirit, as soon as he entered the camp, Wei Ling arranged for him to rest.

Cheng Duo and Yong Ge also went to freshen up in their assigned rooms. They had been on the road for five or six days without a moment's rest, hurrying to Jiupan Stockade to find people. During the journey, they dared not attract attention, so they didn't even stop in villages to buy supplies or rest.

Fortunately, Cheng Duo's spatial ability came in handy. They pretended to take steamed buns and cakes out of their bags, and Li Wang and his two sons didn't find it suspicious.

In fact, this was also due to the incredible nature of Cheng Duo's spatial ability. They didn't even consider that possibility. Besides, Cheng Duo had taken durable dry rations from the bag. With the weather gradually cooling down, it was not strange for dry rations to remain edible for three to five days.

After freshening up, Cheng Duo took Yong Ge to the main hall where the discussions were held. Wei Ling and most of the main military leaders were present, many of whom Cheng Duo had seen before.

Cheng Duo explained his plan to start early, but Wei Ling looked hesitant. "This… might be a bit difficult. According to our spy's report, He Kuntai has been staying in the camp lately, not even going out for his usual ride. He's probably on guard against us."

"Now if we want to lure him out, we'd have to reveal ourselves, but if we do that, He Kuntai will definitely bring a large number of troops…"

Cheng Duo nodded. What Wei Ling said was indeed a challenge. Although he had a gun, it had limited range. Besides, they needed to take out He Kuntai's trusted generals together; otherwise, if they startled the snake, it would be troublesome to deal with him later.

After some thought, Cheng Duo asked, "In your camp, do you have any occasions where all the named generals would appear together?"

"Perhaps when the eunuchs from the capital come to deliver decrees?"

"You're silly! The most they'd go out of the camp is ten li, and how would we get our hands on the palace badge and deceive He Kuntai?"

Suddenly, Wei Ling remembered something. "A few years ago, when we received warhorses from beyond the borders, all the named generals went, and we rode the horses together."

Although they soldiers had their own horses, when they saw those majestic and powerful warhorses, they couldn't help but ride them for a few laps.

In fact, the Rong people were not allowed to sell horses to the Daxia people, but unable to resist the high prices offered by horse traders, some small tribes would secretly sell them.

Thinking of Wei Ling mentioning He Kuntai's habit of riding horses, Cheng Duo had a sudden inspiration. "We can disguise ourselves as horse traders from beyond the borders."

Wei Ling frowned. "But without someone familiar leading them, it won't be so easy to deceive He Kuntai."

"I have a friend who has a wide network…"

Yong Ge interjected, "Cheng Duo, are you talking about Young Master Xie? Is he willing to take the risk?"

"We should give it a try." Cheng Duo was confident. Xie Yuan had his principles; if he didn't agree, he wouldn't betray him.

As for whether he was willing to take risks, businessmen pursued profit. The biggest weakness of the Xie family was that they lacked a powerful backer, right?


"Brother Cheng, why is it so mysterious that you have to discuss it inside?" Xie Yuan looked at Cheng Duo, then at Yong Ge closing the door behind him. He didn't know what these two men were up to.

Cheng Duo didn't beat around the bush and said straightforwardly, "I'm about to do something big. If you're willing to help, I guarantee that no one in the capital will dare to provoke the Xie family again."

Xie Yuan's hands trembled as he poured tea. "Brother Cheng, are you… are you joking with me?"

"Do I look like I'm joking?"

Cheng Duo was quite serious, and indeed, he didn't look like he was joking…

Xie Yuan understood that Cheng Duo revealing all this information was already a sign of trust. If he didn't want to participate, it would be best to stop him at this point.

However, Xie Yuan didn't stop him. He lowered his gaze, thought for a moment, and then took a deep breath. "Can I trust you?"

Cheng Duo suddenly chuckled. "Shouldn't that be my question to you?"

Yong Ge looked at the two of them, feeling somewhat nervous.

But when Xie Yuan saw Yong Ge, he suddenly smiled. Cheng Duo even brought Yong Ge with him in this situation, indicating he was confident?

That's what Xie Yuan thought, so he naturally asked.

"I won't hide it from you; I have a divine weapon in my possession," Cheng Duo said.

"What kind of divine weapon?" With some liquor and hotpot in his belly, Xie Yuan had no doubts about Cheng Duo's words and was actually quite looking forward to it.

"Is there a slightly quieter place where we can test it out?"

After a moment's consideration, Xie Yuan replied, "Yes, follow me."

As Xie Yuan got into the carriage, he immediately regretted it. He didn't expect that Cheng Duo had so many companions!

These well-trained men on tall horses saw their carriage and closed in by pulling the reins. It was almost like they were going to kidnap him…

"Young Master, who are these people? Should we continue going?" Xie San, who was driving the carriage, was trembling with fear when he saw this scene.

Xie Yuan: "…"

Could he still turn back now?

"Don't worry, Young Master Xie. They won't harm you," Yong Ge reassured Xie Yuan when he saw him sweating.

