
Transmigrated As Yuu Otosaka In DXD: A Harem Tale

Dying by Meteors, Gabriel Seraphine a Britishman Daredevil with a few screws loose is given a second chance at life as Yuu Otosaka from Charlotte In DXD. So let's see what he does with a second chance In a world he knows about only through the Anime~! [~]~[~]~[~]~[~]~[~]~[~] Disclaimer: I own nothing here, except the stuff I made myself. Also, this is Harem, it says It is the Title, so, please for the love of the great Gods, no rubbish here. Second Disclaimer: Don't expect amazing Grammar... Because look where we are? So don't come Into this Fanfic, expecting God-Tier writing and plot. Hell, there are going to be plot holes. But don't worry, that's why I have you my Sla(*Cough!-Cough!*) Readers...Yes, Readers here, to help this lazy and too relaxed Author out. Yes, Grammar-Naizs I fucking looking at you! I need your kind here! SO JOIN ME!!! - - - - - - (???)"...Wow, a Britishman asking a Naiz for help, you don't see that happening often..." (Author):" Oi, shut the fuck up, don't make me come over there and stick my tea and biscuits so far up your ass, you start cumming them out of your throat, then make you drink It again!" [*Beep!* (???) Has left the Group Chat.] (Author):" Hmph! Mongrel, the lot of them." [~]~[~]~[~]~[~]~[~]~[~] -- Main-Bitch TAGS: WishFulfillment Fanfic | Highschool DXD | Harem | Yuu Otosaka | Charlotte | Power-Hungry MC | Warhammer 40k. Side-Bitch TAGS: Chaotic Neutral MC | Swords & Magic | CYOA Meta Essence. Updates: Whenever I feel like It... -- [~]~[~]~[~]~[~]~[~]~[~]

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8 Chs

Chapter - 6: Ability Upgrade & Kuoh Academy

Bloodlines... Something my ability can somehow take. But, it costs a little too much. Though, luckily the Fallen Angel bloodline takes care of the dangerous downside of Plunder giving me three more slots, as the bloodline Itself took two. So In total, I have six slots, with three already used, leaving me another three more. Though, I'll advise against trying to Plunder any more stronger bloodlines, as they will change what makes Me, well, "Me", If I'm not strong enough. The Fallen Angel bloodline, was all luck, as I did not know about the changes that can happen, and I have Ddraig, who somehow empowers Plunder, making It strong enough to take care of the would-be changes.

Luckily once again, I didn't Plunder the two strays I killed. Because I'm sure my Plunder would have taken the madness the strays possessed. And we don't want that, now would we? I'm crazy enough, anymore crazy is a borderline psychopath.


" Ugh, My head..." Waking me up was Issei's pained groan.

"... Wait! Yuu!"

"...What..." Still sleepy, I asked getting up. Across from me, is Issei with a worried expression.

" The guy with wings, did you..."

" *Yawn~* Don't worry about that, I took care of It."

"...Don't care of It?"

" Yep. He went back to Sunday school." Playing with my words, I got up and walked to my kitchen.

" You're not making any sense."

" Bloody hell Issei, he's at the church with the rest of his friends." Taking the breakfast Ingredients out, I explained.

" Rest!? There's more of them?!" Scared with PTSD flashbacks, Issei cried out.

" Yep. If you want to know more, ask your Senpais...Well your other Senpais, except me."

" But-"

" Wait."

" Yu-"

" Lalalala~"

" Ugh..." Giving up, for now, he turned on the TV and blankly looked at It.


After making and eating another no-so-balanced breakfast, I and Issei were out of the house.

" Uhhh, Yuu."

" Yeah?" I asked, locking my door.

" Why did your...security get bigger?"

" Hm?" Confused, I looked behind me, and what I saw made my eyes widen. Drifting and relaxing by my house are over 60 black crows, scanning everywhere.

"...I going to need more corn for this." I gulped.

" I agree." Issei also gulped, getting even more flashbacks seeing their black feather wings.

" Well...Let's get to school." Patting his back, I started walking.



Walking towards school, Issei is having a hard time because of the way other students are looking at him, by me.

That can't be helped. Next to him is one of our school's 'Princes': Me, Yuu Otosaka.

" Why is someone like him..."

" Why is someone vulgar like him next to our Yuu-sama..."