Xie Yuan gave him a side-eye and felt that this reassurance lacked any persuasiveness. But since he was already on this thief's ship, there was no way to avoid it. Xie Yuan wiped his face and loudly said to Xie San outside, "It's okay; they are all acquaintances. Let's continue forward."

"Yes, Young Master."

Since Young Master Xie was so open, it seemed inappropriate for them to continue hiding.

Yong Ge turned to Cheng Duo. "Brother Cheng ?"

Cheng Duo understood Yong Ge's meaning and nodded. He said to Xie Yuan, "To be honest, the knight leading outside is General Wei."

Xie Yuan's eyelids twitched. "Which General Wei? Not… not the one who betrayed the country?"

Cheng Duo nodded.

However, Yong Ge interjected, "No, the Wei Family Army was framed; the real traitor is that Grand General He Kuntai…"

After hearing this, Xie Yuan seemed thoughtful. That explanation also made sense. He originally thought it was because the West Ridge Camp suffered heavy losses and couldn't spare any manpower to deal with the plundering Rong people.

Moreover, the Twenty-Li Slope had no issues because of the tight defense and probably because all the money these merchants paid ended up in Grand General He Kuntai's pocket.

If he were the Grand General, he wouldn't allow anyone to reach into his pocket.

If that was the case, Cheng Duo's mention of a big event was easy to understand. He just wondered if his divine weapon was as powerful as he claimed it to be.

Xie Yuan clenched his teeth. The Xie family was like a juicy and delicious piece of meat that everyone wanted to take a bite of. Growing up, he had witnessed his father smiling and fawning over people. If Xie Yuan didn't have any ambitions, that would be impossible.

There were also An Ge's family members who were exiled criminals. Without a pardon, they couldn't leave the harsh frontier. Otherwise, he would have brought them to the city long ago, and there would be no need for An Ge to worry…

Just like Shi General, Xie Yuan regarded Cheng Duo as a spy for the Xie family's army, and he held a high position. Otherwise, Cheng Duo wouldn't dare to make such assurances?

But he never expected that as soon as he got off the carriage, he saw General Wei patting Yong Ge's head, seemingly very close to him.

How could this be?!

Xie Yuan felt that Cheng Duo was a bit "green" on the head. He hesitated whether to remind him, but then heard Yong Ge call out, "Elder Brother."

"So, he's your elder brother." He almost thought that Cheng Duo was "green" on the head!

Cheng Duo gave him a blank look. "What's with that look?"

Xie Yuan smiled awkwardly, and then reacted, "Wait, Yong Ge is actually General Wei's son?!"

He widened his eyes, looking incredulous.

Yong Ge had changed quite a bit now, but Xie Yuan still remembered their first meeting on the street when he was covered in dirt, with chilblains on his face and hands. Could all that be fake?

(T/N: Chilblains are Skin sores or bumps that occur after exposure to very cold temperatures.)

"Yong Ge's background is somewhat complicated, and it's not easy to explain now. I'll tell you later. But I can tell you one thing: he is indeed General Wei Zhenyuan's child," Cheng Duo explained.

One had to admit that Cheng Duo's usual attitude provided Xie Yuan with a great sense of security. Moreover, Cheng Duo could have chosen not to reveal this information, but he still told him…

"Let's go; we'll head to the training ground," Xie Yuan said, touching his nose and leading the group toward another courtyard.

Cheng Duo shook his head. "No need; there's a grassy area back there. We can go hunting there."

Xie Yuan and the others were all puzzled. Wasn't the best place to test the divine weapon the training ground?

They all thought Cheng Duo had a large, powerful sword that could cut through iron like mud or a sharp, hair-splitting blade.

With their horses in hand, they went to the vast grassland behind. They could only hunt rabbits here, right?

But then, with a low muffled sound, a small black shadow suddenly appeared in the sky and dropped without any warning.

"Look up!"

"What's that?"

"Seems like an eagle?"

"Could it be him who brought it down from such a height?" The General Wei's subordinate on the left side of Wei Ling was surprised as he glanced at Cheng Duo and then mounted his horse to run towards where the prey fell.

He quickly returned, holding the fallen prey. It was indeed an eagle.

Upon closer inspection, the eagle had a hole in its neck, and the General Wei's subordinate pulled out something from inside. "This is… iron sand?"

"This is called a bullet; it contains gunpowder and can kill a person within three miles," Cheng Duo explained. The post-apocalyptic guns had been improved, not only increasing the range but also excelling in sound suppression.

"Three miles?!" All the generals present were shocked, looking at the strange divine weapon in Cheng Duo's hand, feeling a chill down their spines.

Three miles away, if the opponent was hiding, they probably wouldn't even see the shadow and meet their demise.

Wei Ling thought of the key point: "Is this bullet limited in quantity?"

"Yes, one magazine has sixty rounds. My success rate is around eighty percent, so let's say forty-five," Cheng Duo replied.

That was terrifying. Just now, when the opponent attacked, they only heard a faint sound. If their companions fell one after another without any reason, they would probably be scared out of their wits…