" Don't taint our pure Yuu-sama! I want to do that!"

" I love you Yuu-sama!"

" Ugh, let's hope he becomes one of them."

" Yeah."

" If he's like them, the girls will be for the taking!"

I can hear the screams of both boys and girls from every direction, directed at Issei. Some students fainted because of the shock.

After about ten minutes of that, we both can see Kuoh Academy In the distance.

" Finally! We made It!" Issei yelled In joy.

" See? He loves school! Why can't you?" A passing Mother told her Son, seeing the happy Issei walking(read as: running) to the entrance.

" Heh." Chuckling, I followed.

" Yuu-san." Stopping In my trucks, I heard a strict and intelligent beautiful young girl's voice.

" What can I do for you, Sona-san~?" Spinning on my heels, I smiled at the beautiful devil in front of me. Sona is a young bespectacled woman with a slim slender sensual figure, black hair styled in a short bob cut, and violet soul-piercing eyes. She is dressed in a Kuoh Academy girls' school uniform.

" Where were you yesterday?" She asked, staring Into my eyes, as If she is scanning for something.

" Asleep," I said plainly, making Sona's eyebrows twitch.

" Asleep?"

" Yep, insomnia won yesterday."

" Insomnia makes one have trouble falling and/or staying asleep, which means, you could have still come to class."

" Smartass, but true," I chuckled, causing her eyebrows to twitch.

" Then?"

" I didn't feel like coming. Happy?" Knowing full well she will corner me, I said the 'real' reason.

" Very. I'll see you later." Smiling, she looked behind him seeing more kids coming In.

" See ya, Sona-chan~" Using the nickname the former me gave her, I skipped to class, humming a pleasant tune, all the while Ignoring the twitching of Sona's face.

As I skipped to class, I saw Issei running from something. Hurrying at him, are the kendo club girls.

" I just don't get him sometimes." I shook my head and walked to class, as skipping made people look at me funny.

[" Why are they chasing this Issei?"] Ddraig asked me, kind of confused.

' He's a pervert.' I answered simply.

[" Oh, I see. Then, I hope they break his limbs."] Coldly, Ddraig told me.

[" Nah, not that bad, sadly. All they are going to do is lightly bruise him up, nothing more, nothing less."]

[" That's tragic."]

[" Yes, It is. Yes, It is, Ddraig."]

Now In front of my class door, I walked In. Right, when I did that, many pairs of eyes stared at me, some harder than others.

...Yes, I looking at you Rias. I honestly feel violated and naked by her hot and questioning stare, eyeing up and down like I'm a piece of finely cooked meat.

" Sup." Calmly, I waved at the class.

" !!!" And the girls blushed... Gods, DXD is something else.

" Grrr!" And the boys still hate my cuts. Yup, It's official, DXD is full of Young Masters.

" Mhm." Nodding, I took my seat. Right next to Rias. Who is still staring at me.

" Am I that handsome or something?" I quietly asked her. Oddly enough, she and a few students are the only ones here... Oh, right. The former me always gets here half an hour before class starts, so no wonder no one is here, they still have 30 minutes left.

" Yes, and no." Getting up, she sat on my desk, scanning my face, much as Sona did. Her legs are neatly folded, with just enough space where only I can see her pink almost see-through underwear.

" Is something on my face? Sona did the same things at the school's entrance." Calming down my emotions and my little bro, I asked still calm as ever. I shall not lose to you seduction! I shall not!

" Mmm, Sona did?" Leaning close to me, only a couple of feet apart. On purposely, her bust touched my hand, which was on the table.

' Shite! It's too Soft!'-" Yep." I SHALL NOT!

" I see." Smelling me, her eyes flashed," You smell different."

"...Thanks? I use Lucifer's Scent." What? It's a real human product at the mall!... Wait, maybe It isn't, knowing this world.

" Pff!" Hearing me, Rias's bell-like giggle sounded out, attracting everyone In the room, no matter the gender or relationship.

" What?"

" It's... nothing." Getting close to my ears, her hot breath echoed throughout them," But let's just say, it's smells nothing like him." and hopped off my table back to hers, carrying a smile.

"..." In all honesty, this girl is something else. I still don't know If she was being nice to me or trying to seduce me... Remembering her personality, probably both.


~Send some stones, If you have any~

PlaneswalkerGodZencreators' thoughts